proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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Trump's Not Wrong: Clinton Wants to "Abolish" Second Amendment :: 05/09/2016

Donald Trump told his supporters at a rally in Lynden, Washington, on Saturday that the presumptive Democrat nominee would like to abolish Second Amendment.


Armed Civilians Saved Lives in April :: 05/07/2016

Here a few of the many stories of armed self-defense in April.  Armed civilians stopped criminals and saved lives.. again.  Some stopped mass murder!


D.C. Releases Draft Statehood Constitution :: 05/07/2016

WASHINGTON (CN) — Leaders of the District of Columbia took another step Friday in their renewed effort to petition Congress for statehood with the release of a draft constitution for public review.


Gun Sales Set Records, Likely to Continue :: 05/07/2016

According to the FBI, more than two million gun-purchase background checks were conducted in April, 400,000 more than in April a year ago. In fact, every month since last May, background checks have set new records, putting 2016 on track to beat 2015 for the number of checks conducted by the National Instate Criminal Background Check System (NICS).


No Premature Surrender In The Battle For The Supreme Court :: 05/07/2016

Living through the craziest and most unpredictable election season in my lifetime, it appears that nothing goes according to plan and there is always another surprise. However, even in this volatile political year, there are still some things you can count on. A lone conservative voice will predict loss and call for early surrender and the media will go into overdrive to shine a light on this tiny minority to declare victory or amplify a story of conservative division, where one does not exist.


Australia: Gun control laws a big con job :: 05/06/2016

THIS year marked the 20th anniversary of the Port Arthur tragedy, and the same prohibitionist groups have been exploiting this as they have for the past two decades.


Brady Campaign Beclowns Again: Claims Criminals Follow Gun Laws :: 05/06/2016

Criminals follow the law, right?  Wait, if they followed the law, they wouldn’t be criminals.  My head hurts.


Gun owners. . . have lost trust in the political class, says gun rights leader :: 05/06/2016

“Gun owners and people concerned about personal security have lost trust in the political class to protect their rights,” said nationally-recognized Second Amendment advocate Alan Gottlieb, in a story published yesterday by the Washington Free Beacon, and gun sales over the past four months suggest he’s right.


Irony: Anti-Gun Journalists Outraged as Govt. Requires Background Checks for Press :: 05/06/2016

In short, this means journalists will now have to undergo government scrutiny of their mental and criminal backgrounds before being able to exercise their First Amendment rights.


Law professor: Resolution is an effort to repair Oklahomans' right to arms :: 05/06/2016

Because Oklahoma is considered gun friendly, it may be surprising to learn that the Oklahoma Constitution today gives virtually no protection to the right to keep and bear arms.


Minnesota Sheriff Moves to Revoke Veteran's Concealed Carry Permit :: 05/06/2016

Maybe it’s because Minnesota is just west of me. Perhaps it’s because I am also a concealed carry permit holder. Or maybe it’s that I would have had pretty much the same response this man had to being questioned by a couple of sheriffs barking up my tree. Regardless of what it was, you have to hear how bad this story really is.


NH Senate OKs bill ending concealed gun permit requirement, but veto likely :: 05/06/2016

CONCORD – Without debate, the Senate Wednesday voted down party lines 14-10 to end the requirement to obtain a permit to carry a concealed weapon.


Six Aspects Of Donald Trump's Pro-Gun Push :: 05/06/2016

Here are six aspects of his plan.


Georgia college student stabbed to death hours after Gov. Deal vetoed campus carry bill :: 05/05/2016

The same day Gov. Nathan Deal rejected a measure to allow concealed carry at post-secondary schools, an Fort Valley State University freshman was fatally stabbed on campus after he came to the defense of three women.


Gun taxes, thought policing and the triumph of the Force-Left :: 05/05/2016

The totalitarian temptation is proving too much for the left across America. Daniel Flynn, in his book A Conservative History of the American Left, contrasted the “Freedom Left,” the benign old-fashioned liberals, versus the “Force Left,” the descendants of Marx that malignantly oppose fundamental rights in pursuit of their radical aims.


Intentionally Misunderstanding Violence :: 05/05/2016

In the New York Times, Richard Fausset’s prose leaks with sympathy for the mother of Zaevion Dobson, the Tennessee teenager killed while attempting to shield two girls caught up in a gang-relating shooting.


Obama Admin Seeks to Curtail Gun Rights of Those on Disability Benefits :: 05/05/2016

The Obama administration is moving forward with plans to use the Social Security Administration to disarm American citizens deemed ineligible by government bureaucrats to possess a firearm.


Pittsburgh summit bringing business, legislators together :: 05/05/2016

Depending on whom you ask, the American Legislative Exchange Council is either a Model United Nations or “a kind of dating service for corporations to hook up with legislators.”


Should Felons Get Their Gun Rights Back? :: 05/05/2016

Democratic Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe's order restoring the voting rights of 206,000 ex-convicts was remarkable both for what it did and for what it did not do. What it did has been covered amply. What it did not do has been completely ignored.


Smart Guns Are No Silver Bullet Against Violence :: 05/05/2016

President Obama, after praising moves toward the much-hyped technology in the past, has announced that the White House will be promoting the development of firearms that shoot only when their owner is holding them, called “smart guns.”


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