proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action: Reported as committed

Last Action Date: Oct 1, 2024

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Texas Killer Alleged To Have Escaped From Mental Institution :: 11/07/2017

The more we learn about the deranged gunman who set foot in a Texas church and gunned down 26 people, wounding 20 more, the more we see a portrait of the exact type of man no one wants to be around. Convicted of abusing his wife and child by an Air Force court-martial, he should have been barred from ever owning a firearm.


Texas shooting: Liberal media fixates on laws that wouldn't have stopped attack, ignores good guy with gun :: 11/07/2017

Before knowing almost anything about Sunday’s mass public shooting, gun control advocates are once again calling for more gun control. The attack at the First Baptist Church in tiny Sutherland Springs, Texas, claimed 26 lives and left people with an understandable desire to “do something.” One thing is certain: the proposals put forward by gun control advocates wouldn’t have stopped this attack. 


Background checks in D.C. triple after city officials drop appeal of concealed carry ruling :: 11/06/2017

Federal background checks tripled last month in the nation’s capitol after city officials said they wouldn’t appeal a circuit court ruling on its concealed carry law.


HERO: Man Who Shot Texas Church Murderer Is An NRA Instructor :: 11/06/2017

So much for those who want to vilify the NRA in the wake of the Texas massacre in Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday: Stephen Willeford, the man who shot and chased the man who killed 26 people in a Texas church, is an NRA instructor. Willeford insisted, “I’m no hero; I am not. I think my God, my Lord, protected me and gave me the skills to do what needed to be done.”


Texas Attorney General: I Would Rather Arm Citizens Than Increase Gun Control :: 11/06/2017

Amid demands for more gun control in the aftermath of Sunday’s mass shooting at a church in Sutherland, Texas, the state’s attorney general said Monday that he “would rather arm law-abiding citizens” to prevent such incidents than pass laws that would prevent people from owning firearms.


Texas Church Shooter Passed Background Check for His Gun :: 11/06/2017

The Texas church shooter, Devin Kelley, acquired his gun via a background check at a retail sporting goods store in San Antonio.


Texas killer was able to buy guns because of Air Force lapse :: 11/06/2017

ATLANTA (AP) — The gunman who slaughtered 26 people at a Texas church was able to buy weapons because the Air Force failed to report his domestic-violence conviction to the federal database that is used to conduct background checks on would-be gun purchasers, authorities said Monday.


The State of Concealed and Open Carry in Churches :: 11/06/2017

Arizona -( – According to, there are two states that ban concealed carry in churches, Nebraska and Louisiana. Nebraska allows a church to authorize an armed security team if the team members have carry permits and if written notice is given to church members.  Louisiana law is similar but requires an extra eight hours of training every year. Seven states and D.C. that require the permission of a church leader to conceal carry firearms in church, and 41 states where carry in churches is treated the same as any other private property.


We Don't Need Gun Control to Stop Mass Shootings :: 11/06/2017

There’s literally nowhere in the United States in which a tragic mass shooting isn’t possible. The horrifying attack on Sunday at First Baptist Church in small-town Sutherland Springs, Texas, proves that. It’s clear something needs to be done to help stop similar attacks from happening in the future, but the path forward continues to be a major source of contention between those who want to expand government’s power in our lives and those who oppose such assaults on freedom.


5 Gun Myths That Need To Die. . . .Horribly :: 11/05/2017

The world is full of gun myths, most are born out of pure ignorance. The people who write Hollywood screenplays and direct action sequences aren’t exactly gun people, so it’s somewhat understandable that they botch so much.


Chicago's Law-And-Order Policies Are Failing Catastrophically :: 11/05/2017

Angry that the federal government cut funding to Chicago, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) claimed the Trump administration is contributing to the city’s violence. “So far this year, 3,000 people have been injured by gunshot in the city of Chicago and over 500 have been killed,” Durbin angrily told Attorney General Jeff Sessions during a hearing last week.


Media Matters quotes Bloomberg supported researcher who calls for media to not talk to John Lott :: 11/05/2017

There is a long history of those associated with Michael Bloomberg and other gun control groups refusing to debate Dr. John Lott.  Here is one example at C-SPAN where Bloomberg’s Everytown research director Ted Alcorn refused to debate.  Other examples of Bloomberg and other gun control groups refusing to debate are available here.


The best way for New York to enhance public safety? More guns :: 11/05/2017

On terrorism, we often are fighting the last war. And sometimes the supposed solutions have nothing to do with preventing future attacks. They just give the appearance that politicians are doing something. 


When a Population is Disarmed: A Brief History of Tyranny :: 11/05/2017

History has shown us again and again that when a nation is disarmed by their government, tyranny follows. Adolph Hitler famously said, “To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.”


Congress Needs to Hear from YOU on National Right to Carry! :: 11/04/2017

As the first session of this Congress comes to a close, the media is focusing on the administration’s plan for tax cuts. And while it’s certainly true federal officials have their hands full reigning in the excesses of the last administration, our elected officials need to hear from law-abiding gun owners to ensure that they protect and expand the right to keep and bear arms. 


Is the NRA Responsible for America's Attitude to Gun Control? :: 11/04/2017

The second amendment to the U.S.A constitution was implemented in 1791 and is defined colloquially as “the right to bear arms.” The full amendment reads “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The intention behind the amendment was to ensure the government could never exert total control over its people. By having a people with the right to bear arms, the will of the people would prevail. The citizens of the U.S.A would have the power to overthrow their government by violent force if it was required.


Their America, and Ours :: 11/04/2017

U.S.A.-( you at Peace Cross.” In northwest D.C. in the 1950s, that was an often-heard comment among high schoolers headed for Ocean City.


Communist Sympathizer Mag 'The Nation' Backs Convention of States :: 11/03/2017

It’s finally happened: The radical Marxist left has realized that they can implement their agenda by amending the Constitution through an Article V convention. Still think a convention of states is a good idea?


Homeland Security personnel lost over 200 firearms in 3-year period :: 11/03/2017

A report issued last week by the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General details that hundreds of guns and thousands of badges have gone missing in recent years.


Washington Post: Supreme Court Could Make a Move on Guns. . . .In An Unconventional Way :: 11/03/2017

Yesterday, two gun control-advocating UCLA professors penned an OpEd in the Washington Post detailing how the Supreme Court could rule on the Second Amendment without actually taking up a case on gun rights.


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