proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB1299

Title: In human trafficking, further providing for definitions, for victim protection during prosecution and for safe harbor for sexually exploited ...

Description: In human trafficking, further providing for definitions, for victim protection during prosecution and for safe harbor for sexually exploited ... ...

Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY

Last Action Date: Jul 24, 2024

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Weekly Newsletters

FOAC's September 2021 Newsletter and Meeting Notice w-Linked Agenda :: 09/10/2021

The general membership meeting of FOAC will be Sunday, September 12th, at 10 AM through the Zoom Conferencing option (details below).

Online Meeting Connection Details (also available at the end of the newsletter) are as follows:


FOAC's Weekly Message For Saturday August 21st 2021 :: 08/21/2021

I/we normally try to be as evenhanded and fair as possible but what we are seeing unfold in Afghanistan is not only despicable, in every sense of the word, but it is also deeply personal for me. As a young Marine, I experienced the fall of Vietnam firsthand watching all the brutality of a vengeful arming scorching earth and all humans in its’ path. Like today, I saw things that the media wouldn’t cover because it didn’t fit the narrative! But beyond all of that, knowing that there is a connection between the young Joe Biden in the policy positions he talked that facilitated the fall of Vietnam and the betrayal of our commitments to that fledgling country and the current tragedy with the same numbskull is almost beyond belief for me!

On the other hand, there is one shining spec in this sea of grief and regret and that is the collapse of Afghanistan demonstrates the importance of an armed citizenry! Before you say, say what? I want you to think about the fact that there was a 75,000-man pajama and sandal clad ragtag military carrying, basically, RPG’s and AK-47s against a, 300,000+, modern military force (if we are to believe Joe Biden) armed with tanks, artillery, and all manner of supporting equipment. Now if that doesn’t deflate the argument that the Second Amendment is irrelevant in the modern era nothing does! And to quote the euphemism from Joe Biden, the Taliban didn’t even have an F-15!


FOAC's August 2021 Newsletter and Meeting Notice w-Linked Agenda :: 08/07/2021

The general membership meeting of FOAC will be August 8th, at 10 AM through the Zoom Conferencing option (details below).

Online Meeting Connection Details (also available at the end of the newsletter) are as follows:


FOAC's Weekly Message For Sunday July 25th 2021 :: 07/25/2021

FOAC's mission has always been to identify and promote candidates who unequivocally support the Bill of Rights and Article 1, Section 21 & 25 at the state legislature level. We (FOAC) constantly wrestle with the strategic wisdom of backing admittedly long-shot candidates, given the finite resources of FOAC. When one considers that a swing of less than 50,000 votes (assuming the 2020 presidential election counts were accurate and above-board) would have given President Trump Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin, forcing the House of Representatives to decide the presidential election, we believe this debate is worthwhile and brings up a fair question.

There is, however, a counterpoint to the above concern: Not fighting in the long-shot districts frees up the Left’s resources to hit swing districts. In addition, many of the big cities that have serious problems with violent crime and urban blight are Democrat strongholds that should be vulnerable, and someone like a Sean Parnell could spotlight those statewide or nationally — and it might galvanize swing voters and convince people to change their votes. Over the long haul, efforts may make those races more competitive. There are compelling arguments on both sides of this debate.


FOAC's July 2021 Newsletter and Meeting Notice w-Linked Agenda :: 07/10/2021

The general membership meeting of FOAC will be held this weekend, July 11th, at 10 AM through the Zoom Conferencing option (details below).

Online Meeting Connection Details (also available at the end of the newsletter) are as follows:


FOAC's Weekly Message For Sunday June 27th 2021 :: 06/27/2021

On June 23rd President Biden renewed his attack on the 2nd Amendment by saying, “If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.” That isn’t how Biden began his remarks on crime and guns yesterday, but it was the most eye-popping statement he made in an anti-Second Amendment speech littered with falsehoods and blunders.

As if to justify his attack on tens of millions of American 2nd Amendment advocates, Biden went on to say; “The Second Amendment, from the day it was passed, limited the type of people who could own a gun and what type of weapon you could own. You couldn’t buy a cannon.


FOAC's Weekly Message For Sunday May 23rd 2021 :: 05/23/2021

On May 25 (next week) at 10 AM (rm 140 of the capital building) the Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee will meet to consider two incredibly important 2Apieces of legislation that we have been working on for years, HB 659 (constitutional carry) and HB 979 (strengthening preemption). We are going to go over each bill below but now is the time that we need your help to reach out and contact members of the house Judiciary committee and your own state legislator to ask them to support both bills.

Contact information for the Pennsylvania house Judiciary can be found at this link: and then click on the tab for Judiciary committee.


FOAC's May 2021 Newsletter and Meeting Notice w-Linked Agenda :: 05/08/2021

The general membership meeting of FOAC will be held this weekend, May 9th, at 10 AM through the Zoom Conferencing option (details below).

Online Meeting Connection Details (also available at the end of the newsletter) are as follows:


FOAC's Weekly Message For Sunday April 25th 2021 :: 04/25/2021

This past Monday we celebrated a day, Patriot’s Day, and it seems clear that too many in this country and far too many elected representatives have forgotten why we celebrate this day! Amidst all the media bluster and hot air coming out of DC and most of our nation’s capitals about Freedom issues is the lost sense of what it has cost, and what it might cost, to maintain that Freedom.

Media pundits always complain that gun owners and Republicans need to “cross the aisle and meet Democrats halfway” when it comes to legislation that restricts Freedoms for all. Rino Republicans like John McCain and Mitt Romney, Tom Ridge (PA), George Bush (41), etc. were happy to do that and there are others who still are. The great ruse is that meeting halfway meant compromising our values and beliefs and giving in to the Left’s agenda while getting ZERO in return. That is NOT compromise, it is orchestrated theft.


FOAC's April 2021 Newsletter and Meeting Notice w-Linked Agenda :: 04/10/2021

The general membership meeting of FOAC will be held this weekend, April 11, at 10 AM through the Zoom Conferencing option (details below).

Online Meeting Connection Details (also available at the end of the newsletter) are as follows:


FOAC's Weekly Message For Sunday March 28th 2021 :: 03/28/2021

It wasn’t all that long ago, politicians on both sides of the aisle and members of the media would castigate those who dared politicize an atrocity such as what happened in Boulder, Colorado. Unfortunately, it appears, those days are long gone, and we must now endure the immediate politicization of nearly every murderous attack. Democrats from Joe Biden to Charles Schumer to Nancy Pelosi and on down, almost unanimously, blame the Second Amendment, disgracefully scapegoating a fundamental constitutional right that the vast majority of law-abiding American citizens legally engage in and depend upon.

“I don’t need to wait another minute, let alone an hour, to take commonsense steps that will save lives in the future and to urge my colleagues in the House and Senate to act,” Biden bombastically proclaimed in response to the tragedy! “We can ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in this country once again.”


Public Statement Clarifying Our Position on Behalf of the Officers-BOD of FOAC :: 03/17/2021

I am writing to clear the air about the most recent confusion surrounding the press release of 3/15/2021 titled “Rep. Amen Brown, Eagle Arms, Polymer 80 Kits and Violent Criminals”.

Firearms Owners Against Crime has not, is not, and will not advocate, promote, or support the registration or banning of any gun part, accessory, unfinished lower, parts kits, kit gun, magazine, or any piece of plastic or metal. Although FOAC supported and supports Eagle Arms as a private company that made hard and unpopular policy decisions about their own shows, we will not stand by while insinuations are made that cast a shadow of doubt upon our unwavering belief that the 2nd Amendment and Article 1, Sections 21 and 25 of the Pennsylvania Constitution shall not be questioned or infringed. Firearms Owners Against Crime supports law-abiding American’s right to purchase parts, kits, accessories, unfinished kits, etc. using cash or any form of payment that the seller and buyer agree upon.


FOAC's March 2021 Newsletter and Meeting Notice w-Linked Agenda :: 03/12/2021

The general membership meeting of FOAC will be held this weekend, March 14, at 10 AM through the Zoom Conferencing option (details below).

Online Meeting Connection Details (also available at the end of the newsletter) are as follows:


FOAC's February 2021 Newsletter and Meeting Notice w-Linked Agenda :: 02/13/2021

The general membership meeting of FOAC will be held this weekend, February 14, at 10 AM through the Zoom Conferencing option (details below).  Online Meeting Connection Details (also available at the end of the newsletter) are as follows:

Joining the FOAC Meeting is easy, just CLICK this Link: and then e-mail ( us for the password.


FOAC's Weekly Message For Sunday January 24th 2021 :: 01/24/2021

I find it curious that for the last 50 years all we have heard out of the media and bleating, exploitive anti-gun politicians is that we must enact more gun control to protect American citizens. Setting aside for the moment, the fact that gun control is really an expression of our “so-called” leaders advancing legislation to not only take away citizens’ rights but to establish that citizens can’t be trusted, the fact is that there is an insatiable appetite for completely eliminating the Right to Keep and Bear Arms! The runaway Pelosi political paranoia, that is talked about later in this newsletter, has been evident across the last five decades by far too many elected members of Congress. Some have even expressed ambivalence about allowing citizens to own firearms because of the number of trained retired veterans that arrived there who know how to use them.

With the above being said, I want to point out that the entire gun control debate has essentially been nonexistent for the last 6 to 8 months at a minimum. Between the riots in the various cities and the incredible addition of over 8 million Americans as new firearms owners it seems that Democrats were trying to hide and suppress discussions of gun ownership and the Republicans didn’t have the courage necessary to bring it up and force the issue and the pull the Democrats out of the shadows.


FOAC's January 2021 Newsletter and Meeting Notice w-Linked Agenda :: 01/09/2021

The first general membership meeting of FOAC for this new year will be held this weekend, January 10, at 10 AM through the Zoom Conferencing option (details below).

Online Meeting Connection Details (also available at the end of the newsletter) are as follows:


FOAC's Weekly Message For Tuesday December 29th 2020 :: 12/29/2020

First, on behalf of the officers and Members of the Board of Directors of FOAC, I would like to wish you wish you a Happy New Year and hope that you had a very Merry Christmas!

Unless you've been living under a rock, we're sure you know what kind of year it has been considering the elections and COVID-19 and considering the outcome of the elections the forecast for 2021 may not be “happy” for many of us.


FOAC's December 2020 Newsletter and Meeting Notice w-Linked Agenda :: 12/12/2020

The December End-of-the-Year FOAC Membership Meeting (Dec. 13th) and Banquet will be in-person ‘and’ online for all members and interested Second Amendment advocates. The stay-at-home order of Gov. Wolf (which is once again in effect), is Constitutionally improper, unsupported by science and an affront to legislative authority and an abuse of power. Click this link for more information on this issue! The banquet is being held at Al’s Café - - once again and this restaurant is an icon in Bethel Park (61 Years). We hope you can join us. (All appropriate 'safety' precautions will be taken!)

Online Meeting Connection Details (also available at the end of the newsletter) are as follows:


FOAC's Weekly Message For Sunday November 22nd 2020 :: 11/22/2020

As the legislative session and elections winds down, I took the time to go to the shooting range this past Friday for the first time this year. The trip was ostensibly to cite in my favorite rifle (Springfield Armory M1A) that I just had re-barreled but it was also to collect my thoughts from a long and taxing year, something all of you can appreciate. One of the other individuals on the range talked about how he voted for Joe Biden for a variety of reasons while at the same time stating that Biden wouldn’t take “his guns”! This individual was promptly engaged by several other individuals which I was watching from a short distance. And it occurred to me, that America is supposed to have well over 100 million gunowners and yet Donald Trump only got 73 million+ votes.

As I listened to the discussion with this gun owning Joe Biden supporter being “educated” by other shooters, it became clear that he didn’t have a clue what Joe Biden’s record was on the Second Amendment and that he made no effort whatsoever to even look into it. Yet sitting at his side right there at the shooting bench was a smart phone that is a gateway to an incredible world of information at his fingertips that he chose not to even try to educate himself.


FOAC's October Newsletter and Meeting Notice w-Linked Agenda :: 10/09/2020

The October FOAC Membership Meeting (Oct. 11th) will be online (only) for all members and interested Second Amendment advocates. The stay-at-home order and mandatory mask order of Gov. Wolf (which is still in effect), caused us to cancel the in-person meeting and will be totally online.

Meeting Connection Details (also available at the end of the newsletter) are as follows:


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