proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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The Bill of Rights: Speech and Guns in the Private Workplace :: 07/21/2016

The Bill of Rights – what do they really guarantee us in the workplace? It seems we can’t turn on the television or log onto a news site without encountering some type of discussion about constitutional rights.


3-D Printing: New Threat to Gun Control and Security Policy? :: 07/20/2016

Following the recent mass shooting in Orlando, and the shootings in Minnesota and Dallas, the sharp political divisions over gun control within the U.S. are once again on display. In June, House Democrats even staged a sit-in to advocate for stronger laws.


Anti-Gunners: Dems urged to retool their guns message :: 07/20/2016

Democrats itching to slug it out with the National Rifle Association this fall need to stop attacking the gun-rights group and start sounding a little more like it, particularly when it comes to respecting freedom and safety, according to new message testing from a group founded to enact tighter gun laws.


Bank Demands Ridiculous Information, Gun Seller Says :: 07/20/2016

A firearms dealer in North Carolina said his bank asked him to reveal “ridiculous and somewhat illegal” information about his business and its customers after the June 12 terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida, and he believes a secretive Justice Department program is to blame.


Don't revoke right to own modern semi-automatics :: 07/20/2016

Once again, there is a politically motivated call for the Florida Legislature to ban so-called assault weapons. This is nothing less than a demand to revoke the right of law-abiding citizens to own modern rifles.


Germany: Afghan refugee shot dead after slashing attack on German train :: 07/20/2016

Multiple people were injured after a teenage Afghan refugee went on a slashing spree armed with an axe and knife on a train in southern Germany on Monday night before he was shot to death by police, officials said.


NRA leader: Clinton Supreme Court means your right to own a firearm is gone :: 07/20/2016

Chris Cox, the executive director of the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action, warned that gun ownership rights could be lost if Hillary Clinton Hillary Rodham ClintonGOP convention speaker breaks into Spanish Report: Trump considering oil mogul for energy secretary Ann Coulter: 'If Trump doesn’t win, it’s over’ MORE wins the presidency, in an address to the Republican National Convention Tuesday night.


This Crazed Politicians Just Decreed That Most Common Firearms In America Are Illegal :: 07/20/2016

Democrat Attorney General Maura Healey announced today that she is unilaterally redefining what constitutes an “assault weapon” under Massachusetts law, in order to outlaw the sale of the most popular firearms sold in the United States.


59 shot in Chicago over the weekend as authorities ask for help :: 07/19/2016

Authorities in Chicago are pleading for help in combatting the city’s violence after 59 people were shot over the weekend, seven fatally.


Book burners and gun banners :: 07/19/2016

Environmental zealots and the politically correct have become modern-day book burners in their attempts to criminalize and repress the speech of those who disagree with them. The Nazis and other dictatorial regimes used the old practice of book burnings and gun seizures as a way of maintaining control and intimidation.


Five Lies Bryant Gumbel Aired About The AR-15 :: 07/19/2016

Some “mainstream” journalists think they can lie with impunity about guns and gun owners. Katie Couric recently did that as executive producer for a documentary film pushing for gun control. Couric once mocked Sarah Palin by airing a long pause Palin took before answering a question, and in her film, she tried the same tactic—this time a lie clearly edited in—when she asked gun-rights advocates about background checks.


Sheriff David Clarke Takes Down CNN's Don Lemon On Anti-Police Rhetoric :: 07/19/2016

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke took on CNN host Don Lemon and the Black Lives Matter movement Sunday, calling both to account for the slayings of three Baton Rouge, La., police officers.


Sheriff Jones encouraging office staff to carry weapons at work :: 07/19/2016

Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones is urging his civilian staff to “exercise some extra caution” concerning their personal safety.


Baton Rouge Domestic Terrorist Was Taken Out By A Single Shot After Murdering Officers :: 07/18/2016

The black nationalist anti-police terrorist* who a murdered law enforcement officers in Louisiana had a carbine and a handgun during his attack, and was taken out less than ten minutes into the attack by a single shot by a Baton Rouge SWAT team member from more than 100 yards away as the terrorist attempted to return to his vehicle where he had a second rifle stored.


DOJ set to review police handling of Pulse nightclub shooting :: 07/18/2016

The Department of Justice will review law enforcement response in last month’s Orlando nightclub shooting, according to announcement issued last week


DRGO: The Ten Favorite Lies of the Gun Control Lobby :: 07/18/2016

The principles behind the gun control movement can’t survive even the most basic scrutiny, so the Controllers must constantly fall back on that oldest debating strategy: lies.


Fearing violence at RNC, police union president asks governor to ban open carry :: 07/18/2016

Ohio Gov. John Kasich won’t — and can’t — suspend the open carry of firearms in Cleveland during the Republican National Convention despite the request from the city’s police union and recent violent attacks on police in other parts of the country.


Guns & Politics: The Battle Of Athens, Tennessee :: 07/18/2016

As we watch the formerly magnificent United States of America slide, inexorably, into decline, we wonder if this destruction from within, as rapid and lethal as it has been, could be corrected.  Too many say no, it has never been done and never can be done.


FBI Reverses NICS Denial after Lawsuit Filed :: 07/17/2016

USA –  -( A citizen denied his right to purchase a firearm even though he is not a prohibited person has won admission from the government that his appeal has been recognized, Stamboulieh Law, PLLC announced Thursday.  The client has been trying since 2010 to get his denial reversed.


Brady Campaign: Trump/Pence Ticket Would Support NRA's Twisted Vision For America :: 07/16/2016

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence is warning that the Donald Trump/Mike Pence ticket would mean the implementation of the “NRA’s twisted vision” for America.


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