proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB1299

Title: In human trafficking, further providing for definitions, for victim protection during prosecution and for safe harbor for sexually exploited ...

Description: In human trafficking, further providing for definitions, for victim protection during prosecution and for safe harbor for sexually exploited ... ...

Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY

Last Action Date: Jul 24, 2024

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FOAC's The 'Blast' Newsletter and March 8th 2020 Meeting Notice w-Agenda :: 03/07/2020

The March FOAC Membership Meeting (March 8th) will focus on the rapidly developing PA Primary races and the upcoming special elections as well as the many issues facing the defense of the 2nd Amendment from the incredibly important upcoming elections to the steadily growing gun control threat throughout Pennsylvania and the Nation. We hope you can join us!

This meeting will be in the Community Room of the South Fayette Municipal Bldg. which is our normal meeting room, next to the library. We will have the Zoom online meeting option available for everyone who can’t make the meeting physically by clicking on this link:

- we are at a critical juncture and need your support and involvement more than ever!

2020 is a dangerous election year both at the State and Federal levels. This is a critical year to not only maintain control but it also is an opportunity to advance our influence at both the State and Federal levels – Losing seats to anti-freedom socialists will be a short ‘and’ long term disaster for our Constitutional Representative Republic as well as our RTKBA to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Take a moment to visualize the tyranny that is unfolding in Virginia and the increasingly suffocating 2A Freedom violations in New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Illinois, California style gun control coming to PA as well as the toxic effect of it spreading out across the entire country. The FOAC voter guides for the primary (Primary Election Date: April 28th) will be forthcoming – use them and pass on them on - be vocal in your sportsmen’s clubs as to how critical this election will be. Put in some time working for your candidate, even if it is only a couple of hours. Link to important 2020 election dates:

Because of retirements from the Pennsylvania House of Representatives alone, there will be 16 open seats with the majority of them being vacated by pro-gun incumbents. When you couple those retirements with the open seats and then look at how slim the pro-gun majorities are in both the Pennsylvania Senate and Pennsylvania House of Representatives it becomes starkly apparent that we can ill afford apathy in these elections. We already have a Governor that would eagerly sign any and all gun control legislation. Should control of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives or Pennsylvania Senate or both swing to the Democrats then we “will” see the very same approach that is now unraveling and on full display in Virginia. This will mean that the entire top government offices of Pennsylvania will have become Democrat and anti-gun!  Let that one sink in for a moment!  Think about ERPO/Red Flag Laws and gun bans and ammo bans and travel restrictions and repeal of Castle Doctrine and self-defense limits and more 'all' being signed into law HERE!

When talking to gun owners it seems that far too many of us are apathetic and jaded as well as oblivious to the miracle of Freedom, take it for granted and have lost sight of why it is important to defend it personally. This attitude is honestly understandable considering the reality that we live in the most privileged time in the most prosperous nation and many of those around us have become completely blind to it. Vehicles, food, technology, freedom to associate with whom we choose. These things are so ingrained in our American way of life we don’t give them a second thought. We are so well off here in the United States that our poverty line begins 31 times above the global average. Thirty. One. Times.

Virtually no one in the United States is considered poor by global standards. Yet, in a time where we can order a product off Amazon with one click and have it at our doorstep the next day, we are unappreciative, unsatisfied, and ungrateful.

Our unappreciation is evident as the popularity of socialist policies and the tolerance of expanding government power among the younger generation continues to grow. Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently said to Newsweek talking about the millennial generation, “An entire generation, which is now becoming one of the largest electorates in America, came of age and never saw American prosperity.”

Never saw American prosperity. Let that sink in. When I first read that statement, I thought to myself, that was quite literally the most entitled and factually illiterate thing I’ve ever heard.

MANY today have no contrast to judge the present. They haven’t lived in the great depression, or lived through two world wars, or seen the rise and fall of socialism and communism. Young people today don’t know what it’s like not to live without the internet, without cars, without smartphones. We have an entitlement problem, an ungratefulness problem, an apathy problem and it’s spreading like a plague.

With the current political climate giving rise to the misguided idea of a socialist utopia, will we see the light? OR will we have to lose it all to realize that what we have now is true Freedom worthy of whatever sacrifice we have to make to protect and strengthen it as our state and nation move forward? Destroying the Bill of Rights will undo what millions of people have died to achieve.


Media Continues to Try and Paint the Virginia 2A Rally as Racist While they Fall All Over Themselves Avoiding the Real Racist History of Gun Control

The January Second Amendment rally in Richmond, Virginia, was a HUGE disappointment for the media elite … but not for those in attendance. As has been written by 2A friendly press, more than 20,000 protesters marched peacefully in Virginia’s capital city in support of their constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

But for members of the Leftwing media, many of whom characterized the event as an uprising of violent white nationalists, the day was a stark reminder that they just don’t understand this country or its people.

Satya Marar attended the gun rally, and he writes at the Washington Examiner, “While white men certainly seemed to be the majority of protesters, many other kinds of people turned up to voice their concerns about gun control as well, such as women, blacks, and members of the gay community who see their basic right to self-defense as at risk.

Of course, we’re unlikely to see this sort of balanced and accurate reporting in The Washington Post or The New York Times. Thus, some Americans might be surprised that the issue of gun rights would bring together such disparate groups. But the fact that folks from across the political spectrum were united for a common cause reveals the importance of the right to self-defense, not to mention the reason why progressives are so eager to confiscate guns from millions of peaceful, law-abiding citizens.

Maybe that’s why Beltway Democrats and leftists across the country have declared war on the Second Amendment: They know that gun rights are the guarantor of all other rights and are thus the ultimate check against statism and tyranny.

While the media wants Americans to think all card-carrying members of the NRA are rural white supremacists, the organization’s history proves otherwise.

“The NRA has historically opposed laws that were virtually tailor made to deny African-Americans the right to keep and bear arms,” says gun writer Sam Jacobs. “Many gun control laws to this day stem from the KKK’s fear of armed and independent minorities. The Rosewood Massacre in 1923 — a bloodbath led by a white mob that resulted in the destruction of an entire black community in Florida — was a clear example of how an armed black people could prevent future KKK raids.”

There are countless examples, going back three centuries, of black Americans fighting against those who would oppress them. But like the slave owners of the 19th century, today’s Democrat politicians would prefer that blacks remain unarmed and subservient to those in power.

Philadelphia’s Maj Toure started a group called Black Guns Matter and has given leftwing media outlets and anti-gun groups heartburn and headaches over his proclamation that ‘all gun control is racist’!

“Forcibly disarming blacks in the South was among the early Ku Klux Klan’s reasons for organizing and one of its first goals,” David S. D'Amato writes at The Hill. “They knew what today’s well-meaning advocates of gun control do not — that the black letter of the law is one thing and de facto power relations are quite another. These gun control laws were passed to disarm black citizens. We might do well to keep this history in mind today when we consider how new, more restrictive gun laws will be applied.”

Not coincidentally, our nation’s strictest gun-control laws tend to be in its most crime-ridden cities - cities whose inhabitants are largely non-white. Millions of inner-city blacks live in fear while being denied the right to protect themselves by the very Democrats they continually elect to office.

Maybe that’s why so many blacks are now taking up arms.

“In 2015,” writes Harvard history professor Tiya Miles in The New York Times, “Philip Smith founded the National African-American Gun Association in Georgia. His members, he said, are predominantly first-time gun owners and educated professionals.” She adds that today’s NAAGA has 75 chapters in 30 states, and Smith expects them to be “in every state within a year.”

In the end, this week’s Virginia rally might be a turning point in the perception that many Americans have of gun owners. While Democrats and the media (but we repeat ourselves) have been hell-bent on dividing people, Americans from all walks of life put politics aside and came together without a single shot being fired.


Expose of the Differences between Communism – Socialism and Capitalism by Ann Landers

  • Socialism:

You worked really hard to get two chickens. You must give one to your neighbor, (who has none because they were too lazy to work to get one.)

  • Communism:

You worked really hard to get two chickens. The government takes both, they distribute the eggs to all your neighbors, if there are enough eggs left you may get some too.

  • Fascism:

You worked really hard to get two chickens. When they lay any eggs the government takes the eggs, sells them and keeps the money.

  • Nazism:

You worked really hard to get two chickens. The government shoots you and takes the chickens.

  • Anarchism:

You have two chickens. A government agent hears you have chickens, you shoot him, and then steal your neighbors chickens because you suspect they turned you in.

  • Capitalism:

You worked really hard to get two chickens. You sell one and buy a Rooster!


IS there a "Gun-Show Loophole"? DOJ Study Says It Doesn't Exist!

It has now been over a year since the DOJ issued a press release and the Report on where criminals acquire their crime guns. Clearly, the Report did not fit the narrative that the media wanted to promote - or you would have read or heard about it sooner. It's now time for you to see it, use it and share it with those who need to know the facts.

Be aware: the so-called “gun show loophole” is just another manufactured anti-gun fraud. There is NO GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE. PERIOD.

In 2016 The U.S. Department of Justice conducted a study of prison inmates. Included in that study was the collection of data to show where prisoners get the guns they used in the commission of crimes. The DOJ Press Release explains how the study was conducted. The Pie Chart of DOJ Data distills the information and makes the results clearer. The full DOJ Report gives more detail.


Gun Shows accounted for 0.8% of firearms acquired by criminals, while Underground/Street purchases accounted for 43.2%

Simply put, LESS THAN 1% of crime guns were purchased at gun shows while almost half of all guns used in crimes were purchased illegally from the underground/street black market.

Click Here for the DOJ Press Release


WASHINGTON — The Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics today released Source and Use of Firearms Involved in Crimes: Survey of Prison Inmates, 2016, which presents statistics that describe firearm possession of state and federal prisoners who were serving a sentence in 2016. This report describes—

•Firearm possession during the crime for which prisoners were serving time and by type of offense
•How the firearm was used during the crime•Type of firearms possessed
•Methods, sources, and processes of obtaining firearms

Findings are based on BJS’s 2016 Survey of Prison Inmates (SPI), formerly known as the Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities. The SPI self-reported data were collected through face-to-face interviews with a national sample of state and federal prisoners.

TITLE: Source and Use of Firearms Involved in Crimes: Survey of Prison Inmates, 2016 (NCJ 251776)

AUTHORS: Mariel Alper and Lauren Glaze

The Bureau of Justice Statistics of the U.S. Department of Justice is the principal federal agency responsible for collecting, analyzing and disseminating reliable statistics on crime and criminal justice in the United States. Jeffrey H. Anderson is the director. The Office of Justice Programs, led by Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Matt M. Dummermuth, provides federal leadership in developing the nation’s capacity to prevent and control crime, administer justice and assist victims. OJP has six bureaus and offices: the Bureau of Justice Assistance; the Bureau of Justice Statistics; the National Institute of Justice; the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention; the Office for Victims of Crime; and the Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering and Tracking. More information about OJP and its components can be found at


Is Bernie Sanders’ Cluelessness, Ignorance and Disregard for Gun Laws Intentional or Ignorant?

There’s no two ways about it; either Presidential contender U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders is straight out lying, ignorant or seriously uninformed about gun laws in the United States. None of these is a viable qualification to set policy on America’s right to keep and bear arms.

Sen. Sanders (I-Vt.) answered questions at a CNN town hall event just prior to the South Carolina debate and primary about how his proposed administration would tackle the criminal misuse of firearms. He immediately pivoted to gun control talking points that are complete lies. Sen. Sanders laid out his attack on Second Amendment rights in a five-part plan.

Criminals Already Prohibited

Number one, we need universal background checks,” Sen. Sanders said. “People who have a violent past, including domestic violence should not be owning guns.”

The Vermont senator clearly glosses over what is already standing law. Individuals who have been convicted of violent felonies and domestic violence crimes are already prohibited individuals. The background check Form 4473, which is required to the purchase of a firearm at retail, asks the individual if they are under indictment or have been convicted of a felony for which a judge could imprison that person for more than a year.

If someone lies on that form, it’s also a federal crime and if they are indicted or convicted, the background check runs through the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) will come back with a denial to the federal firearms licensee, which immediately halts the sale.

Nonexistent Gun Show Loopholes

Number two, we have got to end the so-called gun show loophole which allows people to legally purchase guns while avoiding a background check,” Sen. Sanders said.

This is a flat out lie. The “gun show loophole” is a gun control talking point that has no basis in fact. Licensed firearms retailers that sell guns at gun shows are required to run background checks the same way it happens in a store. The person buying the firearm must complete the background check form, then the firearms retailer verifies with the FBI’s NICS that the individual is not prohibited.

Number three, we’ve got to end the so-called strawman provision which allows you to legally walk in, buy as many guns as you want and sell them to gangs and criminal elements,” Sen. Sanders added.

This one is out of left field, where apparently the senator gathers his gun control ideas. Someone who attempts to buy a firearm for another who is unable to pass the required federal background check, or does not want his or her full name associated with the purchase, is committing a crime. This is a felony, punishable by 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

Aside from the crime of buying a firearm for someone who isn’t the true recipient, anyone passing along a gun to a known criminal is committing another felony. Sen. Sanders said he wants this to be against the law, but he should know, as a federal lawmaker, that this is already the case.

Ban MSRs

Number four, what we have got to do and something I have supported for like 30 years, is ban the sale and distribution of assault weapons in this country,” Sen Sanders said.

Again, this is already against the law. Any automatic firearm made after 1986 cannot be sold to the general public, as outlined in the Firearms Owners Protection Act of 1986.

What Sen. Sanders is really calling for is a ban on the sale of modern sporting rifles, which are semiautomatic rifles. They’re the most popular selling centerfire rifle on the market today. More than 17.7 million of these rifles are in circulation, making them commonly owned. Sen. Sanders wants a ban on technology that is more than 100 years old and would jeopardize the Second Amendment rights of all Americans to purchase the firearms of their choosing to self-defense, hunting and recreational shooting.


Federal Legislation Focus: S. 1519 - Protecting Communities and Preserving the Second Amendment Act

Many times, there are a number of bills introduced in Congress that fly below the radar of Second Amendment supporters for various reasons. Sometimes, they are not given a lot of press. Other times, they simply seem insignificant. They may not even target our rights directly.

One piece of legislation under the “not a lot of press” category is S 1519, the Protecting Communities and Preserving the Second Amendment Act of 2019. This is legislation introduced by two Second Amendment champions, Senators Charles Grassley of Iowa and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas.

Unlike a lot of the other legislation, this bill is much more comprehensive. In it, we have fixes to the National Instant Check System, we have something close to the FOPA improvement for travelers introduced by Senator Daines, we have efforts to tackle straw purchases, the expansion of Project Exile, and a host of other provisions that represent significant improvements for those who exercise their Second Amendment rights – or who might wish to do so.

According to a release by Senator Grassley’s office, he and Senator Cruz have been pushing this bill since 2013. That year, when these provisions were introduced as an alternative to anti-Second Amendment legislation favored by the Obama Administration, these provisions secured 52 votes in the Senate, being defeated by a filibuster carried out by anti-Second Amendment extremists.

“Our bill takes necessary steps to ensure that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms is not infringed and takes commonsense actions to prioritize school safety, punish and deter bad actors, and improve record submissions to NICS. Senator Cruz and I have worked diligently on this bill in the past, and I look forward to this continued partnership,” Grassley said in the release.

In a statement released by his office, Senator Cruz said, “Our bill seeks to increase support for school safety funding, ensure agencies accurately submit records to the NICS, and develop a federal task force to prosecute criminals who illegally purchase a firearm. I urge my Senate colleagues to take a stand with the people of our country and to vote in support of this legislation to stop criminals from getting guns once and for all.

One other benefit of this bill is that it would not be hard to add additional pro-Second Amendment provisions to it – like Lindsey Graham’s Federal Firearms Licensee Protection Act of 2019, the Home Defense and Competitive Shooting Act, or HR 5301 by Kevin Hern. Those would make this bill even better than it already is.

Second Amendment supporters should contact their Congress critters and Senators and politely ask that they support S 1519, as well as amendments that would add HR 5301, the Home Defense and Competitive Shooting Act, and the Federal Firearms Licensee Protection Act to this bill. They also should take the time to thank Senators Grassley and Cruz for their efforts over the last seven years to advance this legislation. This legislation would mark a huge step towards the protection of our rights if signed into law.

VIDEO OF THE WEEK: PA Senator Hughes Openly states that when Democrats take back the Majority in the PA Senate they intend to move an ‘aggressive’ agenda of Gun Control:

Founding Father’s Statement on Freedom: "[W]here there is no law, there is no liberty; and nothing deserves the name of law but that which is certain and universal in its operation upon all the members of the community." Benjamin Rush, 1788

Closing Thoughts: Democrat Debate Group Think: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) admitted that every other attempt at gun control failed and what’s really needed is more gun control.

“We need to think of this problem not as one and done or three things and done,” Sen. Warren explained. “We just keep coming back. We treat it like the public health emergency that it is.”

Sen. Sanders agreed. He said reinstating the failed ban on semiautomatic rifles was just the start.

“We make certain that we end the sale and distribution of assault weapons in this country, and we go further,” he said. “We go further, but at the bottom line is I will not be intimidated by the NRA.”


Harrisburgh Second Amendment Rally - June 8th at the Harrisburg Capitol - PLEASE JOIN US!!

Rally Flyer:

Yours in Freedom!

Kim Stolfer, President

**As a reminder, every gun owner can participate in the March 8, 2020 FOAC Monthly meeting from any PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android phone by clicking on the link below:

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

**Meeting Agenda Download Online:

One-tap Mobile: +19292056099,,802388529# US (New York)

Dial by location:  +19292056099 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 802 388 529

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General News

  • Pennsylvania: Lawsuit: 1.6K Dead People Registered to Vote in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

A lawsuit filed against Allegheny County, Pennsylvania alleges that nearly 1,600 dead people are registered to vote in the 2020 election in the county. more

  • Biden, Beto, and Gun Control

Former Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke endorses former vice president Joe Biden at a campaign event at Gilley’s in Dallas, Texas, U.S., March 2, 2020. (Eric Thayer/Reuters) more

  • Conn. lawmakers want to expand 'red flag' gun confiscation law

Two Democratic state lawmakers in Connecticut are proposing a change to a "red flag" law that would allow relatives and medical professionals to ask a court to seize a person's firearms. more

  • Legislator's bill would disincentivize gun-free zones

Rep. Jeremy Munson, R-Lake Crystal, has introduced a piece of legislation that would allow victims of shootings within gun-free zones to sue the owner of the property they were shot on. more

  • New Jersey: Carry-Licensed Security Guard Arrested for So-Called Hollowpoint Ammo

ROSELLE PARK, NJ – -( On February 8, 2020, armored car security guard Roosevelt Twyne was returning home from work when he was stopped by three Roselle Park police officers for alleged side-tinted windows on his vehicle. more

  • Bloomberg: Guns for Me, but Not for Thee

His security detail packs plenty of firepower to protect him, but he doesn’t want you to have any guns at all. more

  • Did Pelosi's Security Point Gun At Trump Supporters?

On Tuesday, some folks began talking about an incident. It seems that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was at a campaign stop, stumping for a Democrat. more

Legal Issues

  • Supreme Court won't hear challenge to ban on bump stocks

WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court refused Monday to consider a challenge to the Trump administration's ban on bump stocks, a rapid-fire device used in the 2017 mass killing of 59 people gunned down in Las Vegas. more

  • Bill would let gun permit holders sue if hurt in a store that bans them from legally carrying

Minnesota – It’s safe to say most people have ventured into a store or restaurant where there’s a visible sign stating “No Firearms Allowed on Premises” (or something to that effect). more

  • Do guns and drinks mix at home? Court hearing man's case

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Having a few too many drinks at home shouldn’t make handling one’s own firearm illegal, according to an Ohio man challenging his arrest on a charge of possessing a weapon while intoxicated. more

  • SAF Seeks Record SCOTUS Review of Fourth Gun Rights Case

The Second Amendment Foundation just set a record for being a gun rights organization with the most cases seeking review from the Supreme Court of the United States at any other time, and one of those cases even has its sister organization, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, as a plaintiff. more

  • Students Sue For Right To Wear Pro-2A T-Shirts

Three Wisconsin high school students are suing taking school administrators to court after they were told to cover up their shirts that had images of a gun on them. more

Self-Defense Issues

  • North Carolina Self-Defense: He shot him four or five times: Shopper shoots, kills armed robbery suspect in Greensboro

GREENSBORO, N.C. — The terrifying armed robbery lasted less than a minute -- ending when a customer pulled out their own gun and shot the suspect four to five times. more

  • Florida Self-Defense: Florida deputy shoots ax-wielding man who busted into her home, sheriff says

An ax-wielding Florida man picked the wrong home to break into Tuesday night when he busted down a sheriff’s deputy’s door and was shot multiple times, authorities said. more

  • Alabama Self-Defense: Home Intruder Clings To Life After Being Shot In Head By Young Dad Protecting His Family

A young family is safe today thanks to 2A, and the criminal who broke into their Alabama home is clinging to life after sustaining multiple gunshots. more

  • Maine Self-Defense: Maine man shot by people he was trying to rob, police say

One man is in critical condition after police say he was shot by the people he was trying to rob. more

  • Virginia Self-Defense: Virginia farmer holds goat thief at gunpoint

FREDERICKSBURG, Va. (AP) — AVirginia man held a suspect who was trying to steal goats from his farm at gunpoint until authorities could arrive to make an arrest, authorities said. more

  • Kentucky Self-Defense: Married off-duty cops pause date night to stop masked robber at Raising Cane's

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Police have released surveillance video showing exactly what went down when a masked robber found himself at the wrong place at the wrong time. more