PA Bill Number: HB26
Title: In provisions relating to abortion, repealing provisions relating to short title of chapter and to legislative intent, further providing for ...
Description: In provisions relating to abortion, repealing provisions relating to short title of chapter and to legislative intent, further providing for ... ...
Last Action: Referred to HEALTH
Last Action Date: Jan 8, 2025
Latest News
New York City Officer Pleads Guilty in Gun-Smuggling Case :: 02/17/2012
A New York City police officer whom prosecutors called the leader of a group of officers who accepted thousands of dollars in cash in return for illegally transporting firearms into the state pleaded guilty on Monday in Federal District Court in Manhattan.
Update - HB 1523 - Vote expected tomorrow the 14th :: 02/14/2012
Allegheny County Sportsmen's League, Inc.
Pending HB 1523 Legislation Would Allow NRA Lawsuits Against Philadelphia :: 02/11/2012
Due to the Marcellus Shale drilling debate, the amended PA House Bill 1523 is now scheduled for second consideration in the state House of Representatives on Monday, February 13.
Triumvirate of Philadelphia Officials Responsible for Violent Crime :: 02/04/2012
Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter expressed indignant outrage this past Monday regarding the case of Jorge Aldea, a man with a lengthy criminal record, including arrests for attempted murder and assault. Aldea was released on reduced bail mere hours before a warrant was issued for his arrest as the main suspect in yet another murder. Depending on who you ask, this murderous thugs release was the fault of the DA's Office if you ask the Police, and the fault of the Police if you ask the Office of the District Attorney Seth Williams.
Does 'fatally flawed' minority report on gunwalking 'absolve' administration? :: 02/01/2012
"Report by House Democrats Absolves Administration in Gun Trafficking Case," Charlie Savage of The New York Times would have us believe :
Gun Homicides in Europe, An Overview :: 02/01/2012
The BBC News recently published an article entitled "Gun Attacks in Europe ." In the article, the authors briefly discussed gun homicides for a selected group of European countries along with each country's stance with respect to gun control .
Federal official in Arizona to plead the fifth and not answer questions on 'furious' :: 01/21/2012
The chief of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Attorney's Office in Arizona is refusing to testify before Congress regarding Operation Fast and Furious, the federal gun-running scandal that sent U.S. weapons to Mexico .
How will CeaseFire spin this? Homicide no longer among leading death causes :: 01/13/2012
Homicide no longer among leading death causes
New York Times stacks deck so Holder can play race card :: 12/25/2011
"A Partisan Lightning Rod Is Undeterred," Charlie Savage of The New York Times writes in a December 17 page one exclusive political ad for Attorney General Eric Holder.
Kim Jong Il, International Promoter of Strict Gun Control, Dead at 69 :: 12/25/2011
With much sadness and tear filled eyes, officials of the peaceful hamlet known as North Korea announced today the passing of the dear leader, Kim Jong Il. Mr. Il is survived by his peace loving son Kim Jong Un and an undetermined number of children spread throughout the country. Our condolences go out to the heart broken country as they prepare to bury Il, who as one US representative has called, "the greatest advocate for gun free zones in the Pacific Rim".
Philly-area authorities Investigate Shooting Death :: 12/25/2011
PERKIOMENVILLE, Pa. - Authorities are investigating whether a shooting that left one man dead in the driveway of a suburban Philadelphia home and sent another to the hospital was justified under the state's expanded "castle doctrine" of self-defense.
Brady Campaign defends 'never letting a (manufactured) crisis go to waste' :: 12/25/2011
Chicago Mayor and former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel once (in?)famously said , "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." A growing number of Americans are seeing more and more reason to believe that this administration so enthusiastically agrees with Emanuel as to be willing to manufacture exactly the "crisis" necessary to facilitate advancing their most beloved agendas--agendas such as "gun control."
Gun Owners of America: Year in Review 2011 :: 12/25/2011
In the 35 years since its foundation, the GOA has maintained its staunch opposition to any form of gun control, often taking a harder stand than the NRA." - Ben Garrett, award-winning journalist, newspaper editor and blogger
Concealed Carry-1986-2011 & Violent Crime :: 12/25/2011
Every Picture Tells A Story, Part Two
Loving Freedom Enough to Defy the NDAA :: 12/25/2011
You might assume that revolution brews here in the "Homeland," given Our Rulers' paranoia: both the House and Senate have passed the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA) ; the bill requires only Obummer's signature by December 26 to destroy the venerable, infinitely precious right of habeas corpus. Thereafter, the president may declare American citizens "terrorists" with no evidence whatsoever and imprison them indefinitely.
TSA screenings aren't just for airports anymore :: 12/25/2011
Reporting from Charlotte, N.C. - Rick Vetter was rushing to board the Amtrak train in Charlotte, N.C., on a recent Sunday afternoon when a canine officer suddenly blocked the way.
Holder may be holding on to private emails about Fast and Furious :: 12/19/2011
A largely overlooked exchange from Thursday's House Judiciary Committee hearing includes what appears to be an admission from Attorney General Eric Holder that emails to and from him about Operation Fast and Furious may exist, and that he's refusing to provide them to Congress.
McConnell says Holder 'misled' Congress :: 12/19/2011
Attorney General Eric Holder and senior Justice Department officials have "misled" Congress about a failed government operation that provided firearms to Mexican drug cartels, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Sunday.
Tea-party leader shocked by arrest on gun charges :: 12/19/2011
Faces up to 15 years in prison, despite concealed-carry permit
Slaughter at Liege: political quackery is the Belgian reply to depravity :: 12/18/2011
Yesterday my colleague Peter Hitchens posted a blog note on cannabis and the massacre in the Belgian city of Liege carried out by Nordine Amrani, seen here on the right.
13576 Total News Items