proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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Latest News

Should 'Registry Block' Idea Apply to Firearms and Gun Owners Too? :: 11/23/2016

Legislation introduced Monday by Democrat Congresswoman Suzan DelBene of Washington’s 1st


Acknowledging domestic terror threat, Pentagon says troops, recruiters can carry concealed guns :: 11/22/2016

U.S. military personnel can now request to carry concealed handguns for protection at government facilities, according to new Defense Department directive issued last week in response to a series of deadly shootings over the last seven years.


Connection between gun control and UK homicide rate lacking evidence :: 11/22/2016

England is a favorite subject for advocates of gun control — so long as the discussion never gets beyond a shallow level.  It’s true to say that the homicide rate in England is low and that the gun homicide rate is much lower still.  We’re told over and over that the U.S. homicide rate is five times that of our cousins across the pond.  And that’s where gun control supporters want to leave the discussion — state a simple fact and assume that the conclusion is obvious.


Constitutional Carry: South Dakota Bill would allow carrying concealed pistol without permit :: 11/22/2016

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) - A Republican state lawmaker plans to sponsor a bill in the upcoming legislative session that would allow people who can legally carry a concealed handgun in South Dakota to do so without a permit.


Felon sentenced to 46 months for possession of a bullet :: 11/22/2016

A felon in Upstate New York was sentenced Tuesday to three years and ten months in prison for possessing a single bullet.


Kansas man's homemade gun silencers clash with federal law :: 11/22/2016

When Shane Cox began selling his homemade firearms and silencers out of his military surplus store, he stamped "Made in Kansas" on them to assure buyers that a Kansas law would prevent federal prosecution of anyone owning firearms made, sold and kept in the state.


Using Amnesty to Roll Back Second Amendment Infringements :: 11/22/2016

A little known law, passed concurrently with the Gun Control Act of 1968, offers the Trump administration a powerful lever. That lever can be used to roll back infringements on the Second Amendment that exist in the National Firearms Act of 1934.


A besieged Trump presidency ahead :: 11/21/2016

After a week managing the transition, Vice President-elect Mike Pence took his family out to the Broadway musical “Hamilton.”


Congress should quickly pass the Hearing Protection Act of 2015 :: 11/21/2016

Like many persons of the Baby Boom generation, I have hearing loss. This is most annoying when I can hear but not locate subtle squirrel barks in the woods and when I must turn up the TV volume very high in order to follow the dialogue.


Connecticut Episcopalian convention to weigh gun-free zones :: 11/21/2016

HARTFORD >> Connecticut Episcopalians gathering for a convention this weekend are considering a resolution that would ask all parishes in the state to declare themselves as gun-free zones.


Federal judge: 'If you don't like [Trump], you should go to another country' :: 11/21/2016

Donald Trump's election looms over a U.S. citizenship ceremony in San Antonio, as the judge presiding over the ceremony says if you don't like that Trump will be president, go to another country.


John Lott: Why an armed citizenry is crucial :: 11/21/2016

It seems obvious: Restrict gun access, and people will be safer. But theory and practice don’t always match. Too often, gun bans or background checks don’t stop criminals and instead disarm law-abiding citizens, particularly poor minorities. This only makes life easier for criminals.


Pennsylvania: Gov. Wolf Signs HB 263 to Allow Semi-Auto Firearms for Hunting :: 11/21/2016

Today Pennsylvania moved out of the dark ages when Governor Wolf signed HB 263 into law providing for the lawful use of Semi-Auto firearms and air rifles in hunting.  This legislation will end a decades long unfounded prejudice against these types of firearms.  Please take a moment to reach out and thank your state Representative, your state Senator and Governor Wolf for supporting this important legislation!


Anti-Gunners: Gun control's silver bullets :: 11/20/2016

GUN CONTROL was a central tenet of Hillary Clinton’s unsuccessful campaign for president, but it would be wrong to interpret the results of the Nov. 8 elections as a slam dunk for those opposed to sensible gun laws. Three states approved ballot initiatives for strengthened gun-control measures despite stiff opposition from the national gun lobby.


Anti-Gunners: Preventing gun suicides may require changes to background check laws :: 11/20/2016

Gun control laws that mandate a background check before a gun can be temporarily transferred to a friend or family member may interfere with suicide prevention efforts, researchers say.


Why Jeff Sessions, 'an Advocate for the Constitution,' Has Conservatives So Excited :: 11/20/2016

As attorney general, Jeff Sessions could go a long way toward reversing the politicization of the Justice Department that occurred under the Obama administration, Republican senators and conservative activists said Friday, after President-elect Donald Trump announced he is nominating the Alabama Republican senator for the nation’s top law enforcement job.


PA: Fatal Shooting; Expired Permit; no Charges :: 11/19/2016

Arizona – -( Wednesday, 16 November, 2016, two brothers decided to rob a Bucks County pizza shop in Levitown, Pennsylvania. It was just after 10 p.m. The shop had closed only moments before, but there was one customer left inside.


Trump Appoints Staunch Conservative Mike Pompeo as CIA Director :: 11/19/2016

As president-elect Donald Trump continues to fill his cabinet with far-right conservatives, multiple media outlets report that Kansas U.S. Representative Mike Pompeo has been offered and accepted the position of CIA director. Pompeo's voting record in the House shows a commitment to conservative approaches to national security, including a vote to renew the roving wire taps allowed under the Patriot Act.


What Can Gun Owners Expect From President-Elect Trump in 2017? :: 11/19/2016

USA –-( If you’ve been listening to the NBC and CNN news reports after the election, you’d think that the Trump administration is going to launch some pretty outlandish initiatives, even by reality television standards.


Alito outlines possible conservative agenda for U.S. high court :: 11/18/2016

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Justice Samuel Alito on Thursday laid out a possible agenda for the U.S. Supreme Court if it regains its conservative majority as expected after Donald Trump takes office, citing gun rights and religious freedom as among key issues it will tackle in the coming years.


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