proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB170

Title: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and duties of ...

Description: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and dutie ...

Last Action: Removed from table

Last Action Date: Oct 2, 2024

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Who is to Blame for School Shootings? :: 02/15/2018

I’ll cut right to the point. We can stop murderers from killing our kids in school, but it isn’t easy. The politicians, particularly the Florida politicians, are against it. What can we do to save our students?

We’ve asked the people who train SWAT cops what they can do. They said it takes too long to assemble a SWAT team. It takes too long to put the team in position near the school. It takes too long to clear the building and time is the enemy. Several students and staff will be shot every minute.

We asked the local police officers and sheriffs deputies. They don’t even get the 911 call until the shooting has been going on for several minutes. It takes time for law enforcement officers to race to the scene. They then have to enter the school and find the attacker before they can stop him. That is 15 minutes lost right there. Law enforcement will not let medical personnel into the building until they know the crime scene is safe. That means the cops will clear every classroom before the EMTs enter the building and start treating the injured. Those 45 minutes are critical.

Sheriffs said that takes too long. They said they need armed staff in the school. We protect our money with guns, but Florida politicians say we can’t protect children with armed staff.

Let me correct that statement. We can’t protect OUR children. The children of celebrities and politicians have armed guards. Our children don’t. Only the children of the elites deserve protection. That isn’t acceptable.

Several states have programs in place to arm school staff. They train volunteer school staff to stop the threat and treat the injured until police and EMTs arrive.  These teachers desperately want a chance for their kids to go home alive. These are the same teachers who will stop a bullet with their bodies to save “their kids”.

I want them all to go home alive, both teachers and students. The training program is called FASTER, which stands for Faculty / Administrator Safety Training & Emergency Response. They’ve trained thousands of teachers and have thousands of man-years of experience with armed staff in schools. Why aren’t they in your school? Learn about them at

The Florida politicians will propose more prohibitions, more ink on paper. That hasn’t stopped a single murderer yet. Ink on paper doesn’t keep blood off the floor, but ink on paper fools voters time after time.

Will it work this time too?