proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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A Review of Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage by Chris Bird :: 08/06/2016

The world is filled with better men and women than I am. Some probably live next door to us. Unfortunately, there are monsters living next door as well. Author Chris Bird tells us about them both in his new book “Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage: When Seconds Count, Police Are Still Minutes Away”.


Lavish Gun Control Contributions Further Undermine Anti-gun Narrative :: 08/06/2016

A key fiction that gun control supporters have been perpetuating for nearly a half-century gets more indefensible by the day.


Police union: Clinton snubbed us :: 08/06/2016

Top officials at the biggest police union in the country are upset with Hillary Clinton, saying she snubbed them.


Sorry, Tim Kaine Is No Centrist :: 08/06/2016

Election 2016: After the Democratic Convention, it quickly became common wisdom that, in selecting Tim Kaine as her vice presidential running mate, Hillary Clinton picked a solid political centrist who will poach votes from the Republicans. The only problem with that scenario is: Kaine is no centrist.


Why is Apple so afraid of a little picture of a gun? :: 08/06/2016

Apple’s next iPhone and iPad operating system will no longer feature an emoji picture of a handgun. In its place will be an emoji of a green, plastic squirt gun. 


Ballot referendums to repeal Calf. gun control laws gaining steam :: 08/05/2016

The organizer behind a grassroots effort to repeal a host of new gun control measures signed into law by California Gov. Jerry Brown says they will begin circulating petitions next week.


John McCain's 1969 - Tokyo Rose - Propaganda Recording Released :: 08/05/2016

Vero Beach, FL - (TRUNEWS) U.S. Senator John McCain recorded a Tokyo Rose-style propaganda message that was broadcast on North Vietnamese radio in 1969.


More Government Bureaucrats With Guns Than U.S. Marines :: 08/05/2016

Writing for, Elizabeth Harrington summarized a comprehensive report by a taxpayer watchdog group that chronicles the exponential increase in the militarization of police agencies in the United States during the past several years.


Panic Mode: Khizr Khan Deletes Law Firm Website that Specialized in Muslim Immigration :: 08/05/2016

Khizr Khan, the Muslim Gold Star father that Democrats and their allies media wide have been using to hammer GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump, has deleted his law firm’s website from the Internet.


Rand Paul wants to protect the Second Amendment and federalism :: 08/05/2016

On December 18, 2015, Senator Rand Paul introduce in the Senate S.B. 2434.


The U.K.'s Terror Alert at Severe, But 90 Percent of Cops Are Still Unarmed :: 08/05/2016

Late Wednesday, a woman was killed and five others were injured when a terrorist went on a stabbing spree in London, tragically proving yet again that evildoers bent on hurting a boatload of people aren’t dissuaded by gun laws or a lack of access to firearms.


Trump's Road Still Open :: 08/05/2016

At stake in 2016 is the White House, the Supreme Court, the Senate and, possibly, control of the House of Representatives.


When Does Gun Control Not Matter? :: 08/05/2016

President Barack Obama commuted the sentences of 214 federal prisoners yesterday, part of his ongoing crusade against a criminal-justice system he regularly declares racist and draconian. The White House trumpeted the fact that this was the largest one-day grant of clemency since 1900. Some of the prisoners will be released now; others will have to stay in prison a while longer for more drug rehabilitation.


William Weld, Libertarian Vice Presidential Candidate, Thinks No One on a Terror Watch List Should Be Able to Buy A Gun :: 08/05/2016

Former federal prosecutor, governor of Massachusetts, Hugo Black fan, and Libertarian vice presidential candidate William Weld tells a reporter from Revolt TV that "the problem with handguns is probably even worse than the problem of the AR-15" (not sure why) and "you shouldn't have anybody who's on a terrorist watch list be able to buy any gun at all."


Anti-gun pastor caught by gun laws he supports for AR15 raffle :: 08/04/2016

Jeremy Lucas, rector of Christ Church Episcopal Parish in Lake Oswego, Oregon, has run afoul of the state’s universal background check law.  Lucas spent $3,000 of church funds on a raffle to win an AR-15 for the purpose of destroying it, but transferred it to a gun-owning friend in the meantime.  Contrary to Oregon’s law, he did not have a check performed on the friend before turning over the gun.


BACK TO SCHOOL: Gun Zone Signs in Texas That Will Actually Reach Criminals :: 08/04/2016

The community of Claude, TX definitely has an idea of how to effectively deter potential shooters from their schools using signs.


Cleveland PD: Zero arrests for open carry at RNC :: 08/04/2016

In a review of arrests and police activity at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, officials made it clear that there was little problem with guns.


Clinton's Court: Legal analysts say gun rights and more at stake in November :: 08/04/2016

The Supreme Court – it’s no secret – is at stake in the 2016 election. But legal experts say the impact will be far more sweeping if Hillary Clinton wins in the fall, and is able to fill the seat of the late Justice Antonin Scalia with a left-leaning judge.


Czech President: Citizens Should Arm Themselves :: 08/04/2016

Reflecting a startling change of heart, Czech Republic President Miloš Zeman (shown), once opposed to private civilian ownership of firearms for self-defense, told local Czech newspaper Blesk: “Earlier I spoke often about limiting the ability [of citizens] to have large quantities of weapons. But after the terrorist attacks [in France], I have changed the idea.” He is now pushing the Czech parliament to adopt a new law that would allow citizens to purchase, keep, and use firearms as necessary.


FOP's McNesby was one of the winners during DNC week in Philly :: 08/04/2016

IN THE AFTERMATH of the Democratic National Convention, Philadelphia is still receiving plaudits for being a big-league city able to pull off huge events. Philadelphia was a big winner. On my radio show, John McNesby, president of Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5, was also a big winner - before, during and after the convention.


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