proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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Arizona Doctor with AR-15 at Airport Falsely Accused :: 08/02/2014

Unnamed witness: "at no time was anyone swept." Dr. Peter N. Steinmetz is director of the Brain Modeling Laboratory at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix. He is a Second Amendment advocate who comments on firearms issues on his Facebook page. He is a passionate supporter of freedom in the United States who opposes the excesses of the TSA. He protested TSA excesses by legally carrying a slung rifle in the non-secure part of the Phoenix airport in November of 2013 . . .

From, concerning the November protest:

    "I was going to tell you earlier, but I will now," Steinmetz is quoted as saying in the November report. "Well, I am really here to protest the TSA and their policy of strip-searching Americans and all their stuff."

From a post on google+ on November1, two days before the protest, Dr. Steinmetz writes:

    They have never demonstrated they have foiled even one plot, and of course, one's chances of being killed in a terrorist attack are minuscule to start with compared to routine daily risks. For the sake of this security theatre, we tolerate a continual invasion of our privacy. Time to get rid of the expensive and wasteful TSA!

On July 25 of this year, Dr. Steinmetz exercised his rights again, carrying a slung rifle into the unsecured area of Sky Harbor Airport. But this time, he was arrested, booked, and taken before a judge. It was reported that he was charged with two counts of disorderly conduct involving a firearm. It was claimed that he had inadvertently and briefly pointed the muzzle of his rifle at two women, who were later said to tell police that they were frightened.


    According to a probable cause statement, Steinmetz "proceeded to remove the Stag Arm AR-15 from his right shoulder, thus causing the muzzle to face two victims sitting to the right."

The national and international media picked up the charges and blared them everywhere with headlines such as: PD: Phoenix doctor points AR-15 rifle at woman, teen at airport and Doctor points AR-15 rifle at woman and teen in airport. But the facts claimed simply do not support the charges.