proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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White House: No idea why Americans are buying so many guns :: 12/14/2015

President Obama’s spokesman said Thursday that the record number of Americans seeking to buy guns in recent weeks is “a tragedy” that the White House is at a loss to explain.


States expanded gun rights after Sandy Hook school massacre :: 12/13/2015

IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) — The 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, in which a mentally troubled young man killed 26 children and educators, served as a rallying cry for gun-control advocates across the nation.


Buying a gun for someone? Take caution :: 12/12/2015

Purchasing a firearm for a loved one may sound like a good idea, but if you're not careful, it could cost you much more than just the price of the gun.


Estonia uses the Second Amendment as a first line of defense :: 12/12/2015

Tiny Estonia, who share a long and increasingly tense border with Russia, uses a force of volunteer unpaid citizens– equipped with their own military arms– to hold the line.


Florida sheriff warns open carry bill could lead to officer-involved shootings :: 12/12/2015

Despite the Florida Police Chiefs Association announcing support for open carry legislation tracking in the state legislature this week, some law enforcement leaders are warning the proposal is flawed and are sticking to their guns to oppose the measure.


It's Time to Ban Guns. Yes, All of Them. :: 12/12/2015

The first issue shouldn’t be so complicated. It doesn’t take specialized expertise in constitutional law to understand that current U.S. gun law gets its parameters from Supreme Court interpretations of the Second Amendment. But it’s right there in the First Amendment that we don’t have to simply nod along with what follows.


No-fly list: shades of Nazi Germany :: 12/12/2015

Democrat Congressman Mike Thompson (CA) and Republican Congressman Peter King (NY) are trying to push a bill through Congress that would deny gun purchases to people who are on the federal government's "no-fly" list. President Obama took to the national airwaves a few days ago to further pressure Congress to pass this legislation. King introduced H.R. 1076 back in February of this year.


The Anti-Gunners Go Full Potato :: 12/12/2015

When it came to engaging in arguments over social media about gun rights over the past few years, I used to have no hesitation in diving head first into the melee. Whether they were reasonable conversations between rational adults or vicious exchanges laced with ad hominems, I was always there putting my two cents in to whoever was willing to argue with me. Recently, I came to the conclusion that it’s really not worth it anymore and stupid people are just going to be stupid. It can’t be helped, and trying to reason with anti-gunners is nothing short of a total waste of time . . .


WaPo Analysis: Rubio Was Right About Gun Control Doing Nothing to Prevent Mass Shootings :: 12/12/2015

Earlier this month, presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) appeared on CBS’s “This Morning” and made the following claim about gun control:


We Stopped Mass Murder :: 12/12/2015

Islam declared war on unarmed civilians.  It is the muslim way, after all.  What should we do?  Despite their heartfelt desire, Police and Sheriff’s Deputies cannot be everywhere to protect us.  Law enforcement does their best, but we simply need to protect ourselves until help arrives.  We have.  Armed citizens stopped mass murder.  Armed citizens saved lives.


Americans Reject Democrat Party Lies On "Assault Weapons" :: 12/11/2015

It’s almost like constant and obvious lies by the Democrat Party and the mainstream media about firearms during the Obama President have backfired, and have instead caused the American people to greatly distrust them.


Anti-Gunners: Yet Another Everytown PSA With Celebs Pushing Gun Control :: 12/11/2015

“Never let a tragedy go to waste” must be the motto of Everytown for Gun Safety.


Briefings on San Bernardino attacks leave Congress uncertain what to do :: 12/11/2015

WASHINGTON (TNS) — Members of Congress received secret FBI briefings Thursday on the San Bernardino shooting and were left still scrambling for answers about what happened and what can be done.


Democrats misfiring on all fronts when it comes to gun control :: 12/11/2015

When things go bad for Democrats – as seems to be happening more often – they end up at the same old watering hole seeking relief in the same old way.


Even 'Friends' on Supreme Court Diminish Purpose of 2nd Amendment :: 12/11/2015

Without explaining why, seven members of the Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear the Friedman v Highland Park challenge to a Chicago suburb’s clearly unconstitutional ban of so–called “assault weapons” and their standard capacity magazines. The reason why the Democrat appointees on the court did is obvious—they’re collectivists, and willing accomplices of the gun-grabbers.


FBI Director Doesn't Understand U.S. Gun Laws :: 12/11/2015

James Comey, Jr, the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, doesn’t know that every gun sold in the United States from a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL), whether at a storefront, in a gun show, or “online,” can only be transferred after the purchaser fills out an ATF Form 4473 and has their information submitted for an FBI NICS background check.


Government can't find big needle in small haystack :: 12/11/2015

If you were looking for a needle in a haystack, simple logic would tell you that the smaller the haystack the likelier you are to find the needle. Except for the government.


How a conservative congressman ended up on the terrorist no-fly list :: 12/11/2015

Republican Rep. Tom McClintock of Elk Grove, a liberty-minded conservative and staunch defender of gun rights, took to the House floor Thursday to warn the nation about the perils of strict firearms legislation, offering that “the most effective defense against an armed terrorist is an armed American.”


Implementing The Logic Of The Second Amendment: It's Not Just a Right, Its a Plan :: 12/11/2015

A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined, to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite… (George Washington, First State of the Union Message)


Loretta Lynch's Pro-Muslim Rhetoric Stems from Her Own Ties to a Pro-Terrorist Group :: 12/11/2015

Attorney General Loretta Lynch recently said that the Department of (IN)Justice would stand with Muslims in the wake of the San Bernardino jihad attacks and stated unequivocally, "When we talk about the First Amendment we [must] make it clear that actions predicated on violent talk are not American. They are not who we are, they are not what we do, and they will be prosecuted."


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