proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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Russia: Confusion as Putin Signs Law Not Approved by State Duma :: 07/07/2016

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the confusion surrounding recently adopted amendments to Russian weapon ownership laws was the result of a mistake in the State Duma database, rather than a conscious decision, the Meduza news agency reported Wednesday.


Study: Cops kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more coverage :: 07/07/2016

A study posted by a researcher at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice shows that more whites are killed by police than blacks or Hispanics but that blacks are three times more likely to die if the racial breakdown of the population is taken into account.


The Incredible Hopelessness of America's Gun Conversation :: 07/07/2016

For millennia, the ability to interpret hieroglyphics had been lost to the ages. So when Jean-Francois Champollion decoded the Rosetta Stone it was a monumental breakthrough. Since then, a “Rosetta Stone” has come to refer to anything that offers a roadmap for understanding the undecipherable.


The Washington Gun Control Axis :: 07/07/2016

As the world knows, back on June 11, Omar Mateen, an American-born Muslim, entered the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida and shot to death 49 people, the worst mass shooting in American history. President Obama remained skeptical about Mateen’s motivation and quickly focused on gun control.


California: Case Study in the Failure of Gun Control :: 07/06/2016

In 1989, California became “the first state to ban assault weapons.” Since that time, it has enacted a steady stream of gun controls, only to see violent crime rise and high-profile shootings — including terror attacks — betray the lie that gun control saves lives.


Dems announce platform for convention: Lots of gun control :: 07/06/2016

Inside the draft platform proposed by the Democratic National Committee is a gun violence prevention plan to close “loopholes” and take “weapons of war” off the streets and from potential terrorists.


House GOP plan to hold gun vote faces resistance from conservatives :: 07/06/2016

House Republican leaders’ plan to hold a vote on a gun-control proposal this week is on hold amid objections from conservatives concerned with the legislation and a broader package of counterterrorism measures.


Rep. Amash: GOP-Run House Voting to Ban Gun Ownership for Pre-Crime :: 07/06/2016

Breitbart News reported on June 30 that House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) blinked days after a Democrat-sponsored sit-in, announcing he would allow a gun control vote this week.


Court holds machine guns not protected by 2nd Amendment :: 07/05/2016

A unanimous three-judge panel last week upheld a lower court ruling that guns capable of select-fire or full-auto are “dangerous and unusual” and not protected by the Constitution.


Female Gun Owners From Every State Rally for the 2ND in DC :: 07/05/2016

In an effort to bring female shooters together with legislators to give politicians a direct connection to the fastest growing demographic of gun owners, Dianna Muller created The DC Project which takes place this week in our nation’s capital.


Gun control ideas that won't work :: 07/05/2016

Once again, following the horrific shooting in Orlando, the advocates of gun control are in full voice. Congressional Democrats have even conducted an unprecedented sit-in and shoutfest to stop the workings of the House of Representatives.


In Pennsylvania, taxpayers subsidize background checks for gun buyers :: 07/05/2016

Gun advocates want to save money by scrapping the state background check system. Opponents think relying on the feds could reduce public safety.


Pennsylvania: Despite ruling, Pennsylvania towns might go slow on gun laws :: 07/05/2016

Under threat of costly litigation, dozens of Pennsylvania municipalities repealed their gun ordinances last year in response to a new state law that made it easier for gun owners and groups like the National Rifle Association to challenge them in court.


The Democrats Emergency Assault on the Second Amendment :: 07/05/2016

To hear the Democrat-media complex tell it, guns themselves are responsible for last month’s carnage at a gay nightclub in Orlando — not the jihadist (a registered Democrat) who pulled the triggers again and again while screaming “Allahu akbar” and pledging allegiance to ISIS. This “blame the guns” meme spearheads the Left’s latest campaign against the Second Amendment.


This Hollywood Hypocrite Shows He Was Bourne Stupid :: 07/05/2016

Matt Damon was in Australia promoting yet another one of his tediously by-the-book Bourne movies when the pretend assassin decided to lash out at his native country for having too much liberty.


Gun Used in Paris Terrorist Attacks Came from Phoenix, AZ :: 07/04/2016

USA – -( One of the guns used in the November 13, 2015 Paris terrorist attacks came from Phoenix, Arizona where the Obama administration allowed criminals to buy thousands of weapons illegally in a deadly and futile “gun-walking” operation known as “Fast and Furious.”


Once Flagged a Terrorist, Congressman Opposes Gun Ban :: 07/04/2016

Waiting on a routine flight from Sacramento back to Santa Barbara, Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif., discovered he was a terrorist. Or at least that’s what the FBI thought.


The Leave Campaign of 1776 Reverberates to This Day :: 07/04/2016

Great Britain’s vote last month to exit the European Union has been widely described as the country's most consequential decision in decades. But its significance is paltry compared to that of history's original "Leave" resolution, the 240th anniversary of which Americans commemorate this Fourth of July.


The Sacrifices Made by the Men Who Signed the Declaration :: 07/04/2016

When reading the Declaration of Independence, it is easy to focus only on the sweeping language of the second paragraph and skip over the names and mutual pledge of the signers at its conclusion.


You Owe Them Nothing - Not Respect, Not Loyalty, Not Obedience :: 07/04/2016

Sometimes in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another. It is high time to declare our personal independence from any remnant of obligation to those who have spit upon the rule of law. We owe them nothing - not respect, not loyalty, not obedience.


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