proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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FOP's McNesby was one of the winners during DNC week in Philly :: 08/04/2016

IN THE AFTERMATH of the Democratic National Convention, Philadelphia is still receiving plaudits for being a big-league city able to pull off huge events. Philadelphia was a big winner. On my radio show, John McNesby, president of Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5, was also a big winner - before, during and after the convention.


The FOP's John McNesby and the Philadelphia Police did fine work during the Democratic National Convention last week.

Before the convention, McNesby spoke out against the fact that Democrats planned to feature Mothers of the Movement, the group of moms whose kids died in various confrontations with police. Michael Brown, who died in a fight with Officer Darryl Wilson in Ferguson Missouri, was represented by his mother. McNesby objected because widows of cops killed in Dallas, Baton Rouge and Philadelphia were not going to be given a platform to balance the message of the grieving moms.

With McNesby's help, I got Kim Pawlowski, the widow of police officer John Pawlowski, on my radio show to talk about the assassination of her husband and the pain she felt over the last seven years. The question was, and still is, why was a widow like this not allowed to speak?

My answer and McNesby's is that Democrats are trying to placate outfits such as Black Lives Matter and other radical groups and give lip service to police and their supporters. I realize that Democrats ultimately relented and allowed some police family survivors, and McNesby said, "Had the FOP not stepped up and said anything, there would absolutely be no survivors on that stage tonight."

McNesby also was my winner during the convention. When he came on my show on some really hot days to tell us the police needed water and Gatorade, he offered listeners the perfect opportunity to feel connected to the police and tangibly support them. Officers were flooded with individuals and businesses riding to the rescue. The FOP also sent me multiple photos of people in the area near the stadiums shading the police with tent-like structures and providing the cops with some great meals each day.

Finally, McNesby was a winner after the convention for telling me he sits on a national three-person committee of FOP leaders who will recommend to the broader body whether to endorse Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton whether they will offer no endorsement. McNesby told me the Trump people filled out the FOP questionnaire, but it appears the Clinton people will not respond. Apparently, the form contains questions that will not allow Clinton to straddle pleasing Black Lives Matter and the cops.

The endorsement of the national FOP is like the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. It says that the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect us each day stand with a candidate who will help them to serve us and safely go home to their families each night. I believe Trump stands a very good chance of getting the endorsement this year.

I further believe you can't support both Black Lives Matter and the police. I respect groups such as the NAACP, even when I might differ with them on some of the police-involved shootings. Black Lives Matter is an outlier.

For these reasons, I think McNesby did a great job in the past week in unmasking where Democrats are politically when it comes to cops. Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani on my show labeled the DNC "an anti-cop convention." As evidence, he cited multiple sources, including cops, telling him that Philadelphia police officers were not allowed in uniform on the floor of the Wells Fargo Center. A number of cops contacted me to verify Giuliani's claim.

This information should underline the fact that Democrats believe a number of their supporters do not like cops, do not respect them and will not have their backs.

Congratulations to all the people who affirmed Philadelphia's status as a world-class city by their work around the convention. Further congratulations to John McNesby, the cops and everyone who supports them. They all did us proud last week.