proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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Guns Strike Emotional Chords For People On Both Sides Of The Political Debate :: 05/30/2016

Queen Thompson Brown, who lost a son to gun violence in 2006, speaks prior to the introduction of Democrat Hillary Clinton at the Trayvon Martin Foundation's "Circle of Mothers" Gala.


Presidential race finally putting guns center stage :: 05/30/2016

Donald Trump appeared before the National Rifle Association (on May 22) and promised to roll back gun restrictions if elected president. The next day, Hillary Clinton stood before a group of mothers who have lost children or other relatives to gun violence and vowed to fight for stricter gun control.


2016 NRA Annual Meeting: The Crime Report. :: 05/28/2016

Someone asked me for the crime statistics showing what happens when the NRA comes to town.  Miguel Gonzalez already did us the favor of posting this years results.


A History Of African-American Gun Advocacy - And Why It's Never Talked About :: 05/28/2016

When the U.S. Department of the Treasury announced last month that abolitionist Harriet Tubman would be the new face of the $20 bill, a new question arose: what will she look like? In her few posed portraits, Tubman appears stern, resolute, her hair often covered. But in other images, including a famous woodcut, Tubman is posed with a musket. Is it possible that she’ll hold a gun on the front of the new $20?


Keep it clean this weekend; more on Couric controversy :: 05/28/2016

As millions of Americans head out this morning for the Memorial Day weekend, many taking guns along for some target practice, they should also take along some extra litter bags to clean up their mess before coming home Monday.


Report suggests Fast & Furious tied to 69 killings :: 05/28/2016

Guns sold through Operation Fast and Furious were possibly connected to 69 killings, according to findings by a conservative government watchdog group.


RKBA & The Real Malcolm X Message :: 05/28/2016

USA –  -( In 1963, I saw Malcolm X speak in Harlem. Any who recall those times can appreciate how scary a figure he was claimed to be by our government and the news media.


Couric Anti-Gun Documentary Director Says She Never Intended To Make Gun Owners Looks Like Idiots :: 05/27/2016

Yesterday, Pavlich wrote about Katie Couric being busted for deceptively editing her group interview with members of the Virginia Citizens Defense League. Couric has a new anti-gun documentary, Under the Gun, and it seems the folks behind this piece of propaganda were doing everything they can to make pro-gun activists look like idiots.


Murphy presses for action on mental health bill despite obstacles :: 05/27/2016

Washington – Sen. Chris Murphy and Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana have bipartisan support for a bill that would reform the nation’s mental health system and are pressing for Senate action on the legislation.


National Gun Violence Awareness Day proposed :: 05/27/2016

Lawmakers in both the House and the Senate proposed making June 2 a day of remembrance for victims of gun violence, an event largely propagated by gun control groups.


Obama just got one giant step closer towards creating a national gun registry :: 05/27/2016

President Obama is taking a big step towards creating a national gun registry.  Hawaii looks like it is about to provide the federal government with the list of all the gun owners in the state.  Supposedly, keeping a list of gun owners’ names will enable the FBI to tell police if a gun owner ever gets arrested.


Real Guns Will Be Allowed inside RNC Event Zone, Fake Ones Won't :: 05/27/2016

A designated “event zone” extending for blocks around the facility holding the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this summer will allow lawful concealed carry, but will not allow the violent left-wing protesters who have been rioting outside presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump’s to carry so much as a large stick.


When It Comes to Gun Violence, the UK Ain't Seen Nothing Yet :: 05/27/2016

A common argument raised by the citizen disarmament lobby is that the Brits suffer from much less “gun violence.” That’s generally followed by crediting the gun ban that took place after the Dunblane school massacre, along with the assurance that similar draconian laws would yield similar results in the U.S.


Biden: Opportunity for Gun Control Probably Gone :: 05/26/2016

While speaking at a May 24 gun control forum, Vice President Joe Biden suggested the time for securing gun control has come and gone and the Obama administration will likely not get another shot at it.


Courts are getting Gun Rights wrong :: 05/26/2016

Much criticism of the gradual expansion of the constitutional right to bear arms by U.S. courts has focused on assault weapons and mass shootings. But gun-rights advocates are conquering another frontier: the regulation of handguns in urban space.


D.C. Denies That It Ordered Cops to Ignore a Court Order Requiring them To Not Reject Gun Carry Permit Requests for Lack of Good Reason :: 05/26/2016

Devin Watkins wrote at The Federalist today that an officer accepting his application for a concealed carry permit in D.C. told him outright that he'd been told by the city's Attorney General's office to ignore a recent court order overturning an old requirement that a permit receiver must have a "good reason" to get his permit. (See Jacob Sullum from last week, "Federal Judge Tells D.C. to Stop Demanding a 'Good Reason' for Carrying a Gun.")


Dear Yahoo, Fire Katie Couric :: 05/26/2016

The case is clear. Katie Couric, a person Yahoo employs to be the face of its news division, was caught in a grotesque deception. Then, when she was publicly exposed, rather than apologizing, she doubled down — defending the choice to cast innocent Americans as ignorant rubes rather than allowing them to speak for themselves. She has lost her credibility. Any news organization that continues to employ her loses its credibility as well.


FOAC Commentary: Beware the false appeal of gun background checks :: 05/26/2016

If you read a recent PennLive opinion piece about gun background checks by Shira Goodman of CeaseFire Pa., you were treated to another episode the false and misleading narrative that so often is spouted by that organization.


Is Trump Right About Hillary's Views On Guns? :: 05/26/2016

The media — from fact checkers to late night talk shows — has had a field day claiming that Trump is making false statements on guns. The media ought to have lost credibility by now.


Trump's son talks gun rights with House Republicans :: 05/26/2016

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump Jr. told a group of roughly 15 House Republicans that he is an avid hunter and his father is committed to making sure any future Supreme Court appointments would uphold the Second Amendment right to bear arms, according to attendees.


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