proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action: Reported as committed

Last Action Date: Oct 1, 2024

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A Sacrifice Must Be Made :: 12/29/2017

A fanatic said Winston Churchill, “is one who won’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.” To this maxim we might add another characteristic: A fanatic is one for whom even evidence to the contrary is treated as ballast beneath his outlook.


Fix NICS Act Solves Nothing by Itself and Ignores Fundamental Problems :: 12/29/2017

U.S.A.-( Despite the win for firearm owners during the last national election, gun controls are now being endorsed and approved from within the firearms community. The initial step was the NRA’s statement that it “believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations.” Unfortunately, the NRA does not recognize the simple fact that the Second Amendment is not about hunting, but about avoiding the control of a tyrannical government. Those laws banning “fully-automatic rifles” are a significant infringement on the ability of citizens to discourage the creation and maintenance of a tyrannical government. Fully-automatic weapons should never be the standard for determining what should and should not be banned.


Major Pennsylvania Firearm Law Cases from 2017 :: 12/29/2017

As the year is coming to a close, I thought it important to document some of the monumental court decisions and issues that Firearms Industry Consulting Group® (FICG®), a division of Civil Rights Defense Firm, P.C., was involved in or obtained in 2017.


Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep . . . .2018 At Your Own Peril :: 12/29/2017

USA – -( What a year 2017 was, huh? Trump was finally inaugurated, and gun owners were set free! No more hassles and threats to our liberty, including our cherished right to bear arms. Whew, we can take a break for the next four years after eight years of gun-hating Marxist, Barry Obama, as many of us still believe. Finally, some much-deserved downtime, right? Uh huh…


Police Deaths Approach 50-Year Low During Trump's First Year in Office :: 12/29/2017

The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund indicates police deaths neared a 50-year low during President Donald Trump’s first year in office.


When do we Talk About Politics and Guns? :: 12/29/2017

We have our priorities. First, we have to keep guns away from children if we have guns in our home. Next, the adults with a gun in their home need to know how to handle firearms safely, and hopefully, effectively. What should come next? Talking about politics and guns seems to slip off our priority list, and that carries a danger of its own. Carrying a firearm for your safety is a very rational choice, but..there is a “but.” Unless you’re careful, you are also at risk of malicious prosecution for infringing one of our many gun laws. When is it time to talk about gun politics with new students and existing firearms owners?


Designated Gun-Grabber Shows Insidiousness of Hollywood Propaganda :: 12/28/2017

That ABC’s “Designated Survivor” is a showcase for advancing “progressive” government objectives to include citizen disarmament is not news. I posted a link on my The War on Guns blog last April to a News Busters piece that appropriately described the program’s treatment of guns as “a dumpster fire of misinformation.” But I never watched the episode in question until recently and saw the extent of how bad it really was. (If you haven’t seen the show, this will contain spoilers.)


Pennsylvania: Stop-and-Frisk of Gun Owners Opposed by Gun Rights Groups :: 12/28/2017

HARRISBURG, Pa. -( Today, attorney Joshua Prince of Civil Rights Defense Firm, P.C., filed an important amici curiae (“friends of the court”) brief in a Pennsylvania Supreme Court case that will impact gun owners throughout the Commonwealth, including more than one million people who have been issued a license to carry a concealed weapon in the state and millions more Americans who can legally carry there under a “reciprocity” agreement or state “open carry” rules.


Pro-gun control groups donate 6 times more cash to OR candidates than gun rights groups :: 12/28/2017

PORTLAND, Ore. — KATU has uncovered the biggest recipients of campaign cash on both sides of the gun issue in Oregon.


Huffington Post Shares Black Gun Experience :: 12/27/2017

The last thing I ever thought I’d see was the Huffington Post run a story about gun ownership in any way, shape, or form and present it in a way that didn’t make me want to hurl things through the air at the stupidity. After all, the site is notoriously liberal, and that means anti-Second Amendment. The site is littered with anti-gun posts, so many that it’s impossible to think of the site as being remotely pro-gun.


NICS e-check goes down one week before Christmas :: 12/27/2017

The FBI’s online system for federal background checks failed the weekend before Christmas, costing gun dealers thousands of dollars.


Pennsylvania: Court finds short mental health treatment doesn't end gun rights :: 12/27/2017

A federal court last week held that an involuntary emergency treatment of a Pennsylvania man for less than 24 hours did not trigger a lifetime ban on firearms.


New Study Estimates How Many Guns Are Carried Each Day in the U.S. :: 12/26/2017

Time and again, anti-gun activists continue to claim that people carrying guns increases the risk of crime. They say that without ever citing a single bit of evidence other than their own hysterics. Through it all, however, there’s been no real numbers of just how many guns there are on the streets of the United States.


Pardoned by Christie, woman pushes for change to U.S. gun laws :: 12/26/2017

TRENTON - The handgun that Shaneen Allen was carrying when she was pulled over on a South Jersey highway could have sent her to prison for years if not for a pardon from Gov. Chris Christie.


Terrorism And Armed Resistance In America :: 12/26/2017

When an Egyptian immigrant in Harrisburg, PA decided to conduct what the Department of Homeland Security referred to as a terrorist attack, he probably had a good chance of creating all kinds of havoc.


Want To Know Why Gun Registration Doesn't Impact Criminals? :: 12/24/2017

One of the recurring themes here at Bearing Arms is that gun laws don’t work. It’s a recurring theme because, well…they don’t. Time and time again, we see that they fail to stop criminals from hurting the innocent.


Why Is It Comedians Think They're So Smart? :: 12/24/2017

I’m not sure which the better example of being delusional is: Ed Asner (aka Lou Grant) and Ed Weinberger (a comedy writer) co-authoring an article about the Second Amendment as if they were scholars or Salon Magazine publishing their article and pretending they are scholars. What’s going on, an LSD renaissance?


Sex Abuse Accusations Against Stallone Call for Consistent #MeToo Treatment :: 12/23/2017

USA – -( “Sylvester Stallone was accused of sexual assault in a police report filed in Santa Monica,” The Hollywood Reporter confirmed Thursday. “The alleged victim filed a report last month … The incident occurred in the 1990s. No further information was available.”


What Might Civil War Be Like? :: 12/23/2017

The thought of Civil War has been in the minds of many people lately, on both sides of the political and cultural divide. This is not a thing to be wished for, though no one should kid themselves into believing it’s impossible either. Let us take a sober look at what such a conflict might entail.


BATFE Considering Changing Position On Bump Stocks :: 12/22/2017

Following the horrific events of October 1 in Las Vegas, the subject of bump stocks flared into a firestorm of controversy. The legal devices were sold over the internet after the BATFE had given their approval on the things several years earlier. They were a novelty device up until a maniac opened fire on a concert, killing 58 people and injuring hundreds more.


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