proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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Alabama among the most heavily-armed states; research says that makes us safer :: 12/15/2015

Alabama is among the most heavily-armed states in America, according to a CBS News analysis of ATF gun registrations in accordance with the National Firearms Act (NFA). Weapons regulated under the NFA include short-barreled shotguns or rifles, machine guns and so called “assault rifles.”


Anti-Gunners: Democrats Gamble on Guns :: 12/15/2015

After keeping their distance from the issue for decades, Democrats are suddenly gung-ho about gun control. They don’t call it that anymore—anti-gun violence is the poll-tested term—but the policies up for debate are the same. They include universal background checks for gun buyers, a national registry of gun owners, an assault weapons ban and—congressional Democrats’ particular focus these days—a ban on gun sales to people on the FBI’s terrorist watch list.


Anti-Gunners: Gabby Giffords Slams Congress for Embracing 'Shameful Status Quo' on Guns :: 12/15/2015

On the third anniversary of the Sandy Hook massacre, former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords argued that Americans should embrace “optimism” instead of fear while slamming Congress and the US gun lobby for encouraging “the shameful status quo we’ve grown to expect.”


How to stop mass shootings :: 12/15/2015

Mark Follman, national affairs editor for Mother Jones, has written an article, titled, “Inside the Race to Stop the Next Mass Shooter,” in which he explores the life of one killer and discusses efforts to identify and assess threats in advance.


If They Come For Your Guns, Do You Have A Responsibility To Fight? :: 12/15/2015

I feel a tremendous responsibility to write this article though I am a little apprehensive. Thinking about the possibility of rising up against our own government is a frightening thing for many of us. I am not Johnny Rambo and I will be the first to admit that I do not want to die. The reason I feel compelled to write this, however, is simply because I don’t think the average American is equipped with the facts.


Michigan Father Takes Son into School While Openly Carrying; Hilarity Ensues :: 12/15/2015

Joseph Solis-Mullen is a Michigander with three kids, a job as a restaurant cook, and a 9mm S&W. On December 4, two of those led to a little run-in with local authorities earlier this week when he openly carried his pistol into the Lillian Fletcher Elementary School to sign his son into class. As regular TTAG readers know, courts in the home state of Gerald Ford, Aretha Franklin, and Eminem . . .


Nothing About This Army Exercise During the San Bernardino Shooting Makes Sense :: 12/15/2015

As news of the San Bernardino shooting broke, three soldiers dressed in plain clothes decided it was the right time to start touring North Carolina elementary schools, asking “suspicious” questions and generally freaking everyone out.


Pa. senator calls for handgun licensing law :: 12/15/2015

PHILADELPHIA (WHTM) – A state Senator has unveiled legislation that would require Pennsylvanians to obtain a firearms eligibility license before they could buy a handgun.


Threatening Cherished Gun Rights Confirms Americans' Worst Fears Without Improving Safety :: 12/15/2015

Gun controllers advocate the imposition of laws that have already failed on people who won’t obey them, to address crimes already decreasing in prevalence.


Victim-Killing Zones :: 12/15/2015

Fox’s efforts to have every American armed to the teeth included a friendly platform for one of the guys behind the mock mass shooting in Austin, Texas, designed to promote open carry, over the weekend.


What Do You Need to Do to Get a Gun in Other Developed Countries? :: 12/15/2015

Safety courses. “Genuine” reason. Shooting-range classes. Background checks.


ACLU Board Member Resigns After Urging People To Kill Supporters Of Trump :: 12/14/2015

DENVER (CBS4)– A board member for the American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado has resigned after urging people to kill supporters of presidential candidate Donald Trump.


BBC: Australian Gun Confiscation Won't Work in the U.S. At Least Not Yet . . . :: 12/14/2015

“Just another day in the United States of America. Another day of gunfire, panic and fear.” Those were BBC’s James Cook’s words in the aftermath of the San Bernardino terrorist attack. They were immediately picked-up and repeated by America’s assault media, indulging in immediate gun shaming.


Chris Knox on his Father's legacy: Neal Knox and 'The Gun Rights War' :: 12/14/2015

During this year’s Gun Rights Policy Conference Chris Knox of the Arizona Firearms Coalition sat down with Examiner to discuss his father’s 2nd Amendment legacy. Knox published a book of his father’s writings called Neal Knox: The Gun Rights War. It’s a compilation of Neal Knox’s many writings over the years regarding firearms and the fight for 2nd Amendment rights. Knox talks about his father being a pivotal figure in the gun rights movement going back to the 1960s. He began a legislative action committee at his gun club and never looked back from that point. He fought for years against gun control. From the interview:


Demand for Firearms Soars in Sweden as Reality Sets In :: 12/14/2015

“Sweden, the future of Europe: people stock up on fire arms, police recommend vigilante groups…,” by Nicolai Sennels,, December 12, 2015 (thanks to


Growing number of law enforcement officials urging licensed owners to carry guns :: 12/14/2015

(Associated Press) - A Texas police chief who warns President Barack Obama in a social media video that trying to disarm Americans would "cause a revolution in this country" is the latest law enforcement official to urge citizens to arm themselves in the wake of mass shootings.


Insisting on gun-control laws that don't work, then registration, then confiscation :: 12/14/2015

The recent tragedies in Colorado Springs and San Bernardino have prompted more calls for gun control. But what controls? And will they work?


Same song, different verse :: 12/14/2015

A refreshing wave of honesty is sweeping the movement to strip Americans of their gun rights.  More and more, the advocates of gun control are declaring themselves to be in favor of banning all guns.  We knew this all along, but it’s good to see that we’re not having to waste time with the claim that “no one’s trying to take your guns.”  Yes, many are trying to do exactly that, and now they’re admitting it.


The Godless Left - Dana Loesch :: 12/14/2015

Dana Loesch exposes the global alliance of elitists, media activists, Hollywood celebrities, campus radicals and political power mongers who have openly attacked sacred American values and the people who cherish them with ruthlessness, contempt and downright hatred.


The Year In Pathetic Gun "Buyback" Attempts :: 12/14/2015

For many big-city officials, there’s nothing quite like a good gun “buyback.” They get lots of publicity, and they look (to the uninformed, at least) as if they’re doing something tangible to cut down on violent crime and accidental gun deaths. Gun “buybacks” are voluntary and pleasantly evoke reward instead of punishment for compliance; there’s an air of benevolent paternalism about them that probably gives many a mayor or police chief a sense of pride.


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