proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB1441

Title: Providing for tenants' rights in cases of violence.

Description: Providing for tenants' rights in cases of violence. ...

Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY

Last Action Date: Jun 30, 2024

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Department of Excuses- Politicians give us the same wrong answers about guns :: 08/22/2021

Some politicians want to confiscate guns from civilians. I might be talking about what happened half a century ago in Cuba. Gun confiscation happened again a decade ago in Venezuela. It happened again last week when the Taliban took control of Afghanistan. The excuses are the same, and the results are more government violence and oppression. Today in the United States, the excuses are too glaring to ignore.


What We can Learn from the Anti-Federalists :: 08/22/2021

The Federalist Papers are widely studied because their authors took the apparently winning side of the debate:  They favored adopting the Constitution, and we adopted it.  But the Antifederalist Papers deserve as much attention and greater reverence:  The antifederalists were not opposed to a national constitution -- they opposed the Constitution as originally presented because they feared a national government of unlimited power.  It is thanks to the antifederalists that we have the Bill of Rights.


Study: 2020 Gun Sales Not Linked to Rise in Gun Crime :: 08/21/2021

The violent crime spike in 2020 was not fueled by increased gun sales, according to a new study.


Twisting the Numbers: Drawing Comparisons Between the U.S. and Europe :: 08/21/2021

Gun-control advocates love making apples-to-oranges comparisons of crime statistics in Europe to our numbers here in the U.S. Pundits often portray European countries as shining success stories while contrasting America as a bumbling failure of political impotence. These faulty comparisons are usually the result of differences in how crime data is gathered and scoped. And then the data is presented even more deceptively with misleading wording that deliberately intermingles terms such as “gun deaths,” “gun crime” and “overall homicide rate” — rendering them basically worthless. In short, comparison to Europe is a tactic the gun-control folks use to shame us while hiding the weaknesses in their statistical evidence.


Biden Bans Russian Ammo Amid Continuing Shortage :: 08/20/2021

Americans, already facing an ammo shortage, will soon no longer be able to purchase Russian-made ammunition.


Feinstein, Blumenthal Introduce Bill Targeting Armslist :: 08/20/2021

Sen. Dianne Feinstein is once again taking aim at Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, but this time she’s not going after social media platforms as she did last year with the EARN IT Act, a piece of legislation that would have required companies like Facebook and Twitter to certify that they’re in compliance federally imposed standards for detecting and reporting child sexual exploitation materials to police in order to “earn” immunity from legal challenges or criminal penalties based on posts on the platforms.


Why Are Gun "Buybacks" Coming Back? :: 08/20/2021

It’s not hard to find evidence that gun “buyback” programs don’t really do anything to reduce crime or suicides involving firearms. Heck, there was a study that came out earlier this year that found no evidence of a significant drop in crime after a buyback was held. In fact, there was more evidence that the buybacks actually increased violent crime, or at least did nothing to prevent a growing number of criminal offenses.


Another Unconstitutional and Unnecessary Gun Control Bill Introduced In Congress :: 08/19/2021

U.S.A. –-( There they go again. Antigun Democrats introduced legislation to force Americans to lock up their firearms in their homes. It’s another one-size-fits-all mandate from the government. The U.S. Constitution would like a word.


Polling Steady Despite Reports of New Gun Ownership :: 08/19/2021

Gun ownership in America has remained largely stable, according to a poll released earlier this month.


The Time To Be An Advocate Is Now :: 08/19/2021

The pages of Bearing Arms are littered with countless stories covering the assaults on our Second Amendment. From the legislative proposals to the executive overreach, we’re under attack. In many ways, we’re gaining a lot of ground. States are passing permitless carry laws and entering into Second Amendment sanctuary statuses. However, which has become  abundantly clear over the last eight months, our Federal government is not really on our side. Sure, we have some 2A friendly legislators and governmental representatives that are holding the line, but is that enough?


An Urgent Reminder And Appeal: ATF Comments Deadline :: 08/18/2021

We are fast approaching the end of the 90-day comment period for the ATF’s Proposed Rule 2021R-05. For the unfamiliar reader, here’s a quick summary of what the proposed rule does from the NRA-ILA:


Arkansas Shooting Highlights Importance Of Stand Your Ground Laws :: 08/18/2021

While Stand Your Ground laws are controversial, they’re also incredibly important. The controversy comes from people not understanding what the law actually means and what it doesn’t. People think it’s a license to kill when really all it does is keep people from getting prosecuted for defending themselves. Removing a duty to retreat from an altercation means no one is going to second-guess you after the fact.


Gun sold to buy-back program found near dead suspect in police shooting :: 08/18/2021

William Stewart Boyd traded his father’s old .38 caliber Smith & Wesson snub nose for less than $100 in a gun buy-back in 2004. It was supposed to be destroyed, but somehow the same handgun with serial number J515268 was found next to a dead body involved in a police shooting eight years later.


Massachusetts Measure Would Ban All Semi-Auto Firearms :: 08/18/2021

Massachusetts citizens who believe their state has ridiculously restrictive gun laws haven’t yet seen just how bad it can really get.


Police Say Students Knew About Gun In School Shooting :: 08/18/2021

Anyone who talks much about firearms will tell you that you should keep your firearms locked up when not in use. This is something that, on the surface, we would seem to have in common with gun control advocates. Where we differ is whether it should be mandatory storage or just a strong suggestion.


The Taliban and Joe Biden Agree - Civilians Don’t Need to Own Firearms :: 08/18/2021

On Monday throughout Kabul, teams of Taliban terrorists started going door-to-door searching for our former allies, young girls and, of course, personally owned firearms.


Grandmother's Experience Illustrates Importance Of Guns :: 08/17/2021

One reason some people say we don’t need guns is that we have the police. For the sake of argument, let’s assume this person is self-aware enough to not also call for defunding the police.


Not a Parody: De Blasio Plans to Pay Criminals Convicted of Gun Crimes :: 08/17/2021

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is moving forward with his disastrous plan to pay convicted criminals $1,000 a month not to commit more violent crimes. The initiative is known as “Advance Peace” and is being sold as a “transformational opportunit[y]” to pay “young men ­involved in lethal firearm ­offenses.”


Susan Rice is the Secret Puppet-Master Behind Biden's War on Guns :: 08/17/2021

U.S.A.-( Joe Biden got lost in the bushes outside the White House Wednesday, after returning from a long weekend at his home in Wilmington, Delaware. Biden walked right past a Secret Service agent who was pointing the right way and stumbled into the bushes until he saw a side door, which he had to open himself. The President of the United States does not open his own doors at the White House.


Below the Radar - The MASS Act :: 08/16/2021

United States – -( You have to hand it to Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) and Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), the title of the legislation they introduced in their respective bodies has two huge lies in just five words. When you look over what the Making America Safe and Secure Act of 2021, you will find it will provide neither safety nor security.


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