proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB170

Title: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and duties of ...

Description: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and dutie ...

Last Action: Removed from table

Last Action Date: Oct 2, 2024

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The Gun Control Debate Isn't About Guns At All. It's About Human Rights :: 02/23/2018

It’s a fair question that I and millions of my fellow conservatives have been asked repeatedly since the Florida school shooting — “Why do conservatives care so much about their guns?”


David Clarke: Fla. students' gun control push has 'George Soros' fingerprints all over it' :: 02/22/2018

Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. insinuated Wednesday that student survivors of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting were being manipulated by Democratic billionaire George Soros to organize for gun control.


Deputy assigned to Florida school 'never went in' during shooting, sheriff says :: 02/22/2018

The school resource deputy who was on patrol at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on Feb. 14 resigned Thursday after video surveillance showed he never entered the school, even though he "clearly" knew there was a shooting taking place, officials said.


FL School Shooting Survivor: Media Pushing Gun Control, But Not Listening to Conservative Side :: 02/22/2018

A student who survived last week's massacre at a Florida high school said Wednesday he does not believe the tragedy is being covered fairly by the mainstream media. 


Gun Free Zone Fails Again on Campus :: 02/22/2018

If you’re like me, then you hate the idea of a madman hurting our children. Unfortunately, it has been happening for a long time, but probably not the way you think. We’ve had “gun free” zones on campuses for almost three decades. Somehow we lost our outrage when guns were used in these so called “gun free” zones. If a criminal can bring a firearm onto college campus to rob our students, then what is to stop a madman from doing the same thing..or worse. Here are the latest examples.


Israel Has Only Had 2 School Attacks in 44 Years, Here's How They Make Sure Their Kids Are Safe :: 02/22/2018

In the wake of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting that claimed 17 lives last week, there has been a renewed debate surrounding gun control and children’s safety, leading some to make a comparison to the changes Israel made in response to a terror attack more than four decades ago.


Jason Chaffetz: Are we doing enough to prosecute gun crimes? :: 02/22/2018

In the clamor to tighten gun restrictions following the horrific massacre at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School last week, one important fact has been overlooked. Gun laws are only as good as their implementation. Before we talk about new gun laws, perhaps it’s time we started to enforce the ones we’ve already passed.


Report: Police Were Warned Florida School Shooter Had Threatened People with A Gun Before :: 02/22/2018

Nikolas Cruz, the teenager who killed 17 at his former high school last week, had threatened people with a gun before, according to records obtained by CNN.


Surviving The Coming Storm Attacking Your Rights :: 02/22/2018

USA – -( Have you been through this lately– You turn on the “news” only to see a 12-year-old lecturing you about “doing something” about “the guns” because he or she doesn't feel safe in school?


Well Done!- Learning from the debate on murderers in school :: 02/22/2018

We care about our children. That is why we take the debate on murderers in our schools so seriously. It is hard to get good information because the news media clearly has an agenda. Lots of people saw through the media spin. We looked past the click-bait headlines and focused on the truth.


13 Ways Public Schools Incubate Mental Instability In Kids :: 02/21/2018

Why doesn’t anyone investigate the toxic effects of today’s bureaucrat-run mega-schools in the wake of a school shooting? It’s high time we place a share of the blame there.


America has two gun cultures: Don't blame law-abiding gun owners for murders :: 02/21/2018

When a mass murder happens in our country, like so many Americans I wring my hands and look for answers – for anything that will stop these monsters. I don’t like to speak out at these times, because as Ecclesiastes correctly tells us there is “a time to every purpose under the heaven,” including “a time to mourn.”


Ann Coulter: Amazing New Breakthrough to Reduce Mass Shootings :: 02/21/2018

As fun as it is to ridicule the FBI for devoting massive resources to chasing down Hillary Clinton’s oppo research while blowing off repeated, specific warnings about school shooter Nikolas Cruz, we’ve put a lot on the agency’s plate.


CNN's Cuomo Spreads Misleading AR-15 Story, Doubles Down When Called Out :: 02/21/2018

CNN host Chris Cuomo recently spread a misleading story on Twitter about how easy it is to purchase an AR-15, only to double down when called out on the error.


Colorado School District Allows Teachers to Be Armed :: 02/21/2018

As state legislators debate on what measures should be taken to prevent school shootings, one rural school district in Colorado is not waiting around and has given the green light for teachers and staff to be armed.


Flashback-- National Institute of Justice: Federal 'Assault Weapons' Ban Did Not Reduce Crime :: 02/21/2018

As the federal “assault weapons” ban was about to expire in 2004, the Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice (NIJ) reported that the ban could not be credited with any reduction in crime.


Gun Control Across World Only Leads To Acid, Knifings, And Bombings :: 02/21/2018

I have been living in Bangkok for nearly half a decade now, but I was raised in America, and I too am watching the extensive back and forth between gun rights supporters and those pushing for strict gun control in the wake of the Florida school shooting.


Israeli Writer: Israel Is Proof The NRA Is Right :: 02/21/2018

If we step aside from our cynicism at a time like this, we can probably assume that everyone on the planet wants to see the end of mass shootings. The few that don’t are generally the sick bastards who are planning the next ones. While there are plenty of opportunists who are seizing the moment following such horrific events, I’d like to believe that even they would prefer to see the end of such attacks.


Rothfus: Law-abiding Americans need semi-automatic guns because 'the bad guys are going to get these guns' :: 02/21/2018

BRIDGEWATER — With the Florida school massacre igniting a national debate over access to high-powered guns, U.S. Rep. Keith Rothfus said Tuesday that semi-automatic weapons such as the one used in the mass shooting should still be available to law-abiding Americans.


School Safety and the Placebo of Gun Control :: 02/21/2018

I’ve heard that phrase time and again from politicians and gun control spokesmen. With some 23 thousand firearms regulations already on the books, it seems that we’ve done quite a lot that hasn’t worked. Those ineffective laws don’t stop the urge for more feel-good regulation after the murders in Parkland, Florida.


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