proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR518

Title: Designating the month of November 2024 as "Veterans and Military Families Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution designating the month of November 2024 as "Veterans and Military Families Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action: Reported as committed

Last Action Date: Sep 30, 2024

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VCDL Opposes Any Laws Banning, Controlling, Or Restricting Bump-Fire Accessories. :: 10/06/2017

One of the key principles that VCDL has always maintained is that gun control is worthless for stopping, or even lowering, crime. Gun control only infringes on the rights, safety, and security of good people, while handing a major tactical advantage to criminals or empowering political tyrants who wish to dominate a society.


Ben Shapiro to Jimmy Kimmel: To Say 2nd Amendment Doesn't Cover Military-Grade Weapons Is Like Saying 1st Amendment Doesn't Cover TV :: 10/05/2017

In response to late-nite host Jimmy Kimmel's emotional plea about the need for federal gun control on "weapons designed to kill," 'Daily Wire' founder Ben Shapiro explained his view that the 2nd Amendment is intended specifically to allow the public to have military-grade weapons:


Clinton suppressor statements after Las Vegas shooting False :: 10/05/2017

The fact checker project operated by the Tampa Bay Times on Wednesday described the assertions by former Secretary of State and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton that suppressors would have made the Las Vegas shooting worse as erroneous.


FAKE NEWS: CBS Makes Up Bogus Term To Describe Ammo Used In Las Vegas Shooting :: 10/05/2017

CBS made up a bogus term to describe the ammunition that was used by the Las Vegas shooter during the rampage – calling the ammunition he used “automatic rounds.”


Judge Andrew Napolitano: Can the government keep us safe? :: 10/05/2017

Here we go again. The United States has been rattled to the core by an unspeakable act of evil perpetrated by a hater of humanity. A quiet, wealthy loner rented a hotel suite in Las Vegas, armed it with shooting platforms and automatic weapons, knocked out two of the windows, and shot at innocents 32 floors below. Fifty-nine people were murdered, and 527 were injured.


NRA Backs New Regulations on Rapid-Fire Gun Bump Stocks :: 10/05/2017

WASHINGTON — In its first public statement since the deadliest shooting in modern American history, the National Rifle Association on Thursday called for new regulations on bump stocks that rapidly accelerate a weapons' rate of fire.


Republicans express support for proposed bump fire stock ban :: 10/05/2017

A Democratic proposal to ban bump fire stocks has gained some Republican support in the U.S. Congress over the last couple of days.


The Gun Control Debate Is Pointless Until Liberals Admit They Want To Repeal The Second Amendment :: 10/05/2017

It didn’t take long. Long before all the facts about the tragic mass shooting in Las Vegas were known or even all the missing were accounted for, liberals were riding their familiar gun control hobby horses.


Background checks 'will obviously become an issue' after Vegas shooting :: 10/04/2017

A former Utah congressman told Fox News background check proposals will get renewed interest in the wake of Sunday’s shooting in Las Vegas.


Gun rights groups rebuff calls for more regulation after Las Vegas shooting :: 10/04/2017

On Tuesday, a number of Second Amendment organizations responded to the push by Democrats for gun control following the mass shooting in Las Vegas.


I'm Not Arguing in Favor of the Second Amendment, the Second Amendment Is the Argument :: 10/04/2017

Either the Constitution has the power to protect our freedoms or it doesn’t. Whenever a gun tragedy happens in the United States, it seems like there are two sides: One that argues against Second Amendment protections, and one that argues for them.


Las Vegas Shooting -- Gun Control Advocates Are Passionate But Misguided :: 10/04/2017

The mind boggles at the horror of Las Vegas, where Stephen Paddock perched himself in the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay and sprayed bullets into a crowd of outdoor concertgoers in the worst mass shooting in American history.


Las Vegas Strip shooter prescribed anti-anxiety drug in June :: 10/04/2017

Stephen Paddock, who killed at least 58 people and wounded hundreds more in Las Vegas on Sunday with high-powered rifles, was prescribed an anti-anxiety drug in June that can lead to aggressive behavior, the Las Vegas Review-Journal has learned.


Democrats demand gun control post-Las Vegas, take aim at SHARE Act :: 10/03/2017

Amid calls from anti-gun groups across the spectrum to act in the wake of a mass shooting, Democrats in Washington want to scuttle a sportsmen’s package that includes easing suppressor laws for starters.


Democrats Have No Idea How To Prevent Mass Shootings :: 10/03/2017

Unlike the vast majority of pundits, politicians, and late-night celebrity talk show hosts who vaguely implore Republicans to “do something,” Nick Kristof of The New York Times has taken the time to offer eight ideas he believes would help alleviate mass shootings. In fact, the headline of the article reads “Preventing Mass Shootings Like the Vegas Strip Attack.” Alas, the column doesn’t fulfill its promise, though it is useful in illustrating the problem Democrats face in the gun-control debate.


My Experience 'Fortified' My Support for Gun Rights-Scalise :: 10/03/2017

Martha MacCallum held a cable exclusive interview with Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) on "The Story."


Pa. Officials Offer Condolences and Gun Control In Wake Of Las Vegas Mass Shooting :: 10/03/2017

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Officials across Pennsylvania are offering their condolences to the victims of a mass shooting in Las Vegas.


Professor Calls For 2nd Amendment Repeal :: 10/03/2017

A syndicated political cartoonist and adjunct professor at Eastern Connecticut State University is calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment in response to the tragic mass shooting in Las Vegas this past Sunday. He called it a “cursed amendment.”


Vegas Shooter Filmed Himself During Slaughter, May Have Left A Note; Suicide Photo Emerges :: 10/03/2017

Millionaire Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock set up a camera inside his hotel room to capture his deadly shooting rampage on film, as well as various other surveillance equipment in the hallway to alert him as cops closed in on him. According to ABC , the shooter had at least one lens set up to tape himself as he fired hundreds of rounds on thousands of unsuspecting concertgoers several hundred yards below his Mandalay Bay casino suite. Also, knowing that the cops would eventually catch up to him, he also reportedly wired cameras in the hallway outside his room so he could see when the heat was getting close.


Authorities identify Las Vegas shooter; say 59 dead and 527 injured :: 10/02/2017

Las Vegas police hosted the fourth press conference on Monday about the ongoing investigation into Sunday night’s mass shooting at Mandalay Bay that left 59 people dead and some 527 more injured.


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