proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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Set Phasers to Stun: U.S. Army Channels Star Trek for Future Ray Gun :: 05/25/2015

For nearly five decades, the venerable M16 rifle (and its M4 carbine variant, pictured above) has served as the U.S. Army's standard service rifle -- but perhaps not for much longer.


Smart Gun Company Touted By Democrats Files Chapter 11-Style Restructuring :: 05/25/2015

On May 20, smart gun manufacturer Armatix admitted they have entered into “chapter 11-style restructuring proceedings in Germany.”


The ATF Should Be Scrapped . . .Says Center For American Progress? :: 05/25/2015

The Bureau for Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives has been the source of ire on the right, especially since their most recent proposal to ban green tip AR-15 ammo, which is commonly used. It was done under the guise of “law enforcement safety,” though if anyone bothered to read FBI crime statistics, rifles are rarely used in crimes, let alone green tip ammo being used to target police officers. After the failed ban attempt, ATF Director B. Todd Jones decided to resign and take a job with the NFL.


The NRA, Promises Unkept. :: 05/25/2015

A leading national gun safety group, joined by members of Congress, is calling for investigations of the National Rifle Association’s fundraising practices and finances in response to a Yahoo News investigation published last week.


True 'common sense' from an Indiana lawmaker :: 05/25/2015

Gun prohibitionists repeatedly use the “common sense” argument to push their anti-Second Amendment agenda, but an Indiana state representative, writing yesterday in the Indianapolis Star may have trumped them all with a 353-word opinion on concealed carry that should apply to every state.


Twisting statistics to smear cops :: 05/24/2015

False claims about police brutality are poisoning race relations.  This feeling of “unfairness,” as President Obama noted in his weekly address on May 16, is “fuel(ing) the kind of unrest that we've seen in places like Baltimore, Ferguson and New York.”


Anti-Gun LA Times: Individual Right To Keep And Bear Arms Created In 2008 :: 05/23/2015

In a May 22 editorial examining the Obama administration’s push against 3-D printed guns, the LA Times made clear its conviction that the individual right to keep and bear arms was created by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in 2008.


Break out your calendars, your hunter orange and your guns :: 05/23/2015

Before heading out today for the long Memorial Day weekend, break out your calendars and circle some dates, including June 2, when anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety lobbying organization is planning a “National Gun Violence Awareness Day” and Second Amendment activists are already fighting back.


Does the Second Amendment apply to software? :: 05/23/2015

I've told you that the next big war could be found partially in cyberspace with cyberweapons, also known as viruses, spyware, etc. However, the U.S. government isn't treating "cyberweapon" as a cute little name, it actually wants to regulate it like a weapon.


PA-Observer Reporter-Rally Criticism-They're second to none in preaching paranoia :: 05/23/2015

Outside of a full-scale National Rifle Association gathering, rarely has so much paranoid delusion been stuffed into one space as when gun-rights advocates filed into the state Capitol for a rally last week to preach their special brand of unsubstantiated fear.


Democrat Pushes Bill to Create Database Of Gun Owners Via "Background Checks" Bill :: 05/22/2015

Ugh, not this idiocy again (my bold below): A House Democrat has introduced legislation that would require sellers to obtain a background check for all guns sold at gun shows.


Heat for Texas prof supporting gun control, while NY writer takes different tack :: 05/22/2015

A professor at the University of Texas at Austin is taking heat for an Op-Ed in the Dallas Morning News calling for restrictive gun control following the shootout in Waco, while an opinion in the New York Post yesterday warned that New York officials better pay close attention to this week’s concealed carry victory in the District of Columbia.


Journalists in Fantasyland: How Anti-Gun Media Convince Themselves Gun Ownership Is Declining :: 05/22/2015

One of the more interesting aspects of covering firearms-related news is the volume of data that is out there showing consistent record growth.


Latest Gun Control Fight Could Richochet on N.Y. - With Good Reason :: 05/22/2015

The latest fight over gun control in Washington D.C. looks like one for New York to watch. It's on the question of whether the District of Columbia can require residents applying for pistol permits to show "good reason." Short work was made of the question this week by a United States District Judge, Frederick J. Scullin Jr. He struck down the Columbia District's requirement that gun-permit applicants provide a "good reason" to own a firearm. And he set an aggressive schedule to speedily resolve the granting of a permit to plaintiffs.


Prohibiting Firearms for Political Profit :: 05/22/2015

Politicians make political profit by passing ineffective laws.  I study firearms laws, so that is where I noticed it first.  When it comes to violence in our society, a politician doesn’t need to actually improve things with their legislation.  In fact, the next gun law they pass can actually make things worse rather than better.


The "Gun Safety Group" Lie :: 05/22/2015

Now, perhaps more than at any point in American history, we are “people of the gun.”


Threats From Gun Control Supports Force Car Dealer To Drop Gun Giveaway :: 05/22/2015

Gun control supporters have bombarded a Minnesota car dealership with angry calls and threats, forcing the dealer to pull the ad for fears that his employees were in danger:


Where's the coverage of heroes who stop mass killings? :: 05/22/2015

Heroic citizens stopping someone from killing a large number of people don’t seem to be considered news worthy.  Don’t people want to read about a brave soul risking his life by running towards the sound of gunfire while others run away?  Yet, such stories never get national news coverage by the national mainstream media. 


New twist on Stephanopoulos flap: Memo that said gun control ineffective :: 05/21/2015

The Washington Times yesterday offered a new twist in the unfolding flap over former Clinton press aide George Stephanopoulos, now the embattled ABC News anchor, and it involves a memo on gun control reportedly written by an aide to former President Jimmy Carter that bluntly acknowledged most gun control laws don’t impact crime.


Astroturf v. grassroots: The 'rights versus regulations' battle continues :: 05/20/2015

While the well-funded Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility (WAGR) is planning its third annual fund-raising luncheon next month – and today sent out an e-mail reminder – the financially lean Protect Our Gun Rights (POGR) team yesterday warned in its own funding appeal that “The billionaire gun banners…are at it again!”


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