Title: In Treasury Department, further providing for investment of moneys; establishing the Keystone Saves Program, the Keystone Saves Program Fund, the Keystone Saves Administrative Fund and the Keystone Saves Program Advisory Board; providing for powers and duties of the Treasury Department, for investment and fiduciary responsibilities and for program implementation; and providing for the electric vehicle road user charge effective date.
Description: An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code, in Treasury Department, further providing for investment of moneys; establishing the Keystone Saves Program, the Keystone Saves Program Fund, the Keystone Saves Administrative Fund and the Keystone Saves Program Advisory Board; providing for powers and duties of the Treasury Department, for investment and fiduciary responsibilities and for program implementation; and providing for the electric vehicle road user charge effective date.
Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.
Description |
Vote Date |
Yea Votes |
Nay Votes |
Absent |
Passed |
Rating |
Comments |
House Floor: SB 1056 PN 1970, FINAL PASSAGE |
10/22/2024 |
107 |
95 |
1 |
Yes |
- Benninghoff, Kerry (R) Nay
- Bernstine, Aaron (R) Nay
- Bizzarro, Ryan (D) Yea
- Borowicz, Stephanie (R) Nay
- Boyle, Kevin (D) Yea
- Bradford, Matthew (D) Yea
- Briggs, Tim (D) Yea
- Burgos, Danilo (D) Yea
- Burns, Frank (D) Yea
- Causer, Martin (R) Nay
- Cephas, Morgan (D) Yea
- Ciresi, Joe (D) Yea
- Conklin, Scott (D) Yea
- Cook, Bud (R) Nay
- Cutler, Bryan (R) Nay
- Daley, Mary Jo (D) Yea
- Davis, Tina (D) Yea
- Dawkins, Jason (D) Yea
- Deasy, Daniel (D) Yea
- Delloso, Dave (D) Yea
- Delozier, Sheryl (R) Nay
- Diamond, Russ (R) Nay
- Dunbar, George (R) Nay
- Ecker, Torren (R) Nay
- Emrick, Joseph (R) Nay
- Fee, Melinda (R) Nay
- Fiedler, Elizabeth (D) Yea
- Frankel, Dan (D) Yea
- Freeman, Robert (D) Yea
- Fritz, Jonathan (R) Nay
- Gaydos, Valerie (R) Nay
- Gillen, Mark (R) Nay
- Gleim, Barbara (R) Nay
- Gregory, Jim (R) Nay
- Greiner, Keith (R) Nay
- Grove, Seth (R) Nay
- Hanbidge, Liz (D) Yea
- Harkins, Patrick (D) Yea
- Harris, Jordan (D) Yea
- Heffley, Doyle (R) Nay
- Hill-Evans, Carol (D) Yea
- Hohenstein, Joseph (D) Yea
- Howard, Kristine (D) Yea
- Irvin, Rich (R) Nay
- Isaacson, MaryLouise (D) Yea
- James, R. Lee (R) Nay
- Jones, Mike (R) Nay
- Jozwiak, Barry (R) Nay
- Kail, Joshua (R) Nay
- Kaufer, Aaron (R) Nay
- Kauffman, Robert (R) Nay
- Keefer, Dawn (R) Nay
- Kenyatta, Malcolm (D) Yea
- Kim, Patty (D) Yea
- Klunk, Kate (R) Nay
- Kosierowski, Bridget (D) Yea
- Krueger-Braneky, Leanne (D) Yea
- Kulik, Anita (D) Yea
- Lawrence, John (R) Nay
- Mackenzie, Ryan (R) Nay
- Madden, Maureen (D) Yea
- Mako, Zachary (R) Nay
- Malagari, Steven (D) Yea
- Maloney, David (R) Nay
- Markosek, Brandon (D) Yea
- Marshall, James (R) Yea
- Matzie, Robert (D) Yea
- McClinton, Joanna (D) Yea
- McNeill, Jeanne (D) Yea
- Mehaffie, Thomas (R) Yea
- Mentzer, Steven (R) Nay
- Merski, Robert (D) Yea
- Metzgar, Carl (R) Nay
- Mihalek, Natalie (R) Nay
- Miller, Brett (R) Nay
- Miller, Daniel (D) Yea
- Moul, Dan (R) Nay
- Mullins, Kyle (D) Yea
- Mustello, Marci (R) Nay
- Neilson, Ed (D) Yea
- Nelson, Eric (R) Nay
- Oberlander, Donna (R) Nay
- O'Mara, Jennifer (D) Yea
- O'Neal, Timothy (R) Nay
- Ortitay, Jason (R) Nay
- Otten, Danielle (D) Yea
- Owlett, Clint (R) Nay
- Pashinski, Eddie (D) Yea
- Pickett, Tina (R) Nay
- Rabb, Christopher (D) Yea
- Rader, Jack (R) Nay
- Rapp, Kathy (R) Nay
- Rigby, Jim (R) Nay
- Roae, Bradley (R) Nay
- Rozzi, Mark (D) Yea
- Samuelson, Stephen (D) Yea
- Sanchez, Benjamin (D) Yea
- Sappey, Christina (D) Yea
- Schemel, Paul (R) Nay
- Schlossberg, Michael (D) Yea
- Schmitt, Louis (R) Nay
- Schweyer, Peter (D) Yea
- Shusterman, Melissa (D) Yea
- Solomon, Jared (D) Yea
- Staats, Craig (R) Nay
- Struzzi, James (R) Nay
- Sturla, Michael (D) Yea
- Topper, Jesse (R) Nay
- Vitali, Gregory (D) Yea
- Warner, Ryan (R) Nay
- Warren, Perry (D) Yea
- Webster, Joe (D) Yea
- Wentling, Parke (R) Nay
- White, Martina (R) Yea
- Williams, Dan (D) Yea
- Zimmerman, David (R) Nay
resort votes by:
House Appropriations: Re-report Bill As Amended |
10/21/2024 |
22 |
15 |
0 |
Yes |
resort votes by:
House Appropriations: Adopt Amendment A06057 |
10/21/2024 |
22 |
15 |
0 |
Yes |
resort votes by:
House Finance: Re-report Bill As Committed |
10/2/2024 |
14 |
11 |
0 |
Yes |
resort votes by:
House Finance: Adopt Amendment A05760 |
10/2/2024 |
14 |
11 |
0 |
Yes |
resort votes by:
Senate Appropriations: Re-Reported as Committed |
04/29/2024 |
24 |
0 |
0 |
Yes |
resort votes by:
Senate Floor: SB 1056 PN 1364, Final Passage |
04/29/2024 |
49 |
0 |
1 |
Yes |
- Argall, David (R) Yea
- Aument, Ryan (R) Yea
- Baker, Lisa (R) Yea
- Bartolotta, Camera (R) Yea
- Boscola, Lisa (D) Yea
- Brewster, James (D) Yea
- Brooks, Michele (R) Yea
- Brown, Rosemary (R) Yea
- Collett, Maria (D) Yea
- Comitta, Carolyn (D) Yea
- Costa, Jay (D) Yea
- Culver, Lynda Schlegel (R) Yea
- DiSanto, John (R) Yea
- Dush, Christopher (R) Yea
- Farry, Frank (R) Yea
- Fontana, Wayne (D) Yea
- Haywood, Arthur (D) Yea
- Hughes, Vincent (D) Yea
- Hutchinson, Scott (R) Yea
- Kearney, Timothy (D) Yea
- Langerholc, Wayne (R) Yea
- Laughlin, Daniel (R) Yea
- Martin, Scott (R) Yea
- Mastriano, Doug (R) Yea
- Muth, Katie (D) Yea
- Phillips-Hill, Kristin (R) Yea
- Pittman, Joe (R) Yea
- Regan, Mike (R) Yea
- Rothman, Greg (R) Yea
- Santarsiero, Steven (D) Yea
- Schwank, Judy (D) Yea
- Stefano, Patrick (R) Yea
- Street , Sharif (D) Yea
- Tartaglione, Christine (D) Yea
- Vogel, Elder (R) Yea
- Ward, Judith (R) Yea
- Ward, Kim (R) Yea
- Williams, Anthony (D) Absent
- Williams, Lindsey (D) Yea
- Yaw, Gene (R) Yea
resort votes by:
Senate Finance: Reported as Committed |
03/20/2024 |
10 |
1 |
0 |
Yes |
resort votes by:
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