proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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New analysis tells same old story: More Dems favor gun control :: 05/30/2015

A new analysis of 2013 polling data on gun control that appeared yesterday on a blog from the London School of Economics and Political Science shows a majority of Democrats favor stricter gun laws, while coincidentally this morning’s Rasmussen Reports reveals a new survey showing more Democrats think illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote.


Stop Illegal Anti-Gun Signs In Florida :: 05/30/2015

Florida – -( Since Florida Carry was formed in 2011 we have been highly successful in having thousands of illegal anti-gun “GunBuster” signs removed at public facilities of state agencies, parks, nature preserves, college/university parking lots, and county/city buildings.


The 'fuzzy law' behind Baltimore's agony :: 05/30/2015

One charge was conspicuously absent from the indictments that a Baltimore grand jury issued last week in connection with the death of Freddie Gray from injuries he suffered in police custody.


Your papers please! :: 05/30/2015

In Tennessee, one must have "papers" in order to carry a defensive firearm legally. The defensive firearm, an arm as defined by the Supreme Court, is protected by the Second Amendment, except where it isn't. Are you aware that reporters do not have to get a state business license to do their job? No, because the First Amendment, has that pesky little phrase, "Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom . . . of the press".


Bloody Baltimore Shows What Happens When You Trade Essential Liberty For Temporary Safety :: 05/29/2015

This is what the top of the Drudge Report looks like right now, at 7:30 PM on a Thursday.


"Common sense" and other logical fallacies :: 05/29/2015

Gun control advocates have a favorite way of describing their proposals:  common sense or sensible.  Take, as examples of this, Rosie O’Donnell debating guns with Tom Selleck or Gov. Andrew Cuomo speaking about the NY SAFE Act.


Keefe Report: The False Promise of Civilian Disarmament :: 05/29/2015

In the dark days following the British Expeditionary Force's evacuation from Dunkirk in 1940—75 years ago this week from May 27 to June 4—Great Britain was a nation virtually disarmed. And not just by the need to abandon equipment on France's beaches to save British "Tommies" to fight another day, but by the policies of its own government.


Maine Senate votes for permit-free concealed handguns :: 05/29/2015

The decisive 21-14 vote could foreshadow a similar result in the House, as advocates for the bill and supporters of regulation debate gun rights, background checks and safety. AUGUSTA — Mainers are one step closer to being able to carry a concealed handgun without a permit after a decisive vote Thursday in the state Senate.


More Lethal Help from the Federal Government- More Gun Control :: 05/29/2015

There were 27 shootings in Baltimore over the Memorial day weekend. 19 people were robbed in New York City’s central park. Chicago had 12 people shot to death and an additional 47 shot and wounded over the same weekend.  Our oh-so-caring Obama administration had to show remorse for this flood of blue-city blood.  Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, called for more gun control.


Police Chief Opposition, Activist Idiocy May Kill Open Carry In Texas :: 05/29/2015

An amendment to the House version of open carry legislation in Texas that would prevent law enforcement officers from checking to see if handgun open carriers have a valid concealed carry permit is jeopardizing the passage of open carry legislation this session.


Report: Deciphering California's assault weapon ban list :: 05/29/2015

Obtained through a public records requests, analyzed the California Department of Justice’s assault weapon list of some registered 145,253 firearms, as well as the politics of the ban.


These Are the States That Have "Stand Your Ground" Laws :: 05/29/2015

A Nevada murder trial is renewing the debate over America’s “Stand Your Ground” self-defense laws. 


US House bill would require gun owners to have liability insurance :: 05/29/2015

House Democrat Rep. Carolyn Maloney (N.Y.) has introduced a bill that would require gun owners to carry liability insurance.


Constitutional Carry Bill Soon to be on Governor's Desk in New Hampshire :: 05/28/2015

Fairfax, VA -( NRA-backed Right-to-Carry reform legislation, Senate Bill 116, was recently passed by the New Hampshire House, as previously reported.


Cornell University Law School: Individual Right to Bear Arms Created in 2008 :: 05/28/2015

On Cornell University Law School’s Legal Information Institute (LII) webpage introducing the Second Amendment, the individual right to keep and bear arms is presented as dating all the way back to 2008.


Gun grabbers have hijacked the Boy Scouts-Who's next? :: 05/28/2015

The Washington Times reported recently that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) have banned water gun fights.  Why? Because BSA leaders say that “pointing a firearm [simulated or otherwise]” is not “kind.”


History In the Making: The Sides Are Being Drawn for the Coming Civil War :: 05/28/2015

How many of you believe that a planned currency collapse coupled with the implementation of a brutal martial law and gun confiscation will be the trigger events which will incite the coming revolution? This remains the leading candidate for the unfolding of a civil war.


Should We Respect the Law? Which law is worth our respect? :: 05/28/2015

Which is the greater threat to freedom, too little respect for the law — or too much?


Sunday hunting proposal divides churches, gun lobby in North Carolina :: 05/28/2015

An NRA-backed bill to end North Carolina’s ban on Sunday hunting has triggered a debate between God and guns. The Christian Action League of North Carolina, a public-policy organization representing 17 conservative denominations including the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, opposes HB 640, a repeal of North Carolina's 145-year-old Sunday hunting ban.


Vermont: When Armed and Safe Is Not Good Enough :: 05/28/2015

Much to the frustration of gun control advocates who rate Vermont as "F," the state with the highest per capita gun ownership in the country and virtually no gun restrictions, has a murder rate so low it is "off the charts." The FBI reported that in 2012 there were just eight murders in Vermont of which only two involved firearms.


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