proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB829

Title: In preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions;

Description: An Act amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known as the Liquor Code, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions;

Last Action: Signed in House

Last Action Date: Jul 3, 2024

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Ignoring Core Purpose Makes 2nd Amendment More Vulnerable to Infringements: The Militia Aspect, Part 2 :: 02/17/2020

“Col. Ethan Allen, later of the Continental Army and Vermont Militia, may have originated guerrilla warfare in the 13 colonies,” a profile recalls. “When New York's British governor Tryon attempted to appropriate the land known as the New Hampshire Grants for the crown, Allen organized his Green Mountain Boys to protect the settlers' rights in the area.” 


Pennsylvania: York woman pushes county to become 2nd amendment sanctuary :: 02/17/2020

York, Pa. — A York County municipality is looking to make a statement.


Virginia lawmakers reject Northam's assault-weapons ban, as Dems balk :: 02/17/2020

As the debate over stricter gun laws rages on in the state capitol of Richmond, Virginia, West Virginia lawmakers have signed on to new legislation that would accept revolting Virginia counties and towns who want to join the Mountain State. West Virginia Delegate Gary Howell discusses this new legislation and if he agrees with some critics who claim a second Civil War is brewing.


Arizona Senate Panel Advances Bill That Would Make Cities Liable for Gun-Shot Injuries in Gun-Free Zones :: 02/15/2020

PHOENIX — An Arizona Senate panel on Thursday advanced a measure that would make government entities that don’t allow guns on their property liable if people are shot on their premises.


Bloomberg Stop and Frisk Racism Stories Omitting His Most Damning Demand :: 02/15/2020

U.S.A. – -( “Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg was swiftly condemned Tuesday after a years-old audio clip surfaced in which he appears to discuss in starkly racial terms the ‘stop-and-frisk’ policing practice he presided over as mayor of New York City,” Politico reported Tuesday. [and by the way, AmmoLand News reported on in 2015]:


Do the Gun-Grabbers Really Want to Save Lives? :: 02/15/2020

USA – -( We often find ourselves arguing statistics with anti-gun people. Let’s put the conversation into perspective. I will give you some statistics and I’ll also expose the anti-gun left’s real motives for gun control. First of all, don’t you think that if someone really wanted to save lives, they would focus their attention on an area where the most lives are lost? If you’ll notice, Anti-Gunners miss that piece of logic and gravitate toward any justification for gun control laws regardless of its inability to save lives.


Everytown For Gun Safety Claims Independence From Bloomberg :: 02/14/2020

The fallout over Michael Bloomberg’s 2015 speech in which he praised stop-and-frisk tactics in New York City and touted taking young minorities and “throwing them up against the wall” to pat them down for weapons continues, and now even the gun control group founded by the anti-gun billionaire is claiming “independence” from their sugar daddy.


Growing Legal Pushback Against ATF's Rules On Bump Stocks, Receivers :: 02/14/2020

Is the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives overstepping its bounds in banning bump stocks? Is the agency wrongly defining lower receivers for AR-15’s as “firearms,” and if so, what does it mean for hundreds if not thousands of cases decided over the past 50 years?


Numbers Suggest Media Hiding Waning Support For Gun Control :: 02/14/2020

As Democrats battle for the chance to face President Donald Trump, both they and their anti-gun allies continue to argue that gun control is popular with the American people. They swear up and down that most people want gun control.


Pennsylvania: Gun rights group seeks ordinance :: 02/14/2020

A growing wave of concern over the undermining of firearms owners’ Constitutional rights reached the Indiana County Court House on Wednesday, when representatives of the Indiana County Second Amendment Sanctuary group asked the county commissioners to stand with them.


New York Politicians Lied and Their Gun-Control Laws Failed Again :: 02/13/2020

New York politicians said we would be safe. Democrats told us to register our guns so the criminals would be disarmed. New York Democrats said we needed to have fewer cartridges in our guns so the bad guys couldn’t hurt us. Last week, a convicted felon shot police officers in New York City. We were told this couldn’t happen because of New York’s strict gun laws.


Noncompliance With New Gun Laws Is as American as Our Founding :: 02/13/2020

On Jan. 20, as Americans remembered civil rights hero Martin Luther King Jr., an estimated 10,000 people peacefully rallied in Richmond, Virginia, to protest the recent introduction of highly contentious gun control bills into the state Legislature.


Virginia's Model for Both Sides of Gun Debate :: 02/13/2020

Like all would-be tyrants, as soon as Virginia Democrats took power following the last election, they began an all-out assault on the right to keep and bear arms, unleashing a package of gun-control measures intended to strip Virginians of their right to defend themselves.


13-Year-Old Found With Guns, Knives Despite Laws :: 02/12/2020

Most people agree that we’d rather kids not wander around with firearms unsupervised. While some of us know our children and know they could handle the responsibility just fine, we all know kids that we don’t feel comfortable doing any such thing. Most of us know some adults we feel that way about, too.


Maryland: Anti-Gun Lawmakers Introduce Most Restrictive Gun Ban in State History :: 02/12/2020

Maryland gun owners once again have a large-scale fight on their hands with the Speaker of the House’s new gun ban legislation, House Bill 1261.  We remember the relentless battle against Senate Bill 281 in 2013, and now anti-gun legislators are trying to take your guns again!   The Speaker is looking to follow anti-gun efforts in other states with the introduction of one of the most restrictive – and unconstitutional – gun ban bills in history.  House Bill 1261 has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee, but no hearing has been scheduled.  It is imperative that you contact committee members now with STRONG OPPOSITION to this egregious measure.


Twitter Discovers The Bloomberg Speech He Doesn't Want You To Hear :: 02/12/2020

Michael Bloomberg has been spending hundreds of millions of dollars in his bid to become president, swamping television sets and smartphone screens with carefully compiled ads that present the anti-gun billionaire as a pragmatic technocrat who can solve problems without needless partisanship. That narrative was challenged Monday evening as Twitter users shared audio from a 2015 speech to the Aspen Institute where Bloomberg talked about fighting crime by disarming young black men.


VA Dems Pass Ban on Suppressors, 'High Cap' Mags, Assault Weapons :: 02/12/2020

Democrats in Virginia’s House of Delegates passed legislation Tuesday to ban suppressors, “high capacity” magazines, and “assault weapons.”


PA Gov Demands Gun Control 'For The Children' While Slashing Millions From School Security :: 02/11/2020

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf is pushing Republican lawmakers in charge of the state legislature to adopt gun control legislation in the name of student safety, while at the same time slashing $50-million earmarked for school security in the 2020 budget.


Trump campaigns as a Second Amendment warrior :: 02/11/2020

WASHINGTON — After the Parkland school shooting in Florida two years ago, President Donald Trump chided Republican lawmakers for being too “scared” of the National Rifle Association to tighten gun laws — then backed away from the idea.


Anti-Gunners: Congress approved $25M in funding for gun safety research. Now what? :: 02/10/2020

Crystal Turner fell apart when two of her four children were shot and killed in Columbus, Ohio, nearly five years ago.


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