proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB26

Title: In provisions relating to abortion, repealing provisions relating to short title of chapter and to legislative intent, further providing for ...

Description: In provisions relating to abortion, repealing provisions relating to short title of chapter and to legislative intent, further providing for ... ...

Last Action: Referred to HEALTH

Last Action Date: Jan 8, 2025

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Brady Campaign defends 'never letting a (manufactured) crisis go to waste' :: 12/25/2011

Chicago Mayor and former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel once (in?)famously said , "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." A growing number of Americans are seeing more and more reason to believe that this administration so enthusiastically agrees with Emanuel as to be willing to manufacture exactly the "crisis" necessary to facilitate advancing their most beloved agendas--agendas such as "gun control."

Like many other apologists for both the Obama administration and oppressive gun regulation, TPM Muckraker scoffs at the notion that "Project Gunwalker" is just such a "crisis," and is in fact unwilling to wait until after the title to heap scorn on the notion: "Republicans Buy Into NRA's 'Fast And Furious' Gun Control Conspiracy Theory ." Never mind the fact that senior officials within the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) were "giddy" at the "successes" of Operation Fast and Furious--and those "successes" had nothing to do with the fanciful, Underpants Gnome-inspired objective of "taking down a drug cartel". No--"success" here was measured by the quart --blood of the innocent in Mexico, spilled with "walked" guns:

An increase of crimes and deaths in Mexico caused an increase in the recovery of weapons at crime scenes. When these weapons traced back through the Suspect Gun Database to weapons that were walked under Fast and Furious, supervisors in Phoenix were giddy at the success of their operation.

As has been noted both here (more than once ) and by CBS News , there is documented proof that Department of "Justice" officials discussed using "walked" guns to justify more "gun control" at least as long ago as July 2010. Going back to the Muckraker article, the Brady Campaign's Daniel Vice is remarkably untroubled by this revelation, and in fact calls it "common sense ":

"Before this rule took effect, ATF would have had no idea if an individual came in and purchased 10 AK-47s from a gun dealer," Daniel Vice of the Brady Campaign, one of many groups very unhappy with the Obama administration's record on gun control , told TPM. "It would have been very odd if ATF didn't look to its arrest record and gun trafficking investigations for information to support this rule because those were traffickers they had actually uncovered buying guns. The fact that ATF looked there was just common sense."

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