proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB170

Title: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and duties of ...

Description: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and dutie ...

Last Action: Removed from table

Last Action Date: Oct 2, 2024

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Well Done!- Learning from the debate on murderers in school :: 02/22/2018

We care about our children. That is why we take the debate on murderers in our schools so seriously. It is hard to get good information because the news media clearly has an agenda. Lots of people saw through the media spin. We looked past the click-bait headlines and focused on the truth.

School security isn’t an either-or proposition. It is a ‘yes, that is a good idea, and so is that one’ sort of solution. Here are several pieces of the answer.

Sheriffs across the country said they will put armed staff in schools (and here and here). That is good, but it is only a start. One problem is that mass murderers are patient. We’ve seen that mass murderers either shot the uniformed officer first, or waited until the officer left school. Studies showed us that it’s better to have undercover defenders in several locations across campus.

That takes training, and teachers want that training. The classes to train teachers as first responders fill up in minutes. One of the largest teacher training programs in the country has thousands of teachers on their waiting list but there isn’t enough money to train them all. I donated, but they need your donations too (and here).

Letting trained and licensed school staff go armed is the last line of defense. Lots of factors make our children safer and can prevent the problem before it brings a gun to school. It doesn’t grab the headlines, but treating the mentally ill is another step in the right direction (and here). As much as mental health treatment costs, it is cheaper to treat mental illness than to suffer the consequences of leaving it untreated.

There are lots of little steps that make our school buildings safer. The remedies are similar to what you’d do to protect your home. You secure your doors and windows before you instal a zillion dollar video system. (Grants are available.) Just like at home, your mere presence is a protective factor.

The sad news is that we ignored the problem too long. We know that some students are in trouble. The Florida school murderer had police called to his home dozens of times.  The sensationalist media hasn’t helped, but maybe we’ve learned our lesson. I hope we’ll act sooner rather than waiting until the police come with guns to stop the next school shooting.