proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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Exclusive: Mad Men :: 08/10/2015

“Ad of the Day: Here’s What Happens When You Open a Gun Store in the Middle of NYC,” Adweek contributor Tim Nudd reported to industry shakers, movers, opinion-molders and manipulators.


League of Women Voters will lead battle with NRA over 'guns on campus' bills :: 08/10/2015

TALLAHASSEE | The League of Women Voters of Florida said it will lead opposition this year to two controversial proposals to authorize loaded guns on school campuses, from small elementary schools to colleges brimming with tens of thousands of students.


Los Angeles Magazine Ban Invites Ridicule, Defiance and Contempt :: 08/10/2015

The Los Angeles City Council passed an ordinance last week banning what it calls “large capacity” [read “standard capacity”] magazines, ordering citizens to surrender them within 60 days. Gun owners caught in possession of a 10+round magazine by LAPD enforcers will face misdemeanor charges, the Los Angeles Daily News reported.


Mass Murder in Oklahoma, But Media Could Care Less, No Guns Involved :: 08/10/2015

Oklahoma –-( That’s right, there was a mass murder in which five people were killed and one other seriously injured in Oklahoma a few days ago that the media is virtually ignoring.


PA House Majority Leader opens door to (Atty. General) Kane impeachment :: 08/10/2015

A statement released Friday by House Majority Leader Dave Reed (R-Indiana) calling for Attorney General Kathleen Kane to resign left open the possibility of impeachment of the state’s top law enforcement officer if she refuses to step aside.


Panama: More Guns, Less Crime :: 08/10/2015

All too often we see governments implementing more and more restrictive gun control laws in an effort to “reduce gun violence.” As we’ve been saying here at TTAG for years, that strategy has the opposite result — allowing criminals to run rampant and unchecked, preying on now defenseless citizens, all while the government demands further restrictions on civil liberties to solve a problem that citizens can solve themselves given enough firepower.


VT Woman Uses an Assault Ri-. . . Sorry, Hunting Rifle to Kill Social Worker :: 08/10/2015

Gun rights advocates like to point out that the hysteria over “assault rifles” is misplaced. AR-style modern sporting rifles are a lot less likely to be used in a crime than handguns, as statistics reveal. The New York Times (no less) reports that “In 2012, only 322 people were murdered with any kind of rifle, F.B.I. data shows.”


Why is NSSF Trying to Expand List of "Prohibited Persons" :: 08/10/2015

In the wake of high-profile mass shootings in South Carolina, Tennessee, and Louisiana, some of the calls for more "gun control" are coming from a perhaps surprising direction.


Baltimore Sun: Individual Right To Keep, Bear Arms Created In 2008 :: 08/08/2015

On August 7, the Baltimore Sun ran a column ubiquitously examining the chasm between Americans who arm themselves for self-defense and Americans who do not.


Christie Heckled By Second Amendment Activists At Red State Gathering :: 08/08/2015

ATLANTA — Following his remarks at the Red State Gathering Friday, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican presidential candidate, was confronted by Second Amendment activists demanding to know why he has not thrown out the charges against a North Carolina man who was found with a firearm by New Jersey police.


Indicted PA Congressman (Fattah) was flying Air Force One with Obama two weeks ago :: 08/08/2015

As initial reports began circulating Wednesday about the 29-count fraud, bribery and laundering indictment against Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-Pa.), some Internet outlets noted that Fattah has a history of cozying up to the White House.


Official: Navy Won't Charge Officer Who Used Personal Firearm To Take Down Chattanooga Shooter :: 08/08/2015

During the Chattanooga shooting, one Navy officer, Lt. Cmdr. Timothy White, fired back at the gunman with a personal firearm. The Navy immediately  launched an investigation to determine potential wrongdoing.


Republican debate left questions of guns, climate and race issues unsaid :: 08/08/2015

For all the talk of healthcare, immigration, benefits and war, a conspicuous silence reigned over some of the issues most sensitive to conservative voters Pimps, prostitutes, messages from God, border walls and a child who is “a total superstar”.


Update on Vet's Standoff Against GOV's Attempt to Confiscate Guns - VIDEO :: 08/08/2015

Yesterday we posted a chilling story about how the VA is actively attempting to confiscate guns. This isn’t just headlines with no proof. This is real story with overwhelming evidence the Obama VA is working to disarm Americans.


Anti-gun Media: CNN: Fake Gun In Tennessee Theater Attack Shows Need For Gun Control :: 08/07/2015

On August 6–the day after Vincente David Montano allegedly attacked Carmike Hickory 8 Cinema in a Nashville suburb–CNN admitted that the gun used in the attack was not real but suggested the gun proves the need for more gun control regardless.


Anti-Gunners: You Know How Long It Takes to Get an Illegal Gun on the North Side of Milwaukee? Minutes. :: 08/07/2015

Wisconsin’s largest city set a grisly record this summer: In July, Milwaukee had already experienced more fatal shootings than it did in all of 2014. Of the 96 Milwaukeeans murdered so far this year, 79 were shot. All but eight people shot fatally were male; all but nine were African-American.


Chicago police detained thousands of black Americans at interrogation facility :: 08/07/2015

At least 3,500 Americans have been detained inside a Chicago police warehouse described by some of its arrestees as a secretive interrogation facility, newly uncovered records reveal.


DC: Entrenched Gun Control, Elevated Gun Crime :: 08/07/2015

When the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) overturned Washington DC’s draconian gun ban in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), one could not be blamed for thinking the pillars of gun control could crumble and the liberties protected by the 2nd Amendment would flourish.


D.C. residents would feel safer if they could carry a concealed weapon :: 08/07/2015

The Aug. 3 Metro article “Struggling to feel safe in rising tide of violence” showed why D.C. residents need more freedom to carry a concealed weapon. As a Mississippian, I grew up feeling safe because I knew I could defend myself if my life was threatened.


Gun-confiscation fears lead to protest in northern Idaho :: 08/07/2015

BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- A group of residents in northern Idaho lined up outside a U.S. Navy veteran's house on Thursday to protest claims that federal officials are planning on confiscating the man's weapons.


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