proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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New York University School of Law President Oblivious on 2nd Amend :: 08/02/2014

Michael Waldman, president of the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law and author of The Second Amendment: A Biography, is dipping his toes into the citizen journalism pool. Unfortunately his shorter polemic, 'What the Second Amendment intended' seems to be at least as riddled with falsehoods, undulating lies and outright fabrications as his book. Right out of the blocks, he's off on the wrong foot: "As school shootings erupt with sickening regularity…" . . .

I would say that 99% of the time when someone hears the term 'school shooting' it evokes thoughts of Newtown, Virginia Tech, Red Lake and others where a deranged individual or pair stalked through the halls of a school, killing randomly as they went. What it does not include is gang violence, domestic violence, nor a fistfights which escalate and just happen to occur in or near a school.

According to Everytown [sic] for Gun Safety in the 18 months since Newtown there have been 74 school shootings. Now even the most ardent of Second Amendment civil rights supporters would agree that weekly school shootings certainly qualify as sickeningly regular, but when CNN (hardly an NRA mouthpiece) finally got around to fact-checking that figure even they choked on it. Their amended count was 15 shootings in that 18 month period, but if you weed out the probable gang-related incidents and the ones (like the Santa Monica College shootings and the Isla Vista murders) where the location was incidental, the number drops to 8 with 10 people injured and 4 killed (not counting the shooters).

Am I saying that such numbers are acceptable? Not at all, but an average of one incident every 9 ¾ weeks hardly qualifies as "sickening regularity."

Okay, now that we know where Waldman is coming from, let's continue:

    As school shootings erupt with sickening regularity, Americans once again are debating gun laws. Quickly talk turns to the Second Amendment.

    But what does it mean? History offers some surprises: It turns out in each era, the meaning is set not by some pristine constitutional text, but by the push and pull, the rough and tumble of public debate and political activism. And gun rights have always coexisted with responsibility.

No Mike, the meaning of the words in the Constitution and Bill of Rights . . .