proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB242

Title: Providing that any Federal action that attempts to register, restrict or ban a firearm or accessory, or to limit, inhibit or regulate the ownership ...

Description: Providing that any Federal action that attempts to register, restrict or ban a firearm or accessory, or to limit, inhibit or regulate the owners ...

Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY

Last Action Date: Feb 13, 2025

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Proposed Pennsylvania Senate Legislation SB122

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Legislation Overview

Title: Designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 45701, carrying Pennsylvania Route 403 over the Conemaugh River between Johnstown City and West Taylor Township, Cambria County, as the Captain Raymond W. Callahan, Jr., Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 8574, carrying State Route 1021 over Clearfield Creek between Reade Township and White Township, Cambria County, as the CPL Reid Rex Ross 3 BT 26 Marine Reg. Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 56008, carrying Pennsylvania Route 403 over Stonycreek River in Johnstown City, Cambria County, as the Sgt. John C. Alaimo Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 8444, carrying US Route 219 over Pennsylvania Route 56, also known as Scalp Avenue, in Richland Township, Cambria County, as the PFC Stanley Albert Stys Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 8547, located on State Route 1002, Cambria Township, Cambria County, as the PFC Cyril T. Yeckley Memorial Bridge; and making repeals.


Description: An Act designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 45701, carrying Pennsylvania Route 403 over the Conemaugh River between Johnstown City and West Taylor Township, Cambria County, as the Captain Raymond W. Callahan, Jr., Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 8574, carrying State Route 1021 over Clearfield Creek between Reade Township and White Township, Cambria County, as the CPL Reid Rex Ross 3 BT 26 Marine Reg. Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 56008, carrying Pennsylvania Route 403 over Stonycreek River in Johnstown City, Cambria County, as the Sgt. John C. Alaimo Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 8444, carrying US Route 219 over Pennsylvania Route 56, also known as Scalp Avenue, in Richland Township, Cambria County, as the PFC Stanley Albert Stys Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 8547, located on State Route 1002, Cambria Township, Cambria County, as the PFC Cyril T. Yeckley Memorial Bridge; and making repeals.

Session: 2023-2024 Regular Session

Last Action: Referred to TRANSPORTATION

Last Action Date: March 7, 2023



Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.

1 sponsors: Wayne Langerholc (R)

Chamber Date Action
House Mar 7, 2023 Referred to TRANSPORTATION
Senate Jan 11, 2023 Third consideration and final passage (48-0)
House Jan 11, 2023 In the House
Senate Jan 10, 2023 Second consideration
Senate Jan 9, 2023 First consideration
Senate Jan 9, 2023 Reported as committed
Senate Jan 6, 2023 Referred to TRANSPORTATION
Type Date State Link Text
Introduced not available state bill text bill text
Votes - Click on description to view vote roll call
Description Vote Date Yea Votes Nay Votes Absent Passed Rating Comments
01/11/2023 48 0 1 Yes
resort votes by: party yeas nays name
01/9/2023 14 0 0 Yes
resort votes by: party yeas nays name
Comments On This Bill

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