proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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Latest News

U.N. Watch: Gun treaty still D.O.A. :: 10/04/2016

Hope springs eternal among gun-grabbing interests that the Obama administration somehow will get the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty through the Senate.


Anti-Gunners: Outback doesn't serve (BANS) good guys with guns :: 10/03/2016

The National Rifle Association and its allied politicians love to promote the false narrative that more guns and "good guys" with guns make everyone safe. As legitimate studies show, nothing could be further from the truth.


Clinton's tired old gun-control spiel gets no better with age :: 10/03/2016

Right on cue, there it was: Hillary Clinton in her first debate with Donald Trump, or whatever that surreal blatherfest was the other night, calling for "common sense gun safety" measures, comprehensive background checks and barring the poor souls on the no-fly list their right to constitutional due process.


Commentary: Trump law-and-order platform would help blacks :: 10/03/2016

Is Donald Trump's "law and order" campaign just code for racism? The media and Hillary Clinton sure believe so. After Trump's recent talk in Chester, the front page of the New York Times criticized him for supporting the deportation of people who have been charged with crimes and the aggressive profiling of terrorism suspects as racist and counterproductive.


Dispute between FBI, ATF leads to breakdown in gun retrievals, audit finds :: 10/03/2016

A long-standing dispute over the definition of “fugitive from justice” allowed the transfer of more than 2,000 firearms to accused criminals over a 16-year period, a federal audit uncovered last week.


Election will decide ideology of Supreme Court :: 10/03/2016

WASHINGTON — An evenly divided Supreme Court opens a new term this week with a few dozen mostly low-profile cases. But perhaps the biggest question of the year won't even be settled by the justices.


Murder far worse for blacks under Obama :: 10/03/2016

Donald Trump's pitch for black votes is that the condition of African-Americans is terrible, and after decades of being failed by Democratic policies they have nothing to lose by turning to him.


Violence is inherent to human nature, researchers claim :: 10/03/2016

Are human beings inherently violent?  According to a recent study by researchers of the Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas (Experimental Station of Arid Zones) and the University of Granada, yes, we are, but to the extent that some other mammal species are.  It turns out that the most violent mammal—the ones that most often kill members of their own species—is the meerkat.  Yes, the adorable town-dwellers of the Kalahari.  Many primates are on the top thirty list, as are members of the order Carnivora, but so is the California ground squirrel.


Gun Writer Feeling Backlash after Choosing Hillary and Immigration over RKBA :: 10/02/2016

“He was a contributor to American Rifleman. He is not a current contributor,” Chip Lohman, the Deputy Executive Director of NRA Publications, said about freelance writer Jorge Amselle. He was responding to an inquiry about Amselle’s status after the gun community learned he was supporting Hilary Clinton for president, and viewed “immigration” as an issue of more personal concern than the right to keep and bear arms.


Prince Law: PSP Illegally Disclosing LTCF Information Through NCIC :: 10/02/2016

Over the past couple days, I have received several reports, one from a 911 dispatcher, that approximately 3 days ago, an update was completed to the NCIC system, whereby when an officer in Pennsylvania runs an individual’s driver’s license, if the individual has a license to carry firearms (LTCF), the information relating to the individual’s LTCF is disclosed to the officer and everyone in the call center. This is in violation of the law.


Across US, police officers abuse confidential databases :: 10/01/2016

DENVER (AP) — Police officers across the country misuse confidential law enforcement databases to get information on romantic partners, business associates, neighbors, journalists and others for reasons that have nothing to do with daily police work, an Associated Press investigation has found.


DRGO: Hospitals: Gun-Free Terrorist Targets :: 10/01/2016

Thank you, Alan, Julianne and the SAF for asking me to speak to you again this year. As you may know I am a fervent opponent of Gun Free Zones in general, and in hospitals, in particular. The gun free zone, that is my hospital workplace, is the motivating factor for my Second Amendment rights restoration efforts and my presence here today.


Nevada professor calls research on background checks 'muddy' :: 10/01/2016

A Nevada professor called research regarding the effectiveness of background checks on preventing gun violence “muddy” and “limited” during a town hall forum at the Las Vegas Mob Museum Thursday.


She Was Raped at 22. Now She Advocates for Women to Have Choice to Carry a Gun. :: 10/01/2016

Amanda Collins had never planned on becoming a Second Amendment advocate. But on Oct. 22, 2007, when she was just 22 years old, her life would change forever. “I lived through the worst fear that I had had up until that point,”


All guns in U.S. should be dumped in ocean, judge says :: 09/30/2016

As the killer stood before him, Judge Kenneth Walker couldn't stay silent.


Buried in the Latest Trump Gaffe Is an Important Point About Self-Defense :: 09/30/2016

Across the political spectrum pundits are adding Donald Trump’s comment last Friday that Hillary’s Secret Service detail should “disarm” to his long list of reprehensible comments and bone-headed gaffes. They shouldn’t. I don’t think anyone seriously believes that Trump actually wants the Secret Service to disarm (he’s certainly not calling for his own detail to drop their weapons).


Cascade Mall Investigation Bares Problem Anti-gunners Ignore :: 09/30/2016

The unfolding investigation into the background of the Cascade Mall shooting suspect in Washington State has laid bare the fundamental problem with gun control across the country that anti-gunners routinely ignore: People intent on committing mayhem will not be stopped by gun laws, especially background check requirements.


CBS Exposes State Run Background Check Systems: S.C. church massacre exposed flaw in FBI background check system :: 09/30/2016

In June of 2015, Dylann Roof walked into a Charleston, South Carolina church and killed nine people with a gun investigators later determined he should not have been allowed to buy.


Is the handgun the definitive firearm of the United States? :: 09/30/2016

If the study conducted by Harvard and Northeastern Universities is to be accepted—and we’ll have to wait till sometime next year to see it in detail – handguns have become the firearm of choice for American gun owners, particularly those buying for the first time.  And the reason given by almost two-thirds of gun owners for having firearms was self-defense.


Massachusetts Retailers Sue the State Attorney General over an Unconstitutional Gun Ban :: 09/30/2016

Massachusetts attorney general Maura Healey has willfully abused the power of her office to push a progressive gun-control agenda. In July, she unilaterally expanded the state’s assault-weapon ban by reinterpreting it to include guns that duplicate or copy assault weapons.


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