proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB829

Title: In preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions;

Description: An Act amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known as the Liquor Code, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions;

Last Action: Signed in House

Last Action Date: Jul 3, 2024

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Document Reveal Top FDIC Personnel Ran Operation Choke Point :: 11/11/2018

The supposedly scandal-free Obama administration did some really shady stuff. Besides Operation Fast & Furious, one of the big examples was Operation Choke Point. The measure sought to throttle industries President Obama failed to approve of, including the firearm industry.


Pittsburgh eyeing gun legislation in wake of synagogue massacre :: 11/11/2018

Pittsburgh will keep mourning. But it’s time to take action.


Second former coach says California bar gunman was a 'ticking time bomb' :: 11/11/2018

Evie Cluke (R) coached Ian David Long (L) on Newbury Park High School's track team in 2007 and 2008. In an interview Sunday, she says Long would lose his temper, throw tantrums and scream, and that she witnessed him assault a fellow coach. (AP)


Senator Wayne Fontana Anti-Gun OPED: Hatred and gun violence have no place here :: 11/11/2018

Writing today with a very heavy heart.  Far too many times, we watched in shock as mass shootings crippled our nation — but those horrors happened in communities far away and the issues that gave rise to the attacks seemed distant. 


Hot Yoga Shooter Stopped When He Met Armed Resistance :: 11/10/2018

Mass shootings are awful events. They’re horrible for those of us sitting here watching the aftermath, which means they’re infinitely more horrible for the poor souls trapped in the hell of an actual mass shooting.


Where Allegheny County's (PA) midterm candidates stand on guns :: 11/10/2018

Pittsburghers go to the polls Tuesday, just a little over a week after a gunman killed 11 Jews inside a Squirrel Hill synagogue.


Ascribing recent violent attacks to a political or religious motivation is wrong :: 11/09/2018

ANALYSIS/OPINION: The media is intent on blaming President Trump and Republicans for any violence. They accuse Republicans of stoking the violence and claim that “right-wingers” have been more violent than their counterparts on the left.


Borderline Bar and Grill Survivor: 'I Should Have Been Able To Be Armed' :: 11/09/2018

Time and time again, we see these mass shootings, and we brace for the inevitable response from the anti-gunners. They’re going to call for more laws, more regulations, more restrictions on our sacred and protected rights. They’re going to stomp and scream and wail that if we don’t do exactly what they want to do, then we’re favoring mass shootings.


Feinstein Calls For New Gun Regs After Shooting. Just One Problem. :: 11/09/2018

Senator Dianne Feinstein is never and will never be a friend to gun owners. She despises the things, though she’s been known to carry herself. Of course, like so many other anti-gunners, gun regulations are for the little people, not the special class such as herself.


Massacre at Borderline Bar and Grill in Thousand Oaks, California was in another Gun-free zone: 12 murdered, 18 injured :: 11/09/2018

At least twelve people were murdered and 18 injured at a bar in Ventura County last night. Our hearts go out to those who lost loved family members or friends in the attack. We can’t imagine what is going through the minds on parents.


Pelosi: Gun control 'will be a priority' in next House :: 11/09/2018

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who plans to return as Speaker in the next Congress, declared Thursday that gun control will be a priority under the newly elected Democratic majority. 


Bureaucrats Call for Gutting Second Amendment to Save Us From Murder :: 11/08/2018

As news of the apparent murder of a dozen patrons at a bar in Thousand Oaks, California breaks today, a career bureaucrat is calling for the gutting of the right to keep and bear arms as applied to individuals.


Illegal Migrants Boast of Aiding Democrats' Campaigns :: 11/08/2018

The Democrats’ 2018 election campaign is being aided by illegal immigrants, including the younger migrants who received the quasi-legal DACA amnesty from President Barack Obama.


Left Declares War on 2A - Again :: 11/08/2018

The right to keep and bear arms is once again under attack. While many on the political left would love to revoke that right, it would be difficult for a state to outright ban guns altogether without any legal ramifications. Or would it?


Maryland Shooting Illustrates What Will Happen If Guns Are Confiscated :: 11/08/2018

There are people out there who we describe as anti-gun who may not want to take away your guns. They might want to make it virtually impossible for you to buy any more, sell yours, or leave them to your kids, but they don’t actually want to take them away from you. No, really, those people do exist.


Student columnist addresses danger of gun-free zones :: 11/08/2018

A college student in Alabama says mass shootings in gun-free zones emphasize the need for campus carry.  Michael Jones of Auburn University voiced his opinion in a column for The Plainsman, the student newspaper affiliated with Auburn. Jones tells OneNewsNow that the university has not had an incident involving an armed gunman, but he says Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh had not had one either until last month's deadly shooting.


Andrew Cuomo's Unconstitutional Assault on the NRA :: 11/07/2018

New York’s governor is violating the First Amendment by pressuring banks and insurers to shun "gun promotion organizations."


Associated Press snagged in anti-gun electioneering :: 11/07/2018

The Second Amendment Foundation says it has caught the Associated Press wire service blatantly electioneering against guns in the lead-up to the 2018 midterm elections.


Brooklyn pols: after Pittsburgh, require social media searches of people seeking gun licenses :: 11/07/2018

In the wake of the massacre of 11 Jewish worshipers in Pittsburgh, two Brooklyn pols called for a state law requiring law enforcement to examine the social media posts for all gun-license applicants over the preceding three-year period and one year of internet searches before approval.


GOP Senate will keep cranking out Trump judicial, Cabinet nominees :: 11/07/2018

White House officials and allies call retaining the upper chamber's power to confirm judges and Cabinet nominees a 'huge victory.’


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