proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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Gun Rights, Civil Rights :: 05/01/2015

When a cop shot teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, last summer, the death sparked protests, a militarized law enforcement response, and finally looting and destruction. But the Huey P. Newton Gun Club was ready. The Dallas-based group had formed in June 2014, more than two months before the shooting.


Hillary Equates Gun Owners With Terrorists, Says They Are "Prone to Violence." :: 05/01/2015

Democrat Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton thinks that “gun free zone” signs work, twice claims that modern sporting rifles are “automatic weapons,” and states that owners of the most popular rifle sold in the United States today are a small group “that terrorizes the majority of people.”


New Pew Poll Shows Record 2nd Amendment Support, While Baltimore Citizens Take Up Arms :: 05/01/2015

For decades, Second Amendment antagonists have alleged that its protections are an anachronism, an outdated relic of a bygone society of muskets and minutemen. 


Twilight Zone Moment: (Anti-Gunner) Michael Moore Endorses Gun Ownership, Vigilantism :: 05/01/2015

Left-wing documentarian Michael Moore, known for his virulently anti-gun film Bowling for Columbine, on Thursday endorsed widespread private gun ownership and vigilantism.


Washington "School Shooter" Stole Unsecured Weapon From Father :: 05/01/2015

We wrote Monday about the student who fired two shots into the air in a Lacey, Washington high school before being tackled by a teacher and subdued. We speculated at the time about the origins of the handgun:


2 members of Supreme Court 'targeted by U.S. spies' :: 04/30/2015

U.S. intelligence agencies have “harvested ” the personal and private data of “hundreds of federal officials and judges, including Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg,” charges a legal brief filed by Larry Klayman, the attorney who has come to be known as “the NSA slayer” for his successful legal battles against the National Security Agency.


Common thread in Aurora, Lacey: Gun control failures :: 04/30/2015

As the murder trial of accused mass killer James E. Holmes continues today in Colorado, court proceedings against the 16-year-old who faces charges for firing a couple of shots at North Thurston High School Monday has begun, and coverage of both cases lacks a single mention of the common thread they share: Gun control law failures.


Constitutional Carry Update: NH House approves repealing concealed handgun permit requirement :: 04/30/2015

CONCORD — A person would no longer be required to have a permit to carry a concealed weapon in New Hampshire, under a bill the House passed Wednesday, but Gov. Maggie Hassan said she would veto it.


Gun rights advocates rally in Diamond Park :: 04/30/2015

About 50 people who gathered in Diamond Park Saturday had at least one thing in common: they believe that everyone should have the right to bear arms.


Guns and money: Calls mount to probe NRA finances :: 04/30/2015

A leading national gun safety group, joined by members of Congress, is calling for investigations of the National Rifle Association’s fundraising practices and finances in response to a Yahoo News investigation published last week.


Anti-gun Loretta Lynch Sworn in as Attorney General :: 04/29/2015

“Eric Holder began disregarding the Constitution and laws after he was confirmed as Attorney General. Ms. Lynch has [already] told the Senate that’s what she’s going to do.” — Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), speaking in opposition to Lynch’s nomination on the Senate floor, April 23, 2015


Baltimore riots highlight 'progressive' paradox on guns and police :: 04/29/2015

As Baltimore erupts in violence, and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake promises a safe haven for destroyers (thwarted only by the occasional armed citizen protecting life and property where the police fear to tread), an inescapable observation strikes. High-profile shootings of black males continue to occur in cities where “progressive” Democrats run things. Yet in spite of that, they embrace “gun control,” that is, a system where police are the “only ones” trusted to keep and bear arms.


Cam's Corner | What (the anti-gunners) Gun Safety Looks Like :: 04/29/2015

The anti-gun movement has been playing around with language since leaders decided to scrap the “handgun control” brand in the late 1970s. Since then, we’ve seen a marked move from overt support for “gun control” to supposed support for the much more innocuous “gun safety” or “responsible gun ownership.”


FLASHBACK: Baltimore Police Chief Calls For More Gun Control, NRA Predicts Citizens Will Need Guns In Crisis :: 04/29/2015

In the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing for the merits of additional federal gun control on Jan. 30, 2013.


Gun Sense Vermont and Bloomberg's Everytown spend big but still lose gun fight :: 04/29/2015

Gun control groups, including Gun Sense Vermont and Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety, blew big bucks on anti-gun legislation in Vermont in recent months but have little to show for it.


POLITIFACT REVEALS: Handgun Waiting Periods Don't Save Lives :: 04/29/2015

You would think that anyone with a modicum of common sense would know that handgun waiting periods have little to no impact on criminal activity.


SCOPE President on SAFE ACT: An open letter to the New York State Senate Republicans :: 04/29/2015

In the 2014 election cycle dozens of New York candidates, including sixteen Republican Senate candidates, signed the SCOPE Candidates Pledge which read, As a candidate for office in the state of New York, I pledge to support the Second Amendment and the rights of gun owners, hunters, and sportsmen in our state, I pledge to support the repeal of the NY SAFE Act and oppose any similar gun-ban legislation at the local, state, and federal level.


Defense of slavery decisions points to ultimate need for armed citizenry :: 04/28/2015

Anti-gun Oregon Democrat State Senator Chuck Riley says the Supreme Court was “right for the time” for upholding the enslavement of blacks as Constitutional. His comments came after questioning by gun rights advocates who were attempting to understand his rational for supporting citizen disarmament edicts, and was recorded by videographer “LaughingAtLiberals.”


FBI Sniper Rifle Stolen From Hotel Parking Lot :: 04/28/2015

The Daily Mail reports that an FBI agent’s sniper rifle was stolen from a car parked in front of his hotel in Salt Lake City a few days before President Obama was scheduled to speak there. The gun was inside a hard rifle case and was ‘secured properly’ to a truck safe with padlocks and chains while the car was parked at the Marriott Springhill Suites, according to police . . .


Ohio's Criminal Background Check System Doesn't Work. And? :: 04/28/2015

“The computerized background-check system operated by the [Ohio] Bureau of Criminal Investigation in the office of Attorney General Mike DeWine has been troubled for years, sometimes indicating that thousands of criminals have clean records,” reports. “Thousands of police officers and employers rely daily on the criminal background check system that DeWine describes as ‘critical for the safety of Ohio families.’


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