proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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The experience of Prohibition :: 01/22/2016

The history of the United States from the early colonization to the present shows two desires in the American character—namely, the desire to do whatever I damn well please combined with the desire to damn anyone who does what displeases me.  I use first person pronouns there because I share this as a part of my cultural DNA.


What If We Treated the First Amendment Like the Second? :: 01/22/2016

What if we treated the first amendment like the second? Sure, you have the right to freedom of speech, but first, you must get a permit. But not too fast, before you are allowed to mock the government or become part of the press or worship freely, you have to take a class.


AG Defends Obama's Excutive Action on Guns :: 01/21/2016

WASHINGTON (CN) - Appearing before members of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch defended the president's authority to curb gun violence via executive action.


A Semi-Automatic Handgun Ban Wouldn't Stop Mass Shooters :: 01/21/2016

President Obama’s timing is off. Just as he tries to assure us that there’s no conspiracy to take away our guns, Democrats across the country are calling for banning most firearms.


DRGO: Can Auto Safety Teach Us to Reduce Gun Deaths? :: 01/21/2016

The idea that “gun violence” can be addressed in a similar manner as automobile safety has been proposed many times, and for many years.  President Obama has hammered incessantly on this theme.  In the wake of the San Bernardino terrorist attack Shannon Muchmore and Steven Ross Johnson in a recent article published in Modern Healthcare, attempt to rehash the subject once more.


Idaho permitless (Constitutional) carry draft bill released :: 01/21/2016

Idaho State Representatives Heather Scott (R-1) and Ronald Nate (R-34) kept their promise to release a draft of their permit-less carry bill to the public today. The two legislators worked through the summer and fall with various interested parties (gun owners, law enforcement, legislators, etc.) to develop this important legislation.


Journalist-Registration Bill Is Modeled On Gun Law, S.C. Lawmaker Says :: 01/21/2016

Criminal background checks and assurances that a person "is competent to be a journalist" are among the requirements put forth by State Rep. Mike Pitts in a new bill in South Carolina's Legislature. The bill would also create a responsible journalism registry.


LA Times : Hillary's Wrong on Gun Control. Well, About One Idea :: 01/21/2016

Let’s start with the last line of George Skelton’s‘s piece Why Hillary Clinton and L.A. County supervisors are wrong on gun control: “Even the NRA isn’t always wrong.” That dear reader, is about as good as it gets for both the LA Times and Mr. Skelton. By his own admission, the “contact reporter” loves him some gun control . . .


MLK and his aides had guns for self-defense :: 01/21/2016

Each year Martin Luther King Jr. is celebrated as the dreamer who led the nonviolent movement that toppled the segregated social order that stifled the lives of African-Americans.


No, 90 Percent Don't Want More Background Checks :: 01/21/2016

Gun control advocates like President Obama keep claiming that 80 to 90 percent of Americans are in favor of expanded background check legislation. Only, it’s not true.


Question of the Day: How Would A Terrorist Attack on a School Effect Gun Control? :: 01/21/2016

The San Bernardino terrorist attack stimulated yet another gun sales surge and did nothing to discourage the anti-gun agitators from continuing, indeed ratcheting up their campaign for civilian disarmament.


Tennessee Constitutional Carry Bill of 2016 :: 01/21/2016

Below is a copy of the 2016 permit-less (Constitutional) carry bill introduced by Senator Green and Representative Matheny.


Weapons Blueprints Banned in the Fine Print of "Sentencing Reform" :: 01/21/2016

One of the presidents signature issues is “sentencing reform.” By this is meant a comprehensive bill altering Federal prison sentences, mostly, reducing them, Particularly for drug dealers, even drug dealers who used firearms and committed violent crimes as part of their “business.”


Why Did Delaware Drop 71 Percent Of Its 11,000+ Gun Charges Filed Between 2012-2014? :: 01/21/2016

Gun control advocates think we need more laws, gun rights supporters think we have enough laws on the books–it’s just that they’re not being enforced. In Delaware, there have been over 11,000 gun charges filed, but 71 percent have been dropped in plea deals in order to put criminals behind bars.


A gun is just a gun :: 01/20/2016

It’s a disturbing thing to find out that one’s favorite quotation from some well-known authority turns out not to have been said by him or her—at least not in the exact wording or in the assumed meaning that gets repeated.  Rick never actually says, “Play it again, Sam,” as a single sentence in Casablanca, and “Elementary, my dear Watson” never gets said together in the canonical Sherlock Holmes stories.


Blacks and the Confederacy :: 01/20/2016

Last July, Anthony Hervey, an outspoken black advocate for the Confederate flag, was killed in a car crash. Arlene Barnum, a surviving passenger in the vehicle, told authorities and the media that they had been forced off the road by a carload of "angry young black men" after Hervey, while wearing his Confederate kepi, stopped at a convenience store en route to his home in Oxford, Mississippi.


BOOM: NSSF Addresses President Obama's Lies About The Gun Industry :: 01/20/2016

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the firearms industry’s trade association, purchased ad space in the Washington Post this morning to publish an open letter to President Obama.


Controversy over proposed symbolic gun ban in Constantine :: 01/20/2016

CONSTANTINE, Mich. (NEWSCHANNEL 3) - Controversy continues in the village of Constantine.  Weeks after people packed a village meeting, speaking out over the possibility of an assault rifle ban, another meeting wrapped up Monday night.


FBI official: 'Perfect storm' imperiling (NICS) gun background checks :: 01/20/2016

The FBI has been overwhelmed by so many background checks for new gun sales, that they've had to halt appeals by prospective buyers who've been turned down, but that's not the only problem facing the system. VPC


If Gun Owners Can Be Licensed, Why Not Journalists? :: 01/20/2016

A South Carolina legislator's stunt bill tweaks the press for failing to take the Second Amendment seriously.


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