proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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Someone Please Tell 'The View' That Automatic Weapons Are Already Heavily Regulated :: 01/08/2016

Yesterday Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) stopped by The View, where the issue of gun control was bound to come up during the roundtable discussion. Sen. Paul aptly noted that Second Amendment supporters and gun owners aren’t opposed to background checks–Rand admitted that he doesn’t object to them.


This is What Happens to A Disarmed Populace: German Police Powerless Against "Coordinated Sex Assaults" :: 01/08/2016 reports that “Police in the German city of Cologne have admitted they ‘could not cope’ with the sheer number of coordinated sexual assaults and robberies taking place on New Year’s Eve, according to an internal police report. The report has come after a week of shock and outrage in Germany over the scale of the attacks, which also took place on a smaller scale in other cities.” Let’s put a number on that, shall we . . .


Trump Promises To Make Ending Gun Free Zones A Priority If Elected :: 01/08/2016

Lefty Washington Post blogger Greg Sargent heard Donald Trump’s latest proposal on gun rights last night, and promptly had an aneurysm:


You might be a hoplophobe . . . :: 01/08/2016

I don’t like horror movies.  There is nothing attractive about sitting and waiting for the monster to jump out of the dark screen at me, even though the fear is irrational.  Hoplophobes are people who have an irrational fear of firearms.  What is it like for them as they wait for their monster to attack, and can they be helped?


Background checks won't halt shootings :: 01/07/2016

In their final months in office, presidents typically focus on building a legacy. One way President Obama is doing that is by tightening federal gun laws. While wiping back tears in a Tuesday speech from the White House, he announced several executive actions he claimed would reduce gun crimes, in particular, the kinds of mass shootings seen in San Bernardino on Dec. 2.


DRGO: New York Times Attempts to Revive the Viral Theory of Gun Control :: 01/07/2016

Pity the poor New York Times.  Like most of the so called mainstream media, their ad revenue and readership have been declining for years.  They must know that their extreme leftward bias has accelerated this death dive, yet they strive to spew propaganda all the way down.


Even with strict gun control, New Yorkers hope more is done :: 01/07/2016

Although New York is already known for its strong gun laws, some are hoping President Barack Obama’s plans to strengthen gun control throughout the nation will help keep the state out of violence’s way.


Fox panel gets real about gun-grab: When ISIS comes to US, I won't be on my knees with my head down :: 01/07/2016

The National Rifle Association has one enemy — the Democratic Party.


Missaukee Gun Dealer, Clare County Sheriff React To President's Gun Control Reform :: 01/07/2016

The new plan is getting mixed reviews across the country...including here in Northern Michigan.


Obama and guns: Eleven false or misleading claims from the president's remarks this week :: 01/07/2016

With tears in his eyes, President Obama pulled out all the stops in pushing his new executive orders on gun control this week.  A Washington Post headline exclaimed, "President Obama’s amazingly emotional speech on gun control.”  But the president also tried to appeal to people’s minds with a barrage of factual claims.


PA Congressman Scott Perry introduces Second Amendment Defense Act :: 01/07/2016

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Scott Perry (PA-4) introduced a bill this week that would prohibit the President from enacting his proposed executive action as it relates to gun control. Specifically, the Second Amendment Defense Act disallows the Executive branch from unilaterally taking action to create more restrictive regulations on law-abiding gun owners.


The Constitution, the President and Guns :: 01/07/2016

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." -- Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution


Trump on the 2nd Amendment :: 01/07/2016

Milford, NH -( Many of our members and friends have asked us to report on Presidential Candidate Donald Trump.


Cornyn respond to president's executive action restricting Second Amendment rights :: 01/06/2016

U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) released the following statement in response to President Obama’s announcement that he will circumvent Congress and take executive action to restrict the constitutional rights of the American people:


CPRC: "Do Background Checks on Private Gun Transfers help Stop Mass Public Shootings?" :: 01/06/2016

Today President Obama addressed the issue of mass public shootings and background checks.  From the Fox News article today discussing our new study:


Desperate Democrats Turn to Gun-Control Theater :: 01/06/2016

President Obama’s latest push for new gun regulations is a distraction.  It is a distraction designed for the news media and the low information voter.  After all, President Obama merely has to whisper the words “mass murder” and the Democrat news media will parade a backdrop of bloody victims on a green screen.


Obama's Gun-Control Order Is Dictatorial, and It Won't Work :: 01/06/2016

Today, upset that Congress has refused, in his words, to do “something, anything” to stop gun violence, President Obama released executive actions that bring the country closer to his oft-stated goal of “universal” background checks that cover the private transfer of firearms.


Obama's Speech - A Crowd-Pleaser for the Left and the Ignorant :: 01/06/2016

By Alan Korwin (from, reprinted with permission) Here are the highlights from the president’s plans on new gun controls. It is obvious he is limited in what he can do without Congress. His packed house and emotional introduction was brilliantly performed.


Universal background checks do little to stop mass shootings, study finds :: 01/06/2016

A new study is questioning long-held government claims that background checks on private gun transfers could help stop mass public shootings.


We Are Way More Scared of Government Than Guns :: 01/06/2016

President Obama's urgency on gun control is at odds with what people are really worried about.


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