proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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Homicidal Rhetoric Increasing Likelihood of More Widespread Violence :: 08/26/2017

USA – -( “The Alt-left does not even hide their violent threats against conservatives,” Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit noted Thursday. “Of course, you will never see this reported by the #FakeNews media.”


Where's the outrage over Nancy Pelosi not condemning this?

“The patriot prayer rally is a nazi white supremacist event,” so-called alt-left “leader” Jordan Towers threatened. “I’ll be their [sic] to crush some nazi [sic] skulls.”

Towers deleted the nailed bat photo he posted on Twitter after backlash. Anyone connected with popular culture can’t help but make the connection between what such a weapon is capable of doing and its similarity to the barbed wire-wrapped “Lucille,” sickeningly used by the totalitarian-minded Negan character on “The Walking Dead.”



At the very least this is an instance of what the snowflakes call “cyberbullying,” and an attempt to chill political speech by disouraging attendance at a permitted rally by those he opposes. Seeing the hypocritical for-the-media meltdown the gun-grabbers had over NRA’s Dana Loesch using the words “clenched fist of truth” while calling out “The Violence of Lies,” Towers will be lucky if it’s not considered a terrorist threat. It's certainly a stronger message than the one Democrat Rep. Kathleen Rice had a fake cow over.

But just because he ran away from his tweet, he’s still advocating violence against those he hates on his Twitter feed. And that appears to be anyone he hates and then smears as a Nazi. But he’s doing it letting others take the heat, by retweeting a Huffington Post story titled “Teacher Accused Of Punching Neo-Nazi Says Standing Up To Fascism Isn’t A Crime.”

It is if you’re the one initiating violence. It doesn’t matter if you hate a person and hate their beliefs. Aggressors don’t get to claim “self-defense.”

It’s kind of funny to me, because I can’t help but recall the time the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (formerly the National Coalition to Ban Handguns, but that name didn’t really fit since they want to ban rifles, too) accused me of, well, read it for yourself:

“Quotes from David Codrea: 

“Careful … You’re talking about testing the ultimate last-resort purpose behind the Second Amendment. Some of us armed Americans take our Bill of Rights seriously and will not go gentle into that good night, bundled or by ourselves. You and your fellow travelers are playing a most dangerous game.”

“Source: Codrea responding to a columnist who suggested that “Anyone who shows up armed at a forum where a public official or political candidate is due to appear ought to be detained—and possibly prosecuted.” Guns Magazine, ‘The Most Dangerous Game,’ January 2010”

Here’s the source and that’s what I wrote. But they absolutely “misrepresented” the context.

I was responding directly to lines from “The Guns of August” by statist cheerleader and “political cartoonist” Ted Rall, and my article made that clear. Here’s what he said about armed demonstrators who were breaking no laws:

“These town hall terrorists could be declared enemy combatants and bundled off to Bagram with the stroke of a pen. If ever there were a reason for suspending civil rights, this is it.”


Would you go gently? (Eliza Griswold, “Fair use.”)

Just in case we're still not clear, Rall is saying he wants government enforcers to take gun owners who have committed no violation of any law, but who have peaceably assembled in protest as per our First Amendment-recognized right—to a reported torture camp, without due process, without trial…Jeez, and to think “progressives” ridicule Oath Keepers for saying they wouldn't obey such orders…

What kind of devoid-of-principles coward wouldn't oppose armed enforcers trying to do that to free Americans? And what kind of subversive traitor to every precept of the Republic, not to mention common decency, would hold that against a man and view it as an opportunity for his public condemnation?

The kind who calls Americans who believe in liberty “Nazis,” and threatens to bring spiked bats to political rallies… And you don‘t even have to be at a rally. You can just be wearing a hat some violent Marxist moron doesn’t like and end up getting a beer bottle shoved in your face. Or walking to class.

The “right” is responsible for its share of offenses, some will counter, but don’t stand for that bit of deceptive conflation. Americans who believe in the Constitution of limited government powers and the Bill of Rights can be neither Nazis nor fascists.  And besides, despite what demonstrable liars insist, Hitler “was, at heart, a left-winger.”

Those who identify themselves as authoritarian collectivists exclude themselves from the ranks of those who believe in liberty for all. They’re closer in collectivist ideology to the guy who gloats ”Communism is coming.”

That would be the guy with the spiked bat.

Anybody up for some “common sense gun safety laws”?

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

In addition to being a field editor/columnist at GUNS Magazine and associate editor for Oath Keepers, he blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.