proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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Victim-Killing Zones :: 12/15/2015

Fox’s efforts to have every American armed to the teeth included a friendly platform for one of the guys behind the mock mass shooting in Austin, Texas, designed to promote open carry, over the weekend.

Guest Matthew Short, of “Come and Take It Texas,” said, “We would like to end gun-free zones. There’s an inalienable right to bear your arms which is in the defense of our own persons and our property and our families.

Host Tucker Carlson said sympathetically, “Right, that is the point of the Second Amendment.”

Carlson questioned the tastefulness of staging a fake mass shooting and whether such an effort would win people over to their side. But, as always on Fox, the real offenders are liberals or, in this case, supporters of gun control. “In the end, this isn’t really about manners, whether or not this is in good taste or poor taste,” Carlson told Short. “There’s another agenda here, don’t you think, behind the anti-Second Amendment movement. What do you think that agenda is?”

Short didn’t quite attack the left the way Carlson had all but asked for but he did say something even more disturbing if you feel threatened, not safer, if everyone around you is packing heat.

SHORT:  You know, I really think myself that it’s offensive that when these mass killings happen, that there’s many politicians who would start to say that they needed to regulate our right to bear our arms. And I don’t see how that creating more victim-killing zones is actually a way of controlling these situations.

Carlson replied, “Hmm. A ‘victim-killing zone’ is a place where nobody is armed, no one can defend themselves.

By the way, the demonstration was a bust, according to Think Progress:

(T)he mock shooting was largely eclipsed by a large group of counter-protesters making farting sounds. The “mass farting” was organized by UT alumnus Andrew Dobbs who billed the dueling events as “a choice between fear and a little bit of good humor.”

While just a handful of people attended the mock shooting, Dobbs counter-protest attracted about a hundred people shouting slogans like “We fart in your general direction.”

Watch Short on Fox & Friends on December 12 and the farting response below.