proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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Why - A Case For Gun Control - Isn't :: 09/04/2017

Gun control advocates will never stop, and it’s easy to understand why. After all, if they really believe guns are a problem, why would they? I honestly believe that 200 years from now, we’ll have people arguing over how the Constitution was never intended to cover plasma rifles in the 40-watt range for just that reason.


Antifa IS a Domestic Terror Group with Ties to Anti-Gun Supporters, But What About BAMN? :: 09/02/2017

U.S.A.-( Webster’s dictionary defines terrorism as “the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion.”  There is a group in the US that would fit that definition to a tee. They are known as Antifa or the Anti-fascist. I have written about this group in the past for Ammoland (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3). I have been following them in the US and their rise across western Europe since 2005. One thing is for sure; They believe in using any means necessary to achieve their goal of an anarcho-communist state even if that means direct violent confrontation.


Social Justice Collective Calls for Four-Year Universities to Ban Veterans, Cites NRA Ties :: 09/02/2017

It’s admittedly getting more and more difficult to separate fact from fiction these days, especially when it comes to the increasingly bizarre world of anti-gun social justice crusaders.


Are Gun Laws Really Common Sense. . .or More of the Same Stupid Stuff? :: 09/01/2017

Are gun laws really “common sense” or are they extraordinarily foolish?  Let’s look at the gun control laws being asked for today.  Do these regulations restrict criminals, or do they restrict honest citizens?  Look at the record and decide for yourself.


NRA marks win as lawmakers gut measure that would have limited rifle purchases in California :: 09/01/2017

The National Rifle Assn. won a rare victory in the California Legislature on Friday when a committee gutted key portions of a bill that would have prohibited buying more than one rifle in any 30-day period.


The Constitution is a shield from the tyranny of the majority :: 09/01/2017

“The Constitution is a shield from the tyranny of the majority,” so said U.S. District Federal Judge, Roger Benitez late last June when he blocked one of the most horrific laws yet to damage the 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights — even in California dominated by one political party and one political ideology. A California referendum, potentially making thousands, perhaps millions, felons, was to go into effect July 1.


Gun control group: Suppressor sales numbers proves regulation works :: 08/31/2017

National gun control advocates cite the news of record sales of suppressors as proof that current regulations are not burdensome and should be retained.


In California, Confiscation Is No Longer A Threat. It's The Law. :: 08/31/2017

At the end of June, California was set to start enforcing a law that America’s gun owners are routinely assured that “nobody, anywhere is proposing.” Had the state not been prevented from implementing the rule by a sensible federal judge, an extraordinary precedent would have been set. 


Do You Support Total Interstate Gun Law Reciprocity? :: 08/30/2017

Gun Law Reciprocity: If you're legal to carry in one state, you are legal to carry in all states.


How California's New Ammo Regulations May Impact You :: 08/30/2017

We all know just how hostile to the Second Amendment the state of California is. If there’s a ludicrous idea to allegedly reduce crime but will really just impact the rights of ordinary Americans, California will jump all in for it. Such is their way.


Is Second Amendment Guarantee Act (SAGA-HR 3576) Really all it is Cracked Up To Be? :: 08/30/2017

New York, NY  -( In our previous post we explained some major failings of Congressman Chris Collins’ bill as drafted.


Tucker Carlson: I'll Disarm When Michael Bloomberg Disarms :: 08/30/2017

After pointing out the hypocrisy of gun controllers who fight to deny weapons for the common man yet surround themselves with layers of armed guards, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson said he will disarm as soon as Michael Bloomberg does.


A distorted view of concealed carry :: 08/29/2017

Last month former Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Chief and former Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey offered his view of the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017 in the Philadelphia Inquirer. The bill will allow a qualified individual to carry a concealed handgun into or possess a concealed handgun in another state that allows individuals to carry concealed firearms.


DRGO: Just when you thought the anti-gunners couldn't get any crazier . . . :: 08/29/2017

If you happened to take a few minutes to peruse the “Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America” Facebook page in an attempt to learn about the terrible events in Charlottesville recently, you might have been a little confused. Their page was filled with stories about “armed intimidation” and “armed demonstrators”.  


Everytown Critique a Sign of 'Trouble in Paradise' :: 08/29/2017

USA – -( “As a gun violence survivor, I feel betrayed by Everytown,” Kate Ranta complained in The Huffington Post, objecting to the gun-grabbing group’s sponsorship of the Fraternal Order of Police conference. “Everytown volunteers like me are now leaving the organization in droves, disgusted that our leadership would partner with an organization that has been a steadfast ally of the National Rifle Association and defender of racially-motivated police brutality. “


Georgia Law Enforcement Looking Into Gun Turn :: 08/29/2017

Gun buy backs (more appropriately termed turn-ins) are a misguided and ineffective tactic for combating violent crime, and those that continue to champion them accomplish little more than revealing their own ignorance.


Parents blame other parents for school shootings, study finds :: 08/29/2017

A recent study published this year found parents blame other parents for school shootings.


NRA's Message to Liberal Elitists: We're Coming for You :: 08/28/2017

In a series of videos constituting a campaign for truth, the NRA is making clear it is out to expose the violent tendencies of liberal elitists and to defeat those elitists at the ballot box and in the public arena of ideas.


White House Asked To Declare George Soros A Terrorist And Seize All Of His U.S. Assets :: 08/28/2017

Although his immense wealth and his connections with the Democratic party have kept him virtually impervious to reprisal, his latest actions may finally come back to haunt him. According to usasupreme, a petition challenging Soros has already gathered almost 34,000 signatures, putting it on course to receive the 100,000 signatures needed to receive an official response from the White House.


6 Gun Groups That Aren't for White Right-Wingers :: 08/26/2017

I have a theory that the quickest way to get legislative gun control in this country would be to start a movement that successfully convinces millions of black folks to join the NRA. I’m not pro-gun, I just know that a gun rights movement fueled largely by white fright would suddenly see the logic in gun restrictions if more people that didn’t look like them carried firearms.


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