proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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Missaukee Gun Dealer, Clare County Sheriff React To President's Gun Control Reform :: 01/07/2016

The new plan is getting mixed reviews across the country...including here in Northern Michigan.

This new extensive series of plans has one goal: help eliminate gun violence.

But to local dealers and law enforcement, the rush to move these actions forward has them nervous.

"When a president, to me, just does an executive order without any other people being involved, it kind of scares me, I won't lie," says John Wilson, Clare County Sheriff.

Under the president's plan, people selling a gun now need to show they are licensed gun dealers and do background checks on any buyers.

It's a change that Clare County Sheriff John Wilson says might impact enough.

"If you have two civilians that one is going to sell a gun to the other person, if they don't have a concealed pistol license, they have to get a concealed purchase permit," Sheriff Wilson says. "They can't go to a gun show and just buy a gun without paperwork being done legally and a background and/or a cpl."

Carl Carlson at Carl's Sports Center in Missaukee County says gun shows could see the biggest impact.

"Probably half the dealers are licensed and probably half of them are not licensed so that's going to affect them a lot," Carlson says.

Carl says this plan *could* make sense for online dealers.

"Online is the real problem right now because there are so many people selling online that aren't licensed and a lot of them are criminals that are selling stolen guns online," Carlson says.

But will this plan stop people from shooting people?

Sheriff Wilson says we'll have to wait and see.

"We have how many laws in this country and, if you don't follow them, it doesn't work, you understand?" Sheriff Wilson says. "It's just like the home invasion. You cannot break into a house but people still do it. You cannot obtain a firearm illegally. You can still do it."

The new bill also will make doctors report patient mental illness to the government, amongst other bullet points.