proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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CPRC: John Lott at Fox News on the Air Force telling commanders they can OK guns on base :: 01/25/2016

Fox News had this article on the evaluation that the Air Force did on arming Air Force personnel.  Perry Chiaramonte has this article:


How many are you willing to repeal? :: 01/25/2016

As I’ve discussed previously, advocates of gun control are more and more calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment.  The hurdles to achieving that goal are clear and are blessedly high, but the desire to repeal may be overwhelming other things that gun control supports are likely to value.


Media Bias: How U.S. gun ownership became a 'right,' and why it isn't :: 01/25/2016

‘That,” we tell ourselves, “is just the way the Americans are.” We say it every time some firearms horror strikes a movie theatre or school or workplace. We say it when the U.S. President, reduced to tears, tries to use his limited powers to make minimal changes to laws that allow almost anyone to purchase and use an assault rifle.


New Maine gun law impacts NH (Constitutional Carry w-Exceptions) :: 01/25/2016

PORTSMOUTH — Maine recently eliminated its licensing requirement to carry a concealed gun, but it comes with little-known exceptions and some confusion in the reciprocal bordering state of New Hampshire.


Obama talks 3rd term in White House :: 01/25/2016

President Obama said during a broadcast interview on CBS News he wouldn’t seek a third term in the White House, even if he lawfully could, because his wife, Michelle, wouldn’t allow him.


Second Amendment: Civil Liberties Must Be Respected, Including Gun Rights :: 01/25/2016

The failure to defend the civil liberties of one is a failure to defend the civil liberties of all. This is particularly true when it is inconvenient or offensive to do so. For the sake of ease and self-interest, it is tempting to simply reason away the rights of others, or even deny their existence, yet the failure to defend the freedoms of others undermines the freedoms of everyone.


The Mainstream Media Hides Gun Owners :: 01/25/2016

What do gun owners look like, and why does it matter?  Part of the progressive playbook is to make the rights of gun-owners appear inconsequential and not worth defending.  To do that, gun owners in the United States have to be seen as different than the general public.


Tulsa Gun Show Dealers Disagree With Obama's Plans For More Firearms Laws :: 01/25/2016

About two weeks ago, President Barack Obama announced plans to take executive action on gun control.


Utah lawmakers to grapple with gun issues (including Constitutional Carry) :: 01/25/2016

SALT LAKE CITY — With a contentious debate over gun rights sweeping the nation, Utah lawmakers have several firearms-related bills in the chamber, including the return of the so-called "constitutional carry" law.


Bloomberg, Sensing an Opening, Revisits a Potential White House Run :: 01/23/2016

Michael R. Bloomberg has instructed advisers to draw up plans for a potential independent campaign in this year’s presidential race. His advisers and associates said he was galled by Donald J. Trump’s dominance of the Republican field, and troubled by Hillary Clinton’s stumbles and the rise of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont on the Democratic side.


Guardian reporters kicked out of SHOT Show :: 01/23/2016

With shootings like the ones that occurred in San Bernardino, Oregon and Paris still on the collective mind of the world, the gun industry is working harder than ever to distance itself from the fallout and the liability that comes with it – at least, that’s what two reporters from The Guardian would have you believe.


Gun-Hater Needed A Gun, Didn't Have One, Got Shot :: 01/23/2016

A main problem with blaming a tool (firearms) for the willful actions of people (violence) is that you may then find yourself in the position where you need that tool to mitigate the actions of other people… and by then you’re out of luck, and perhaps you may not live to learn from your mistake.


Obama Minions Secretly Working To Enact His Gun Confiscation Agenda: Lisa Murray Madigan, Democrat, Illinois :: 01/23/2016

As of 2015, as estimated 12,859,995 people live in Illinois, with over 65% living in the Chicago Metropolitan Area. Unlike most areas of the United States, Illinois has been unable to reverse the “White Flight” which began in the 1960’s.


The Smearing of Prof. John Lott :: 01/23/2016

This week my TV show is on gun control. I interviewed activist Leah Barrett, who wants stricter gun laws.


CNS News Blows Story About Guns In Mexico :: 01/22/2016

Michael Chapman, editor of CNS News, posted one heck of a whopper this morning about the number of American guns turning up at Mexican crime scenes:


Guns Laws: May Firearms Sales Stop Wave of Sex Attacks in Germany? :: 01/22/2016

When asked about the situation at hand Katja Triebel said that pepper spray and gas pistols have been top sellers since October and their sales have gone literally through the roof since New Year’s Eve.


House Democrats Push Obama To Ban Importation of "Assault-Style Guns" :: 01/22/2016

Gun control supporters keep telling us that they don’t want to take our guns, even as they attempt to ban them by name, features, magazine size, caliber, and even ammunition type or material.


MRC's Rich Noyes Slams Journalists Who Trash Second Amendment :: 01/22/2016

MRC Research Director Rich Noyes appeared on Fox and Friends, Thursday, to decry journalists who aggressively defend the First Amendment, but support restrictions on the Second Amendment. Noyes and co-host Steve Doocy discussed legislation introduced by a South Carolina State Representative that would create a registry so only “responsible” journalists could report the news. 


New York moves to refuse gun licenses to those on no-fly list :: 01/22/2016

A set of companion measures introduced in the state legislature would ban those whose name appears on the terror watch lists from having a New York firearms permit.


SCOPE, Sen. Ortt decry Orwellian Terrorist Watch List Deprivation of Second Amendment Rights :: 01/22/2016

A joint statement from SCOPE and NYS Senator Robert Ortt regarding the “Terrorist Watch List”


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