proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB170

Title: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and duties of ...

Description: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and dutie ...

Last Action: Removed from table

Last Action Date: Oct 2, 2024

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Designated Gun-Grabber Shows Insidiousness of Hollywood Propaganda :: 12/28/2017

That ABC’s “Designated Survivor” is a showcase for advancing “progressive” government objectives to include citizen disarmament is not news. I posted a link on my The War on Guns blog last April to a News Busters piece that appropriately described the program’s treatment of guns as “a dumpster fire of misinformation.” But I never watched the episode in question until recently and saw the extent of how bad it really was. (If you haven’t seen the show, this will contain spoilers.)


So what’s Kiefer Sutherland’s character swearing an oath to, and how does that square with infringements on the right to keep and bear arms? (“Designated Survivor” Facebook photos)

The premise revolves around efforts to pass a “background check” bill. The catalyst for that was the attempted assassination of the president (played by Kiefer Sutherland) and the execution of the vice president by his wife, both of whom were involved in the plot to kill the president as well as the wider plot that killed off the upper tiers of government by blowing up the Capitol during the State of the Union address. In other words, the “gun violence” was all initiated not by average citizens subject to going through NICS, but by a cabal including plotters in the highest levels of government. To top it off, the VP’s wife was violating the “gun-free zone” at the scene of her crime, Arlington National Cemetery.

The rest of the arguments for ending private sales are equally fraudulent.

The First Lady smacked down the lead “pro-gun” Senator by bringing up shootings in schools, malls and movie theaters. What that has to do with “background checks” was never questioned, leaving the viewer go believe the “solution” is to make them even more “gun-free.”

A woman at a town hall meeting tugged at everyone’s heartstrings recounting how her ex-boyfriend got out of prison (meaning he would have been a “prohibited person”) and shot her daughter to death with a gun he bought from an “unlicensed gun dealer” (which is an intentional deceptive conflating of private sellers with black market criminals).

President Kiefer used all the right buzzwords from the gun-grab narrative, terms like “common sense,” to then expand the prohibition pool with prior restraints on people who have never been convicted of any crime to include those caught in the mental health dragnet and those named on the deeply flawed “terror watch list.” And naturally he couched it as respecting the Second Amendment, all the while assuring the public with the ubiquitous “No one is talking about taking away anyone’s guns.”

Of course they are.  “The newspaper of record” published an editorial that flat-out advocates “Repeal the Second Amendment.” Democrats introduced a joint resolution to do just that in 1993. The year before, a Republican introduced a bill to ban handguns. And the current crop of congressional monopoly of violence advocates is still trying to reinstate and expand upon the so-called “assault weapons” ban.

Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi let it out that concerns over a “slippery slope” were in fact real and part of the plan – as opposed to “paranoia,” which gun-grabbers had previously ridiculed gun owners over for pointing out.


Penn with Jarrett (Obama White House video screen shot)

“Designated Survivor” is lending itself to a propaganda effort the Obama administration made great use of to help “convince” the public to support its agenda: Valerie Jarrett made no secret of her efforts to convince script writers to push Obamacare in popular entertainment. And it’s no accident that series actor Kal Penn, also given a “consultant” credit on the show, served in the Obama White House as Associate Director of Public Engagement.

So just turn it off, right? Rip out the cable! Don’t watch the propaganda and there won’t be a problem?

Not quite.

First of all, some of us have to keep tabs on what the public is being subjected to if we’re going to stay informed on what those who want to disarm us are up to and what they’re doing to manipulate political sentiments of the electorate.

Second, a show like “Designated Survivor” reaches millions of viewers. When you see polls that tell you how the majority of Americans favor background checks, that’s because the only information they’re getting is through the anti-gun news media and through entertainment propaganda.  An article like this, that counters the disinformation, will only reach a fraction of that amount, and most readers here will already be on the side of the right to keep and bear arms.

Too often, that’s an echo chamber.

So the questions then become, knowing overwhelming numbers of Americans are being swindled and also knowing the danger to all of us that poses at the polls, what can each of us do to alert more of our countrymen to the lies they’re being fed? And are we doing it?


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David Codrea’s opinions are his own. See “Who speaks for Oath Keepers?”

About Author

David Codrea

David Codrea blogs at The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance (, and is a field editor/columnist for GUNS Magazine. Named “Journalist of the Year” in 2011 by the Second Amendment Foundation for his groundbreaking work on the “Fast and Furious” ATF “gunwalking” scandal, he is a frequent event speaker and guest on national radio and television programs.