proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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Gun Community Upset by Speaker Ryan's Call for Gun Control Following Charlottesville Car Attack :: 08/26/2017

During a Town Hall meeting, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) took several questions on Charlottesville, and the general state of our nation.


Homicidal Rhetoric Increasing Likelihood of More Widespread Violence :: 08/26/2017

USA – -( “The Alt-left does not even hide their violent threats against conservatives,” Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit noted Thursday. “Of course, you will never see this reported by the #FakeNews media.”


Washington D.C. seeks retrial in pro-gun concealed carry win :: 08/25/2017

The city is looking for a do-over after the courts overturned the District of Columbia’s strict “may-issue” policy for issuing concealed carry permits.


We won't defend the presence of firearms at protests-SAF :: 08/25/2017

One of the largest gun advocacy groups in the nation, the Second Amendment Foundation, said they will not defend the presence of firearms at protests, the Washington Times reported this week.


Why Gun-Banners Continue To Spin Lies :: 08/25/2017

Professional gun control proponents like Mark Kelly, Michael Bloomberg, Shannon Watts and Dennis Henigan all have something in common—they lie for a living. Being a military brat who was always taught that the only thing in life that you can truly control is your integrity, this has always been something difficult for me to wrap my arms around. I’ve dealt with their lies my entire adult life and I still haven’t found a way to come to terms with it.


Democrat Efforts to Keep Blacks Unarmed in Post-Civil War South :: 08/24/2017

Defeated Confederate Democrats used the tactic of gun control to keep blacks unarmed in the immediate post-Civil War South, and Democrats in the 20th century used gun control for similar ends.


DRGO: Firearms and Rural Suicides :: 08/24/2017

A number of national media have recently given attention to a report titled Urban–Rural Differences in Suicide in the State of Maryland: The Role of Firearms published this month by the American Journal of Public Health (AJPH). The conclusion being drawn from this publication is that gun-related suicides may be more common in rural than in urban areas. This paper, not published in printed form, by Johns Hopkins academics has been made available online – for a fee.


Media Bias: LA Times: Restrict the Second Amendment at First Amendment rallies :: 08/24/2017

The LA Times published an editorial Wednesday titled “Don’t restrict free speech. Restrict the right to carry guns at potentially explosive public events.” The argument is that free speech is too important to restrict but, for safety’s sake, police should be willing to tell people no guns allowed at outdoor rallies. And as the Times points out, it’s not just right-wing gun owners bringing weapons to these rallies.


Pa. State Representative's Home Vandalized In Beaver Co. :: 08/24/2017

BEAVER, Pa. (KDKA) — A disgusting message was sent to a state representative. Now, he is sharing a message of his own.


ACLU Goes Soft on First Amendment Rights of Gun Carriers :: 08/23/2017

On the heels of deadly protests and counterprotests in Charlottesville, Virginia, the American Civil Liberties Union has stated it will no longer defend the First Amendment rights of “hate groups” seeking to lawfully exercise their right to openly carry firearms.


Constitutional Carry: Indiana lawmakers consider allowing guns without a license :: 08/23/2017

INDIANAPOLIS – A new proposal could allow people to carry loaded guns in public without a license in Indiana.


Taxing 2nd Amendment: Seattle Council candidate wants to increase Seattle's tax on guns :: 08/23/2017

Seattle Council candidate wants to increase Seattle's tax on guns.  One of two candidates vying to replace Seattle Councilmember Tim Burgess wants voters to double down on the city’s gun tax.


How Tech Companies Are Turning Minds Against Second Amendment Freedoms :: 08/22/2017

We know Google doesn’t “allow the promotion of some products or services that cause damage, harm or injury.” Google’s list of banned products for promotion includes guns or, as Google puts it, “[f]unctional devices that appear to discharge a projectile at high velocity, whether for sport, self-defense or combat.” The company also bans ads and other promotions for ammunition.


Right Questions Can Help the Uninformed Think Past Anti-Gun Disinformation :: 08/22/2017

It’s time to revisit some basic questions I’ve asked before in columns of mine that have long since disappeared from the internet. It’s time because of the contempt gun owners continually receive from the media and from “progressive” politicians and activists, it’s time because the questions are still valid, and it’s time because it looks like things are starting to heat up.


The ACLU Betrays America :: 08/22/2017

Last week’s announcement by the ACLU that it will no longer defend unpopular speech by heavily armed groups wasn’t just a betrayal of its historic mission. The group is a private non-profit organization, so it can choose its cases at will. But Americans trust the ACLU to articulate what the Constitution means, and when it claimed that the First Amendment itself doesn’t protect such groups, it betrayed the American people.


The racist origin of gun control laws :: 08/22/2017

Guns have historically protected Americans from white supremacists, just as gun control has historically protected white supremacists from the Americans they terrorize.


Dartmouth Professor Defends Antifa Violence :: 08/21/2017

Dartmouth College professor Mark Bray defended the violence used by left-wing Antifa groups, arguing that they need to preemptively strike to avoid the rise of white nationalists.


Paul Ryan Advised Republicans To Run From Trump Prior To Election Day, Says Gohmert :: 08/21/2017

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan advised Republicans to run away from candidate Donald Trump before the election in order to save themselves and hold a future-President Hillary Clinton accountable, Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas revealed in an exclusive video interview with The Daily Caller New Foundation.


YouTube Has Double Standard When It Comes To Guns :: 08/21/2017

Over the years, numerous gun channels on YouTube have mentioned their troubles with the internet streaming service. This has been an ongoing problem with YouTube, with numerous reports existing of channels having videos demonetized for ridiculous reasons. By ridiculous, I mean videos and channels supposedly violating the terms of service, but that don’t actually violate the terms of service.


ACLU's Second Amendment Troubles After Charlottesville :: 08/19/2017

A very strange thing has happened since last weekend’s dreadful violence in Charlottesville. White supremacists used virtually every form of weapon except guns, yet somehow the Second Amendment is now under fire. Even worse, those who lawfully exercise the right to keep and bear arms now have fewer defenders when they also choose to speak.


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