proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR518

Title: Designating the month of November 2024 as "Veterans and Military Families Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution designating the month of November 2024 as "Veterans and Military Families Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action: Reported as committed

Last Action Date: Sep 30, 2024

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Latest News

ATF agent in charge, federal attorney at center of misconduct probe fired :: 09/15/2017

A senior government agent and a federal prosecutor at the center of a misconduct probe lost their jobs this week within the Department of Justice.


DRGO: To Err Is Human :: 09/15/2017

We at DRGO spend a whole lot of time exploring gun issues every day. That includes research (such as it is), politics, advocacy, policy, and the occasional hobbyist item (because we are, after all, gun enthusiasts). And in everything, there is bias.


Anti-Gunners: Everytown, gun control group, turns on spigot in Virginia elections with $1 million :: 09/14/2017

Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, the campaign arm of one of the nation’s biggest gun control groups, announced Thursday that it would spend at least $1 million in Virginia as part of an “initial investment” to elect Democrats in November.


Customs agents seized a lawful gun owner's truck over five bullets. Now he's suing to get it back. :: 09/14/2017

On Sept. 21, 2015, Gerardo Serrano was driving from his home in Kentucky to Piedras Negras, Mexico, when his truck was searched by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents at Texas's Eagle Pass border crossing. After finding a small ammunition clip, the agents took Serrano's truck from him.


Federal gun policy inspires votes more than other hot button issues: Survey :: 09/14/2017

Federal gun policy inspires votes more than other hot button issues — including the environment, abortion and immigration, according to a survey published last week.


NRA Fact Checks the Washington Post on SHARE Act :: 09/14/2017

A recent piece in the Washington Post on the SHARE Act, legislation in Congress aimed at protecting the rights of America’s sportsmen and women, was fake news at its worst.


The ABA is Committed to Due Process, Unless You're a Gun Owner :: 09/14/2017

It’s common for lawmakers to go after guns when there’s a “crisis.” The governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands ordered the National Guard to seize guns before Hurricane Irma hit, and the mayor of New Orleans did something similar before Katrina.


CeaseFirePA launches video campaign against Pennsylvania's bill to arm teachers :: 09/13/2017

A state-based gun control group launched a video campaign this week against a proposal to arm Pennsylvania’s teachers pending in the Legislature.


Chicago Archdiocese bans firearms from all church properties :: 09/13/2017

The Archdiocese of Chicago, headed by Cardinal Blase Cupich, has announced that firearms are now officially banned from all church properties.


Fake News: CBS Asks - How Heavily Armed is Your State? :: 09/13/2017

Arizona -( This fake news report keeps on circulating. It is time to debunk the ignorant and misleading story. This “article” appears to have been published by CBS in 2014. The implication of the story is that it tells something about how many firearms are in each state.


Republicans push gun silencer bill; Democrats fire back :: 09/13/2017

Lawmakers on Tuesday debated the merits of a Republican-backed bill that would make it easier for individuals to buy gun silencers.


Apply background checks for gun purchases to voting :: 09/12/2017

Republicans worry about vote fraud. Democrats claim that Republicans are just imagining things. But in testimony Tuesday before the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, I will suggest a simple solution that could make both parties happy: Apply the background check system for gun purchases to voting.


DRGO: How to Make Friends and Influence People - About Guns :: 09/12/2017

The antagonism of medical leaders has infected too many physicians with disregard for the Second Amendment and the value of firearms. More than anything, DRGO’s purpose is to correct that. But addressing these prejudices, once established, is an uphill battle.


Little-Known Group Aims to End Private Gun Sales (and More) in Ohio (and Beyond) :: 09/11/2017

“Proposed Ohio ballot initiative would require background checks for all gun sales,” NBC4i Columbus reported Thursday. “The newly formed group calling itself ‘Ohioans for Gun Safety’ says they want ‘common sense’ background checks to stem the number of gun deaths.” They’re looking at how they can make that happen politically through a ballot intiative.


Ryan Blocking Concealed Carry Reciprocity, Congressman Tells AAR :: 09/11/2017

USA – -( Speaker Paul Ryan will not allow Congressional action on national concealed carry reciprocity to move bills forward, Rep. Thomas Massie told host Mark Walters Thursday on Armed American Radio.  The reason given is Ryan thinks the timing isn’t right to consider H.R. 2909, the D.C. Personal Protection Reciprocity Act, a supplement to state reciprocity provisions of H.R. 38.


Suppressor deregulation proposal rolled into new SHARE Act :: 09/11/2017

Battle lines are being drawn early in a sweeping new sportsmen’s’ package introduced in the House earlier this month that includes language from the Hearing Protection Act.


Why Training Requirements Should Be Struck Down :: 09/11/2017

Recently, I had a conversation with someone about constitutional carry. I’ve previously referred to it as “the Holy Grail” for gun rights, and I believe that. This individual didn’t. They weren’t an anti-gun zealot like Shannon Watts or Michael Bloomberg by any stretch. In fact, I’d seen them as ardent defenders of the Second Amendment before this conversation, so I was forced to ask what their problem was with constitutional carry.


If voter fraud by out-of-state Democrats managed to sway New Hampshire elections the implications are huge :: 09/09/2017

Did voter fraud in New Hampshire save ObamaCare from being repealed?


New law makes it way too easy to take guns away from people without cause :: 09/09/2017

Our system of government is both unique and powerful with “We The People” being in charge. This is a captivating concept where the people in the United States of America consent to be governed. To bring this concept to the state level, when we dislike the way we are being governed — with unfair laws— there are various means to change the government to better serve us, through public protests, elections and voter referendums.


Physicians Group Launches Effort to Help Patients Find Pro-Gun Healthcare Providers :: 09/09/2017

The NRA has long warned its members about the medical profession’s institutional bias against guns and their owners. This politically-motivated position – backed by flimsy and often misinterpreted “studies” – has even resulted in patients being denied care for refusing to discuss gun ownership with healthcare providers. This discrimination, in turn, has provoked legislation to prevent doctors from injecting their politics into the exam room. 


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