proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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Chris Knox on his Father's legacy: Neal Knox and 'The Gun Rights War' :: 12/14/2015

During this year’s Gun Rights Policy Conference Chris Knox of the Arizona Firearms Coalition sat down with Examiner to discuss his father’s 2nd Amendment legacy. Knox published a book of his father’s writings called Neal Knox: The Gun Rights War. It’s a compilation of Neal Knox’s many writings over the years regarding firearms and the fight for 2nd Amendment rights. Knox talks about his father being a pivotal figure in the gun rights movement going back to the 1960s. He began a legislative action committee at his gun club and never looked back from that point. He fought for years against gun control. From the interview:

Through the years we’ve seen every way there is possible to ban guns. Whether that ban comes under the name of an ammunition ban, whether it’s licensing, whether it’s trade restraint. Whatever it is we’ve seen it happen. It goes through that cycle and now we’re seeing that cycle come around again.

What’s amazing about the book is it really documents the ‘gun rights war’ over many years. You can see the pattern of hoplophobia throughout several decades that seems to literally keep repeating itself.

Neal Knox died 10 years ago and Chris decided to publish the book several years later as part of the grieving process but also because there is institutional knowledge that is contained in the book that is valuable to this day and going forward. Gun control addicts never quit and they use the same tired arguments and false equivalents over and over again. They continually recycle old and worn emotional ‘reasoning’ in order to put more useless controls in place.

How amazing to have this all documented by someone who was living it through time. The same exact fight year after year that many 2nd Amendment activists today understand all too well. This is a history book for all activists and those who want to really dig into what has been going on over many years. The political class always seems to come up with some excuse to take more 2nd Amendment rights away. Neal Knox’s legacy is not only fighting that but documenting it for future activists to continue the fight.