proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR518

Title: Designating the month of November 2024 as "Veterans and Military Families Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution designating the month of November 2024 as "Veterans and Military Families Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action: Reported as committed

Last Action Date: Sep 30, 2024

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VCDL Opposes Any Laws Banning, Controlling, Or Restricting Bump-Fire Accessories. :: 10/06/2017

One of the key principles that VCDL has always maintained is that gun control is worthless for stopping, or even lowering, crime. Gun control only infringes on the rights, safety, and security of good people, while handing a major tactical advantage to criminals or empowering political tyrants who wish to dominate a society.

As Chicago shows every day, gun control actually makes life more dangerous for the person being controlled. In Chicago they have as many murders each and every month as there were in that highly unusual event in Las Vegas. Yet, the gun controllers are as quiet as church mice about that, as it is proof positive that gun control fails to make anyone, except criminals, safer.

Gun control was established in the United States with the primary purpose of keeping one minority or another from having access to guns, thus allowing those populations to be controlled more easily by another group, be it whites controlling blacks or Irish controlling Italians.

Way too many people start their thinking with a false premise: "No one needs a machine gun, so no one needs an accessory that will make a semi-automatic shoot almost as fast as a machine gun."

In a free society, that is an odd statement. Being free is not about what someone NEEDS (especially something that some legislator or nameless bureaucrat determines you NEED), but about what someone WANTS.

None of us NEED an automobile that can go faster than 30 miles an hour. Heck, none of us NEED an automobile. None of us NEED a television set, much less 2 or 3 of them. None of us NEED indoor plumbing. But we WANT all of those things and much, much more!

If I want a machine gun because it is fun to shoot or I believe it would be useful for self-defense or for any other lawful reason, then I should be able to own one without seeking government permission. (People whose lives are deemed more valuable than ours are surrounded by men with machine guns - the government clearly sees the benefit of machine guns for defense.)

There are plenty of laws to take care of ANY misuse of that machine gun that I might commit.

Banning, or further controlling or restricting, bump-fire accessories is just more useless, feel good, gun control. No, thanks.