proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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Man challenges deputies on open carry laws at Milwaukee County Zoo :: 08/19/2017

A gun rights activist was stopped this week at the Milwaukee County Zoo for openly carrying his firearm.


The Screwing of America - They Are Not My Friends :: 08/19/2017

U.S.A.-( The recent events in Charlottesville, Virginia should have every liberty-loving American deeply concerned. Ronald Reagan's warning, that “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction,” sounds ominously prescient today. Clearly the people involved, mostly young men, have no understanding of what freedom and the great American experiment are all about.


Trump Media Detractors Ignoring Democrat Promoter of Pershing Pig Story :: 08/19/2017

USA – -( “Trump responds to Barcelona terror attack by spreading debunked rumor,” CNN is gloating. Joining in were The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post and all the major players, including those that don’t even try to pretend being objective.


How the Constitution was shredded in Charlottesville :: 08/18/2017

A woman on Tuesday leaves a flower at a memorial at Fourth and Water streets in Charlottesville, Va., where Heather Heyer was killed when a car rammed into a group of counterprotesters last weekend. Associated press


Justice Department to end Obama-era 'Operation Choke Point' :: 08/18/2017

The Justice Department has committed to ending a controversial Obama-era program that discourages banks from doing business with a range of companies, from payday lenders to gun retailers.


More states are allowing guns on college campuses :: 08/18/2017

A community college instructor in Texas recently started off the academic year by wearing a bulletproof vest and army helmet to class. He did this to protest a law that, starting this August, authorizes individuals to carry concealed handguns at public community colleges in Texas. In 2016, the same law had already allowed guns at four-year institutions.


Pennsylvania lawmaker wants guns banned from public demonstrations :: 08/18/2017

A Pennsylvania state lawmaker has vowed to push legislation that would ban guns at public demonstrations, as a response to the violence that erupted at protests in Charlottesville, Virginia.


Rolling gun battles are common on California freeways :: 08/18/2017

The freeways of California’s Bay Area have become an increasingly commonplace for gun battles over the last two years, and while authorities say some are the result of road rage other factors, the vast majority are gang-related.


Collins says his bill would restore New Yorkers Second Amendment rights :: 08/17/2017

Congressman Chris Collins’ response to the Union-Sun & Journal's recent editorial (Aug. 11):


Lawsuit Could Set Precedent on Restoring Gun Owner Rights for Non-Violent Felons :: 08/17/2017

USA – -( A man convicted in 2010 for securities fraud who wants his right to own a gun recognized by the government filed a complaint Monday in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. Montana resident Gregory L. Reyes’ lawsuit names as defendants U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Thomas E. Brandon, Acting Director of the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.


Piers Morgan: Time to Limit Second and First Amendments :: 08/17/2017

Following the car attack in Charlottesville and the toppling of the Confederate statue in Durham, Daily Mail editor Piers Morgan suggested it is time to limit the Second and First Amendments.


Why Gun Control Laws Fail :: 08/17/2017

Cities such as Chicago and New York apparently have a gun control problem. Their extensive array of gun control laws continues to fail to prevent violent gun crime. However, there is a constant drone from lawmakers in such states to enact even more restrictive laws and make guns harder to acquire.  The laws in place do just that but, sadly, the law-abiding citizenry are encumbered, and not criminal.


American Bar Association supports gun violence restraining orders :: 08/16/2017

The American Bar Association approved a resolution Tuesday to support gun violence restraining orders, despite opposition from some over issues of due process.


Media Spreads Fake News with VPC Silencer Disinformation :: 08/16/2017

“Study Shows Firearm Silencers Threaten Public Safety, “ NJToday “reported” Monday in what could better be described as a press release for the virulently anti-gun Violence Policy Center.  Calling a handful of isolated anecdotes woven into an attack piece a “study” is the first bit of deception. Presenting those anecdotes and VPC’s conclusion without even attempting to consult someone who might actually know what he’s talking about is a good indication that the “staff reporters” are flacks fraudulently promulgating agenda politics rather than investigating and reporting in a manner consistent with any semblance of ethics or respect for canons of journalism.


Momentarily Standing Back From The Constitutional Precipice :: 08/16/2017

USA –  -( It was obvious to those who voted for President Trump (POTUS) that our country was on a precipice. Republicans who professed to understand the problem – after Mr Trump defined the needs of our republic – appeared to lack the strength of will to be able to carry out the new, necessary agenda.


The media couldn't be more blatant in distorting Trump's words on Charlottesville :: 08/16/2017

Has the media ever so deliberately and consistently misinterpreted what a president said?


If We Erase Our History, Who Are We? :: 08/15/2017

USA –  -( When the Dodge Charger of 20-year-old Nazi sympathizer James Alex Fields Jr., plunged into that crowd of protesters Saturday, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer, Fields put Charlottesville on the map of modernity alongside Ferguson.


Pennsylvania man who led militia in Charlottesville condemns white supremacists :: 08/15/2017

The leader of a Pennsylvania-based militia group that attended Saturday’s ‘Unite the Right’ event in Charlottesville is condemning the white nationalists who put on the rally.


Pressure Building to Pass National Reciprocity :: 08/15/2017

With the newest Republican Congresswoman from Georgia, Karen Handel, cosponsoring HR 38 last week, there are now 209 cosponsors of the national reciprocity bill. That bill was introduced in the House by Representative Richard Hudson (R-N.C.) in January with a companion bill being introduced in the Senate simultaneously by Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas). With Handel’s endorsement, that means passage by the House is just nine votes away.


Republicans press Trump DOJ to end Obama-era program that 'targeted' gun dealers :: 08/15/2017

Top House Republicans are asking Attorney General Jeff Sessions to end an Obama-era Justice Department program that has ensnared firearms dealers and other legitimate merchants while attempting to cut off credit to sham businesses. 


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