proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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LA Times : Hillary's Wrong on Gun Control. Well, About One Idea :: 01/21/2016

Let’s start with the last line of George Skelton’s‘s piece Why Hillary Clinton and L.A. County supervisors are wrong on gun control: “Even the NRA isn’t always wrong.” That dear reader, is about as good as it gets for both the LA Times and Mr. Skelton. By his own admission, the “contact reporter” loves him some gun control . . .

There aren’t many gun control proposals I don’t like, as any regular reader knows:

Universal, substantive background checks for guns and ammunition? Yes.

Ban possession of ammo magazines that hold more than 10 rounds? Certainly. But government should be fair and buy back the magazines. A November ballot measure sponsored by Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom would outlaw those high-capacity devices used in so many mass shootings but offer no buyback.

However, repealing lawsuit immunity and requiring insurance?

Despite his obvious enthusiasm for pissing on the Second Amendment (from a great height), Mr. Skelton reckons Hillary Clinton’s call to repeal the Firearm Owners Protection Act is a bridge too far. As is the LA County Supervisors’ plan to force gun owners to buy insurance.

One would amount to a full-employment act for lawyers. The other would be merely a market-builder for insurers.

We should be trying to stop the carnage before there are dead bodies all over the floor, not just mopping up afterward. Shootings aren’t headed off by encouraging lawsuits and allowing insurance payouts after the fact.

That said, there is merit in making it easier to sue the few rogue gun dealers who carelessly — maybe even willingly — sell to suspected bad guys. Too many of those suits are dismissed. But going after the manufacturers seems pointless.

Question: if  Mr. Skelton rejects these measures as ineffective, why does he support other measures which are even more draconian and equally ineffective? Because guns!

The longest journey starts with a single step. Mr. Skelton’s final admission — the NRA”s call to enforce existing gun laws is a good idea — puts him on the road to the salvation of Californians’ natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms.    He might not get there with you, but he has seen the promised land.