proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB170

Title: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and duties of ...

Description: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and dutie ...

Last Action: Removed from table

Last Action Date: Oct 2, 2024

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No, Trump Didn't Make It Easier For Mentally Ill People To Buy Guns :: 02/20/2018

When something bad happens, some among the political opposition will be strongly inclined to blame it on the party in power. When Donald Trump is the leader of the party in power and the bad thing is a horrific crime committed with a gun, reactions among the #Resistance fall within a small range between “he bears some responsibility” and “he basically committed murder.”


There's a Way to Stop Mass Shootings, and You Won't Like It. :: 02/20/2018

That’s right. You’re not going to like it because it’s going to require you to do something personally, as opposed to shouting for the government, or anyone to “do something!”


Local Reporter Goes Rogue, Tells Truth About Guns, Enrages Liberals on Air :: 02/19/2018

During a report this week, a local Minnesota reporter blew some uninformed liberal minds by touting some basic facts about gun ownership in his state.


Trump open to supporting background check bill :: 02/19/2018

In the wake of the Florida shooting, White House spokesmen told reporters Monday that President Trump is open to a bipartisan background check bill pending in the Senate.


At least a dozen Pennsylvania lawmakers carry guns on the House and Senate floors - though weapons are banned in the building :: 02/18/2018

HARRISBURG — Every week, thousands of political activists, tourists and curious citizens walk through the Capitol building’s doors to get a glimpse of their government in action. And every one of them is run through a security checkpoint.


Ted Cruz Lashes Out At Hypocritical Anti-Gun Celebrities :: 02/18/2018

Ted Cruz has a problem with anti-gun celebrities. In particular, it’s the hypocrisy of anti-gun celebrities who hide behind private armed security.


Writer Admits To What We Already Knew On 'Sensible Gun Control' :: 02/18/2018

For some time, gun grabbers have argued that no, they don’t really want all of our guns. They just want “common sense gun control,” as they put it. They realized some time ago that trying to take away the Second Amendment wasn’t going to work, so they shifted gears and are now trying to present their demands as reasonable.


Anti-Gunners: Let's repeal the Second Amendment :: 02/17/2018

Thirty thousand Americans die every year from gunshot wounds, whether from homicide, suicide, or accident. We have had several school shootings in the past several months, roughly one every sixty hours thus far in 2018. And our feckless leaders in the Senate and the House remain beholden to the National Rifle Association, a trade organization that has opposed any attempt to remedy the problem.


FBI Admits To Dropping The Ball Even More Than We Thought :: 02/17/2018

Earlier today, I wrote about how the FBI seems to have dropped the ball on the Parkland shooter. They somewhat admitted to their screw up, though it was more of a shrug and a “whatcha gonna do” kind of situation. However, it looks like they’re now admitting they dropped the ball even worse than we initially thought (emphasis mine).


Gun Hysteria Is Senseless And Out Of Control :: 02/17/2018

We live in a time where the fear and hysteria surrounding firearms is at an all-time high. Not only is there a growing paranoia about firearms in light of recent tragedies, but there is an ever-growing debate about the place which some firearms have in the lives of ordinary citizens.


Guns Aren't Responsible for School Shootings, Blame Music and Video Games: Republican Governor :: 02/17/2018

The governor of Kentucky on Thursday side-stepped calls for gun control in the wake of a school shooting that left 17 people dead and more than a dozen more wounded after a teen opened fire with a legally purchased AR-15. Instead, Republican Governor Matt Bevin called for an "honest conversation" about violence, then pointed the blame at video games and music. 


We Can't Have A Debate About Guns If Liberals Keep Lying About Them :: 02/17/2018

There’s always a lot of emotion after a horrific school shooting, and that’s completely understandable. There is also an immediate push for vague “do-something” gun-control legislation often wholly untethered from the incidents it is purporting to stop, which is less understandable.


2nd Amendment Rights Support: Not Cowardly :: 02/16/2018

Defending the Second Amendment takes courage, gun-control advocates’ claims to the contrary notwithstanding.


Here's Why Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Never Reported Nikolas Cruz to the Police :: 02/16/2018

Nikolas Cruz was a known threat. Known by the administrators of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. It’s a clear case where a known dangerous student was not reported to the police. Why?


Not gun control, not mental health: the mass shooting problem goes far deeper than we think :: 02/16/2018

On Wednesday, February 14th, 2018--Valentine's Day--an 18 year old kid opened fire at his former high school in Parkland, Florida. Before the first brass casing hit the ground the entire Twitterverse was roaring with calls for the flaying death of all NRA members while people with #MAGA hats in their profile pictures chittered impotently about "b-b-but what about mental health".


Repeal gun-free zones :: 02/16/2018

The deadly shooting at a Parkland, Fla., high school is prompting renewed calls for more gun control.


Scalise: Don't Try to Promote Your Agenda in the Middle of a Tragedy - One Magic Law Won't Stop Shootings :: 02/16/2018

On Thursday’s edition of the Fox News Channel’s “Ingraham Angle,” House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) urged people “go pray for the families, care about these families, don’t try to promote your agenda in the middle of a tragedy.” He also dismissed “this idea that one magic law is going to stop” the next mass shooting.


Florida School Shooting: Time to Arm Teachers for Self-Defense- Dr. AWR Hawkins :: 02/15/2018

The heinous attack on Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School demonstrates anew the necessity of arming teachers so they can defend students from determined criminals who come to campus to do harm.


Who is to Blame for School Shootings? :: 02/15/2018

I’ll cut right to the point. We can stop murderers from killing our kids in school, but it isn’t easy. The politicians, particularly the Florida politicians, are against it. What can we do to save our students?


CBS 60-Minutes Report on 2nd Amendment Issues, Hopelessly Biased As Expected :: 02/14/2018

Ft Collins, CO –-( “Praise from your critics is akin to the executioner commenting that you have a pretty neck!” ~ Eli Wallach


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