proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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Tom Wolf - Talking Out of BOTH Sides of His Mouth! :: 08/03/2014

Democrat for governor Tom Wolf claims to be "a different type of candidate," but it's starting not to look that way.


Washington Post Quotes Bloomberg Supporter in a Failed Swipe at more Gun Control :: 08/03/2014

On Tuesday, three days after the District of Columbia's ban on carrying handguns outside the home was struck down in federal court, Washington Post staff reporter Emily Badger teamed with anti-gun researcher Daniel Webster, of Michael Bloomberg's School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University, in an attempt to disparage John Lott's research on the effect of Right-to-Carry laws.


Arizona Doctor with AR-15 at Airport Falsely Accused :: 08/02/2014

Unnamed witness: "at no time was anyone swept." Dr. Peter N. Steinmetz is director of the Brain Modeling Laboratory at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix. He is a Second Amendment advocate who comments on firearms issues on his Facebook page. He is a passionate supporter of freedom in the United States who opposes the excesses of the TSA. He protested TSA excesses by legally carrying a slung rifle in the non-secure part of the Phoenix airport in November of 2013 . . .


New York University School of Law President Oblivious on 2nd Amend :: 08/02/2014

Michael Waldman, president of the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law and author of The Second Amendment: A Biography, is dipping his toes into the citizen journalism pool. Unfortunately his shorter polemic, 'What the Second Amendment intended' seems to be at least as riddled with falsehoods, undulating lies and outright fabrications as his book. Right out of the blocks, he's off on the wrong foot: "As school shootings erupt with sickening regularity…" . . .


Virginia Man Found Innocent for Firing at Cops Who Were at Wrong House :: 08/02/2014

PORTSMOUTH, VA (WAVY) - Imagine you're up watching our late night news when you hear your back door rattling, then see a red laser pointed on your chest. One Portsmouth man claims that happened to him.


Anti-Gun Groups Continue to Use Sandy Hook Families Grief to Push Gun Control Agenda :: 08/01/2014

After he was gunned down Dec. 14, 2012, at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., his mother, Nicole Hockley, made it her mission to speak out and, by doing so, hopefully reduce the chance some other mother would one day also find herself facing a crowd, clutching a photo of her slain child and fighting back tears.


Dumbest Comment of the Day. If it does not happen to you, it does not exist. :: 08/01/2014

This is from the comments section of an article in the New Republic. The Fail is so astronomic, we need to bring back Carl Sagan to deal with it.


FOAC Bus Billboards are running in Westmoreland County :: 08/01/2014

FOAC Rolling Billboards are up and running in Westmoreland County. Sincerest thanks to the FOAC members who made this happen.


Kansas City BANS 'ALL' Open Carry of Firearms :: 08/01/2014

In a unanimous 9-0 vote, the K.C. Council voted Thursday to ban the practice of open carry in the Show Me State's largest city.


Massachusetts Politicians Give Police Dictatorial Authority Over Who Owns Rifles and Shotguns :: 08/01/2014

BOSTON (Reuters) - Massachusetts lawmakers on Friday tightened the state's already strict gun laws by passing a measure that gives police chiefs authority to turn down a resident's requests to buy a rifle or shotgun if they believe the person may be a danger.


Report: More Women, Suburbanites Carrying-Using Guns :: 08/01/2014

The sports aspect of shooting guns may not be restricted to country boy stereotype anymore, as new statistics show the emerging face of today's shooter is vastly different.  Almost half of today's first time gun buyers in the country are female (48 percent of gun owners), usually purchasing a gun for self-defense and self-sufficiency. Also, most people buying guns today for the first time include people ages 22-30 living in suburban areas, according to a survey by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, which keeps a tally on all things related on firearms retail trends.


3 people killed, 3 deputies wounded with Hi Cap Mags (Layers of editorial oversight) :: 07/31/2014

It strikes us that if you don't know what you're talking about, or writing about, perhaps you should look for your life's work.


6 Philly narcotics cops charged in corruption case :: 07/31/2014

PHILADELPHIA — Six city narcotics officers used gangland tactics to shake down drug dealers, relying on guns, badges, beatings and threats to extort huge piles of cash and cocaine, federal authorities charged in an indictment Wednesday.


Brady Campaign Choir Boy Leland Yee faces RICO charges :: 07/31/2014

A federal indictment released Friday expanded criminal charges against state Sen. Leland Yee to include racketeering, alleging Yee attempted to extort campaign contributions from an NFL team owner and supporters of mixed martial arts.


Deputy kills 13-year-old carrying fake rifle. :: 07/31/2014

This article first appeared in October of 2013. It shows, once again, the unintended consequence of walking about with a slung long arm. The officer did the right thing, and the tragic shooting was justified.


Fast and Furious is about to get Faster and More Furious! :: 07/31/2014

Thanks to a Freedom of Information Act Lawsuit pursued against the Department of Justice by government watchdog Judicial Watch, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia has ruled a list of documents being withheld from Congress under President Obama's claim of executive privilege must be turned over. Obama made the claim on the same day Attorney General Eric Holder was voted in criminal and civil contempt of Congress in June 2012.


Marion Hammer: What Docs vs. Glocks is really about :: 07/31/2014

Physicians interrogating and lecturing parents and children about guns is not about gun safety.


New York State begins gun confiscation :: 07/31/2014

With no warrant, and with nothing more than a 15-year-old misdemeanor to go off of, police in Nassau County, New York seized a man’s entire collection of firearms.


Pediatrician Group Urges Florida Doctors to Break "Docs vs. Glocks" Law :: 07/31/2014

In the meantime, the APP is urging members to keep asking parents if they keep guns in the home.


Seized guns resold by police Upper Darby's department is under investigation for past sales of confiscated and surrendered weapons to shops. :: 07/31/2014

This article first appeared in on 20 May 2014. Selling firearms that have been seized is perfectly legal, but both Pennsylvania and the BATFE have stringent rules regarding those sales. It appears that Upper Darby, where the mental patient was shot by a health care professional, thus saving lives, may have ignored the law.


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