proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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Congressional Democrats Clueless on Gun Bills - Dems v. the ACLU. :: 06/27/2016

Congressional Democrats emerged from the Capitol building Thursday afternoon from their 25-hour long "sit-in" in the House of Representatives sleepy but satisfied with what they'd accomplished.


Ex-DHS head - Gun control wouldn't have stopped Orlando attack :: 06/27/2016

Tom Ridge, who served as secretary of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush, criticized Democrats for trying to pass gun reform after the mass shooting in Orlando. 


Guess What Obama Just Removed From the U.S. Citizenship Oath? :: 06/27/2016

Throughout American history, immigrants have worked hard to become naturalized citizens, and the Oath of Allegiance has sworn people into American citizenship for more than 220 years.


MSNBC Gun Poll Backfires Spectacularly :: 06/27/2016

A recent MSNBC poll posted recently asked readers, “Do you think people should be allowed to carry guns in public?”


PA-Allentown moves to reinstate gun restrictions after state Supreme Court ruling :: 06/27/2016

If you're a gun owner living in Allentown, you may once again be required to report a lost or stolen firearm to the police.


See How Your Senators Voted on 4 Gun Control Amendments :: 06/27/2016

The Senate shot down a series of gun control measures Monday, all brought up for debate after the worst terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11.


The Flake Amendment HR 2578-Eliminating Constitutional Review :: 06/27/2016

"Delete the Constitution." Blame the muslims, the jihad, guns, do it for safety
Legislators proposing this should be removed from office.


Bishops seek assault weapons ban, say civilians have no need for them :: 06/26/2016

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Two U.S. church leaders called for a ban on the sale of military-style assault weapons, saying they have no place in the hands of civilians.


Deadly Falsehoods About the Orlando Shooting and Gun Control :: 06/26/2016

In the wake of the Orlando nightclub massacre, many public figures have littered the issue of gun control with falsehoods that have deadly implications. The facts below address some of the most pervasive ones.


Guns and Docs: The Debate Continues :: 06/26/2016

Does Australia's gun control policy -- a government buy back of civilian-owned guns and strict laws limiting access to guns -- offer useful insights for the U.S.?


Helpless-Victim Myth-If I Had A Gun A Crook Would Just Take It :: 06/26/2016

PHOENIX, Arizona –   -(  If this myth had any serious grain of truth we’d be in a world of hurt, because guns would be useless oxymorons and we’d be defenseless slaves by now. Everyone would be slaves, even the slave masters. This myth could never work. It’s circular logic that never ends. Lookit:


Is there a Second Amendment right to semiautomatic rifles? :: 06/26/2016

Meet the Press host Chuck Todd did a double-take after House Speaker Paul Ryan made a claim about semiautomatic rifles, which was the type of gun used in the mass shooting in Orlando days earlier.


Owners of AR-style firearms defend their weapon of choice :: 06/26/2016

ATLANTA (AP) — Karen Butler still remembers the first time she picked up an AR-15-style rifle a decade ago.


Womens group to rally at Capitol Hill for Second Amendment rights :: 06/26/2016

Competitive shooters Dianna Muller, left, and Becky Yackley will stand beside 48 other women to rally for Second Amendment rights at the nation’s capital in July.


Almost 26 Hours Later, House Democrats End Gun Control Sit-In :: 06/25/2016

House Democrats have ended their almost 26-hour-long sit-in to push for gun control legislation, pledging on Thursday afternoon to continue their fight once Congress returns from the July Fourth recess.


CNN Anchor Shut Down with Actual Gun Facts :: 06/25/2016

CNN Newsroom host Carol Costello was easily quieted by her guest, Erich Pratt of Gun Owners of America, who came prepared with actual gun facts that shut down her anti-gun narrative.


Congressional Democrats Sit-In - What a Pompous Exercise in Virtue-Signaling :: 06/25/2016

Talking to gun-controlling Democrats after Orlando is a truly amusing exercise. On the one hand, they turn to the horror of Orlando and demand action. They demand a response, and that response is gun control. Point out that the very gun-control measures they now demand would not have prevented the massacre, and they immediately pivot — this isn’t about any one shooting, they say. It’s about the problem of gun violence generally.


Gun Shows Should Be Dangerous, but Aren't :: 06/25/2016

“According to liberals, the most dangerous place in the world must be a gun show: It's a giant room full of macho, vigilante maniacs with itchy trigger fingers and several guns apiece, with evil assault rifles everywhere, and a mysterious loophole that somehow allows the criminally insane to walk away with AR-15s.


Hawaii becomes first U.S. state to place gun owners on FBI database :: 06/25/2016

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Hawaii's governor signed a bill making it the first U.S. state to place its residents who own firearms in a federal criminal record database and monitor them for possible wrongdoing anywhere in the country, his office said.


Marshals: Innocent People Placed On Watch List To Meet Quota :: 06/25/2016

Marshals Say They Must File One Surveillance Detection Report, Or SDR, Per Month. You could be on a secret government database or watch list for simply taking a picture on an airplane. Some federal air marshals say they're reporting your actions to meet a quota, even though some top officials deny it.


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