proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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Newspapers worse than TV on Trump-Clinton coverage, report finds :: 08/12/2016

If you think the television networks are biased toward Hillary Clinton in the current presidential race, a media watchdog wants you to know that newspapers are even worse.


Now Obama is targeting gunsmiths :: 08/12/2016

The Obama administration has announced new regulatory guidelines that will drive thousands of small gunsmiths out of business. This reinterpretation of existing regulations lowers the bar for what constitutes “manufacturing” of firearms and will require that any gunsmith who performs any service more involved than simply cleaning or replacing old parts with functionally identical new parts register as a firearm manufacturer and pay a $2,250 annual registration fee.


Proof That Hillary Does Want To Make The Second Amendment Meaningless :: 08/12/2016

According to The Washington Post, we are supposed to forget that in the early autumn of 2015 Hillary Clinton said the Supreme Court got it “wrong on the Second Amendment.” In point of fact, we weren’t even supposed to hear her say this.


Study: the Vast Majority of Gun Crime Isn't Committed by Lawful Gun Owners :: 08/12/2016

Here’s news that should shock exactly no one – the vast majority of gun crimes are committed by people who did not lawfully purchase their firearms. That’s the finding of a study of gun crimes in Pittsburgh in 2008:


Executive Overreach Puts Our Freedom at Risk :: 08/11/2016

Presidential administrations today routinely make law without the approval of Congress.


I'm speechless: Katrina Pierson's logic-free Second Amendment spin leaves MSNBC host dumbfounded :: 08/11/2016

Donald Trump spokesperson Katrina Pierson left MSNBC’s host Kate Snow “speechless” on Wednesday while spinning the Republican nominee comments about “Second Amendment people” stopping Hillary Clinton.


Liberal Bigotry Against Conservatives is the New Normal :: 08/11/2016

It is socially acceptable for liberals to say they want to kill conservatives, but it is not acceptable for political conservatives to say the same thing.  Welcome to the new social norm of approved liberal bigotry.  I see a broad and consistent pattern.


Question for gun control advocates: How much is enough? :: 08/11/2016

How much gun control would be enough?  This is a question that I pose to advocates of control, trying to find out where they would draw the line.  What requirement, what level of strictness would reach the point that something more would be unacceptable?


Sandoval issues statement against background checks initiative :: 08/11/2016

Gov. Brian Sandoval has issued an official statement opposing the background checks initiative — short and not sweet (for backers) and dismissive.


Texas lawmaker wants those with gun free zones held liable after shootings :: 08/11/2016

A Tea Party Republican intends to introduce a bill that would place civil liability on businesses that ban lawful guns in the event of a patron getting hurt.


The Gun Control Battle is a Choice Between a Police State and a Free Society :: 08/11/2016

Gun control proponents often paint the fight over gun rights as a battle between “gun sense” advocates and fringe elements who want dangerous people to have access the firearms. In reality, the conflict is a fundamental choice every society must make. Does it want to live in a police state or a free society?


Trump: The Second Amendment candidate we need :: 08/11/2016

(CNN) Today, somewhere in America, Hillary Clinton will likely fly on a private jet under the watchful eye of armed security. For the last 30 years, Clinton has enjoyed the safety that comes with her armed security detail.


Famous Rapper Says Guns are the Last Form of Defense Against Tyranny :: 08/10/2016

In an interview to promote his 2012 documentary film on the origins of hip hop, outspoken liberal and avid gun rights supporter Ice-T was asked about his opinion on gun rights.


Government Now Targeting Gunsmiths with Enormous Fees in Latest Gun Prohibition Measure :: 08/10/2016

The Second Amendment was written to restrict government. It was never written to restrict the people or a business in any way, shape or form. However, though the right to keep and bear arms has historically been understood as a right that comes from our Creator, both state and federal representatives have been infringing on that right with restrictions and regulations and have even been going after ammunition in an attempt to push a gun prohibition agenda.


Gun violence and negativity bias in the Information Age :: 08/10/2016

Listen to news reports or scan headlines, and you’ll see stories of shootings daily.  Google is glad to set up an alert for you, if you want your in-box filled.  This flood of information contributes to the impression that many hold that gun violence is increasing.


Manchin, Capito discuss gun control, drugs at town hall :: 08/10/2016

ROCKET CENTER, W.Va. — Gun control laws, drugs and job creation were some of the issues discussed during a town hall meeting with Sens. Shelly Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) held Monday with employees of Orbital ATK.


Obama's forgiveness of gun crimes amid push for controls most incredible hypocrisy :: 08/10/2016

Richard Reid was already a two-time felon when authorities searched his Delaware apartment and found marijuana, crack cocaine divided into sales-size plastic bags, powder cocaine, a scale — and a loaded .32 caliber handgun, an unloaded .25 caliber pistol and ammunition for two other types of weapons.


Professors who ban guns in their classrooms will be punished, UT lawyer says :: 08/10/2016

AUSTIN — Three professors duking it out in court for the right to ban guns in their classrooms were told Monday they will be punished if they do, according to the latest legal back-and-forth prompted by Texas' new campus carry law.


Ron Johnson Slams Russ Feingold On Overreach On 2nd Amendment Rights :: 08/10/2016

Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson slammed former Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold on his inconsistencies on gun rights in a new digital ad released Tuesday.


University of Chicago Accidentally Proves That Gun Control Laws Don't Work :: 08/10/2016

The city of Chicago has some of the toughest and strictest gun control laws on the books out of all the major cities in the entire country.


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