proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB26

Title: In provisions relating to abortion, repealing provisions relating to short title of chapter and to legislative intent, further providing for ...

Description: In provisions relating to abortion, repealing provisions relating to short title of chapter and to legislative intent, further providing for ... ...

Last Action: Referred to HEALTH

Last Action Date: Jan 8, 2025

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Latest News

Fast & Furious Updates & Articles-06/23 :: 06/25/2012

1. Cries of cover-up in possible vote on US attorney general Reuters News June 23, 2012 Byline: Donna Smith and Richard Cowan


Fast & Furious Updates & Articles-06/24 :: 06/25/2012

1. Fast & Furious: History of watchdog work fuels Grassley's inquiry Des Moines Register (IA) June 24, 2012 Byline: Jason Noble


Fast & Furious Updates & Articles-06/25 :: 06/25/2012

Operation Fast and Furious: 6/25/2012, Monday


Fast And Furious Did Not Begin Under President Bush :: 06/25/2012

Scandal: The president's spokesman confuses a "controlled delivery" operation known as Wide Receiver with the quite different Fast and Furious and couldn't even remember the name of the Border Patrol agent killed by it.


2012-06-23 Unplugged metal detector triggers JFK chaos: sources :: 06/25/2012

These fools are keeping us safe?!?


Breaking News: House panel backs contempt for Holder, Issa says floor vote can still be avoided :: 06/20/2012

A House panel voted Wednesday in favor of holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, a move that inflamed partisan rancor on Capitol Hill and sets up the possibility of legal action against the attorney general himself.


MILLER: D.C. police damage soldier's guns :: 06/19/2012

Army First Lt. Augustine Kim's finally got the Washington Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) to return his guns after two years -- only to find them permanently damaged. The department violated its own regulations on handling firearms in evidence by engraving marks on the sides of the guns, and the city should reimburse the soldier for the loss.


'Fast and Furious' whistleblower says he's 'disappointed' one year later :: 06/18/2012

GREENVILLE, SC - More than a year after ATF Special Agent John Dodson first blew the whistle on the scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious, Dodson says he is "disheartened and disappointed" by the congressional investigation and Attorney General Eric Holder's handling of the botched gunrunning probe.


Hatch's record contradicts support for Second Amendment :: 06/16/2012

Editor, Senator Hatch claims to support the second amendment, but Senator Hatch's voting record tells a different story!


Blogger Vanderboegh reports murdered ICE agent investigating Fast & Furious :: 06/16/2012

In a second bombshell report this week, citizen investigative journalist Mike Vanderboegh is reporting this morning on the Sipsey Street Irregulars blog that Congressional investigators have viewed "an Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) Report of Investigation (ROI) from August 2010 describing 80 weapons seized in an arms smuggling interdiction between Phoenix, Arizona and San Antonio, Texas. Of these weapons, the majority (approximately 50) were noted to have come from Operation Fast & Furious in Arizona..."


Issa willing to postpone contempt vote against Holder pending release of more documents :: 06/16/2012

WASHINGTON - Rep. Darrell Issa said Friday he is willing to postpone a contempt of Congress vote against Attorney General Eric Holder if the Justice Department turns over additional records as promised in the congressional investigation of a flawed gun-smuggling probe on the Southwest border.


House Oversight Committee's Fast and Furious Fact Sheet :: 06/13/2012

Oversight Committee Schedules June 20 Contempt Vote over Operation Fast and Furious Documents


Holder defenders cry 'political theater' as CCRKBA works out video bugs :: 06/13/2012

Attorney General Eric Holder's defenders are accusing his critics of engaging in political theater, while the hard-hitting video criticizing Holder - launched Monday by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms - now has the bugs worked out and is back up and running.


Holder contempt vote coming next week, says Issa :: 06/13/2012

After months of speculation and threats that some pundits have denounced as empty, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is scheduled to vote Wednesday, June 20 on whether to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt over Justice Department stonewalling on Operation Fast and Furious.


Gun-toting traveler sues Delta for New York arrest :: 06/13/2012

Are you aware of the laws in the destinations you travel to? Do you believe the airline that gets you there has an obligation to advise you about them? And if you do violate them, who's responsible for the consequences?


ATF whistleblower site members not buying Holder's 'Fast and Furious' testimony :: 06/11/2012

Weekend reactions from CleanUp ATF forum comment posters to Attorney General Eric Holder 's Thursday testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on the Fast and Furious "gunwalking" criminal operation show disbelief, anger and contempt. The website, established by so-called "dissident" ATF agents and whistleblowers to expose and rectify agency waste, abuse, corruption and fraud, was the initial source for information about walked guns found at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, and much further information has been obtained from its members throughout the courses of Congressional and media investigations.


TV panel analyzes home defense incident and anti-gun hypocrisy :: 06/11/2012

The first of two television programs featuring a panel that includes the National Gun Rights Examiner was released yesterday for internet viewing. Houston-based American Trigger Sports Network has made available the episode that had previously been limited to viewers on Pursuit Channel in order to share it with people who do not subscribe to the satellite hunting and fishing specialty channel.


House oversight committee schedules contempt vote for Holder :: 06/11/2012

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has scheduled a vote for next week to consider holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress over the controversial Fast and Furious gun-tracking operation.


Breaking News: Mole helps Rep. Issa whack Justice Dept. :: 06/07/2012

With the help of a mole, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) has turned the tables on Attorney General Eric Holder.


Philadelphia Reporter Advocates Loss of 2nd Amendment Rights WITHOUT a Conviction :: 06/07/2012

City scene: Everybody's got a gun


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